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10:02AM "We have a great conference for you this week. Over 5200 attendees, 57 countries, and we sold out in eight days."

10:02AM “我们在本周给各位准备了一个很棒的会议。共有超过57个国家、5200个参与者,而这我们只花了8天时间就办到了。

10:02AM "We apologize to folks who couldn't be here... this is the biggest place we can get, so... anyway." Laughs!

10:02AM “我们向那些无法与会的朋友们道歉,但这已经是我们可以安排的最大的会场了,笑~"

10:03AM "We're excited about this year's conference and thrilled to have you here."

10:03AM "今年的大会让我们感到很兴奋,我们也很高兴大家聚在这里”

10:03AM "I want to give you some updates, and I want to start with the iPad. It's changing the way we experience the web, email, photos, maps, video, you name it. It's a whole new way to interact with the internet, apps, content and media."

10:03AM “我来分享一些最新的消息,先从iPad开始说起。它重新定义了人们上,邮件,照片,地图,视频等很多其他方面的体验。它提供了一种和络,程序,内容和媒体互动的方式”

10:04AM "It is magical, I know it because I got this email: I was sitting in a café with my iPad, and it got a girl interested in me!." "So there's proof." Huge cheers.

10:04AM “它太神奇了,在我收到的一封邮件里用户写道:ipad让我在咖啡厅里泡到了马子!”。“这就是证据”巨大的掌声。

10:05AM "We're selling one every 3 seconds. We've started shipping international... and we have a little real of press coverage, can we roll that" A clip of international coverage of the iPad...

10:05AM “我们每3秒钟就可以售出一台. 并且已经开始在其它国家发售。。。我们有一些其它国家的新闻报道,我可以和大家分享吗?”一段国际上关于ipad的报道。。。

10:05AM Yes, people are freaking out all over the world about the iPad. Really really freaking out.

10:05AM 是的,全世界的人民都在为ipad而疯狂。异常的疯狂!

10:06AM Big cheers -- and Steve is back out. "We're in 10 countries today, we'll be in 19 by July. So there are now 8500 iPad apps in the app store. It can run iPhone apps too. These 8500 apps have been downloaded over 35m times. That's about 17 apps per iPad that have already been downloaded. That's a great number. Let me show you a few."

10:06AM 巨大的掌声--乔布斯又回来了。“目前已有10个国家发售ipad了,这

个数字将在7月上升到19个。目前已经有8500个ipad 原生软件。ipad还可以运行iphone软件。这8500款软件已经被下载超过3500万次。也就是每台ipad已经下载超过17款软件。这是一个非凡的数字。让我来向你们展示其中一些优秀作品"

10:07AM "Here's an app that's really cool -- it's called The Elements. 10:07AM "这是一款非常酷的软件---它的名字是Elements”

10:08AM "A friend of mine wrote this, and he sent me an email and he said I could use it. I earned more in the first day of selling Elements than I did in the past 5 years of Google ads on " Ouch 10:08AM “我的一个朋友在给我的电子邮件中说他能使用这个程序。在

google过去5年的广告收益,我们在第一天的销售中就达到了,并且超将其过。” 10:10AM "Publishers tell us that sales of there eBook sales are at 22% right now. 22% in iBooks. We're making some changes today -- notes, you can make notes right here, new bookmarks, and a new page displaying your notes and bookmarks."

10:10AM 出版商反馈给我们的消息是ebook的销售额现在已经达到了22%,电子书的销售额竟然达到了22%。我相信我们在改变着一些东西,关于notes,你可以设置新的书签,并且可以在书签上打开新的标签页。

10:10AM "We're also adding PDF viewing in the app. We've put a selector right up top, you can select PDFs, you get a whole new bookshelf. They just look gorgeous."

10:10AM 我们也在程序中添加了pdf浏览功能的支持,而且我们已经将其置顶作为重点推荐,您能够选择合适的方式浏览pdf,也能开始全新的书签体验,这一切看起来都是非常华美的。

10:11AM "So PDF viewing built right in. That enhancement will be out later this month. So that is my update for the iPad."

10:11AM 现在,pdf浏览已经内置了,这一新的改变将在这个月底推出,这是ipad的升级与更新。
