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2. sing—singer

3. high—height


5. smile—smiling

6. bored—boring

7.patient—impatient 8. polite—impolite 9. Britain—British 10.mix—mixed 11. discuss—discussion 12. France—French 13.f oreign—foreigner 14. win—winner 15. day—daily

16.w eek—weekly 17. health—healthy


1. something to drink

考点:不定式to drink 做something的后置定语。类似:something to eat.


1). 如果不定式是不及物动词短语,其后常跟必要的动词。如:

a pen to write with 一只用来写字的钢笔

a child to look after 一个需要照料的孩子

2). 被修饰的名词是time、place、way等词语时,不定式后习惯省略介词。

We are looking for a place to live (in). 我们在找住的地方。

中考链接:We are thirsty. Please bring us _________.

A. something to eat

B. to eat something

C. to drink something

D. something to drink

2. some more food

考点:数词+more +名词复数=another +数词+名词复数

中考链接:You should put ____in the fire.

A. some more paper

B. more some paper

C. any more paper

D. more any paper

3. honest

1 / 7

考点:honest 作为形容词,虽是h开头,但是其发音的第一个音素却是元音因素,h不发音,因此前面的不定冠词需用an, 类似的单词有hour等。反义词为dishonest.

4.maybe 和may be

考点:maybe 副词,常位于句首,表猜测,相当于perhaps, probably, possibly

may be 动词短语, 常位于主语后面

5. be willing to do sth 乐意做某事

考点:近义短语be ready to do sth

6. in need

考点:常作后置定语,位于被修饰词的后;若表示“急需,很需要”,常用in great need.

典例:A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。

7.walk past 走过

考点:注意past 和pass 词性,类似有cross 和across等。判断的标准是句子是否缺少动词。

8.knock 的短语

Knock sth onto . . . . . 将某物撞到. . . . 上

Knock at/on 敲

Knock over 撞翻

Knock down 打倒;撞到

中考链接:Tom was careless. He ____the cup ____the ground.

A.knocked; off

B. knocked; at

C. knocked; over

D. knocked; onto

9.too much; much too 区别

考点:too much 后加不可数名词

much too 修饰形容词或副词

10.voice, sound, noise区别

2 / 7

3 / 7

中考链接:—- Listen! Who is singing?一-It's Betty. She has a sweet_______.

A. sound

B. voice


noise D. speech

11. bored ,boring 区别


interested adj. 感兴趣的; interesting adj. 有趣的excited adj. 激动的; exciting adj. 令人激动的


The film was so______that soon all the children in the cinema began feeling_____with it and they went out one by one.

A. bored ; boring

B. boring ; boring

C. bored ; bored

D. boring ; bored 解析the film 为物, boring 意为“令人感到无聊的”,常用来修饰事或物; all the children 为人, bored 意为“无聊的; 厌烦?的”, 常用来修饰人。故D 选项正确答案 D

12. What’s sb like? 某人是什么样的人?

What's sb like?表示某人是个什么样的人, 此句主要是对某人的总体印象,包括个性、为人等内在品质, 因此要根据实际情况回答。
