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1、professional paper(第一页)

2、subjective description(77页)

3、technical report(166页)














1.Professional paper:A professional paper is a formal printed document in which professional present their views and research finding on any deliberately chosen topic. It is variously known as “research paper”, “course paper”, “thesis paper” or “library paper”.

2.Subjective description:subjective description shows the author’s impressions of or responses to what they see. The author does not only want of describe the object itself but also express directly or indirectly his impressions or opinions of what he is describing.

3. Technical report: technical report refers to the papers whose contents involve certain unpublicized key technologies, technical know-how, or traditional Chinese technological processes, special raw materials, new technologies or methods that may bring about greater economic benefit, as well as technical renovation and transformation of relevant devices, instrument, prototypes, etc.


1.Finding topics: (1) It should be a topic within the reach of the author and capable of being finished within the assigned or suggested time limited. (2) It should be a topic of practical value for the specialty or the development of economy or science in general. (3) It should be a topic for which sufficient materials and documents can be made available either through readings or through investigations. Research work is by nature discovery and creation. (4) It should bear being tested theoretically and experimentally if his research is experimentation and investigation in nature as science demands thoroughness, accuracy and objectivity. (5) It should be a topic free from the author’s personal bias or preference even if it may be a topic of humanistic nature.

2. What are the general functions of a title in a professional paper?

(1) Generalizing the text; By glancing at the title, the reader will immediately know, incorporating with the abstract, what is mainly dealt with in the paper.

(2) Attracting the reader; Ideally, the title should be such that, by reading it, any professional reader can see whether the paper is worth reading at all.

(3) Facilitating the retrieval. A good title can help the reader in his search for information.

3. What are the writing requirements for an abstract?

(1) Integrity; An abstract should include what the writer has done and what he has achieved within the scope of the topic, such as the research theories, research methods, investigations and experimental results and conclusions. To differentiate his paper work from others, the writer needs to stress his own contribution.

(2) Concise; The writer’s abstract is a miniature version of the body of his paper, self-contained and unambiguous.

(3) Consistency; As a mini-paper, an abstract should be consistent with the other parts of the whole paper.

(4) Concentration; An evaluation of a new technique or a discussion of the validity of the new results should properly appear in the conclusive section.

4. What are the “5 step” in abstract writing?

(1) Underlining key words and sentences; Underline the key words and sentences which are often signaled by transitional devices.

(2) Listing essential point of the paper; Try to put the same emphasis onto the points of your paper as you did with the original paper.

(3) Boiling down each section to a sentence or two; This is especially important for a descriptive (or indicative) abstract.

(4) Drafting the abstract; Use your own words wherever possible.

(5) Checking the final draft. Firstly, it should be shorten further to a minimum length. Secondly recheck the abstract until you are satisfied with it. Finally, the abstract should be read critically by your colleagues for objectivity.

5. What is your understanding of the structural features of the introduction?

(1)Introducing the subject; Since the topic in this section is what the paper is going to deal with, the readers, then, can get a preliminary but overall impression before going on with the full text of the paper.

(2) Limiting the research scope; Only when an introduction clearly defines the limits of the research scope can readers retrieve the information efficiently provided that the subject is introduced correctly.

(3) Stating the general purpose; The function of stating the general purpose is aimed at telling the reader of the general purpose of the why to where to start or where to guide.

(4) Showing the writing arrangement. The logical arrangement of the writing enables the reader to understand the paper more easily when further reading is necessary.

6. What are the main methods of logical development?

(1) Developing by chronological sequence; (2) Developing by investigation procedures;

(3) Developing the research “from abstract to concrete”; (4) Developing the research “from concrete to abstract”; (5) Developing by using other logical sequencing.

7. Give your understanding of the writing requirements for results with your own example?

(1) Any data shown in this section must be meaningful. (2) The presentation of results should be short without verbiage and be of crystal clarity.

