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UNIT 1 The Time 100

I.Vocabulary Builder

1.Word match

1) b 2)f 3)e 4)g 5)a 6)d 7)j 8)c 9)h 10)i

2.Synonym finder

1) immigrants 2) foreigner 3) expatriate 4) aliens

5) audacious 6) bold 7) adventurous 8) daring

9) light-heated 10) hilarious 11) comical 12) witty

13) escaped 14) staying alive 15) pull through 16) survive

3.Word formation

1) compatriot 2) patron 3) patriot 4) paternal 5)


6) circumvent 7) advent 8) revenues 9) misadventure 10)


II.Sentence Structure

1.Sentence combination

1)The President made the Joel 100™ because he lowered my taxes, just like Scott Jeffers,

my accountant, who also made the list.

2)Coming in at No. 100 on my list was Nouriel Roubini, the economist who predicted that

the housing bubble was going to burst — thus making him the least influential person in the entire world.

3)Nicholas Christakis (No. 5), a Harvard professor of medicine and sociology whose entire

field of study is how people influence each other, argues that he has affected me as much as a sibling.

2.Terms translation

1)has been supportive of

2)riffling through this issue

3)do not even have Wikipedia entries

4)the ones we spend the most time with

5)more than a $5000 raise would

UNIT 2 The Newsweek 50

I.Vocabulary Builder

1.Word match

1) e 2) b 3) j 4) a 5) c 6)h 7)d 8) i 9) f 10) g

2.Synonym finder

1) subsided 2) ebbing 3) lessen 4) wane

5) heady 6) thrilling 7) exhilarating 8) exciting

9) ultimate 10) prime 11) foremost 12) optimum

13) roots 14) impetus 15) spur 16) stimulus

3.Word formation

1) mutual 2) transmuted 3) commutes 4) mutate 5) mutable

6) fusible 7) confusion 8) refuse 9) infusing 10)


II.Sentence Structure

1.Sentence combination

1)After all, George W. Bush has pretty consistently projected an air of confidence, one that

tends to get people even more worried than they need to be.

2)Swensen, who after Warren Buffett is perhaps the most successful investor in recent

decades, argues that this has been the crucial flaw in the Bush administration's actions.

3)Carefully retreating from these obligations to restore a market economy will be as

complex an exit strategy as the one from Iraq.

4)Afghanistan—is as important as this one huge task: to restore confidence, certainty and

reform to America.

5)The beginning of 2009, the last year of the first decade of the 21st century, is a good

time to consider the nature of power, and of the powerful, because the world is being reordered in so many ways—broadly by what my colleague Fareed Zakaria calls "the rise of the rest," the emergence of powers such as India, China and Brazil, and specifically by the global recession.

2.Terms translation

1)treated as endowed with supernatural, superhuman, or at least specifically exceptional

powers or qualities

2)able to exercise influence in every realm and on every continent in a way that no other

major power can

3)it was not in being but in doing that George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Franklin

Roosevelt built their enormous reputations

4)to restore confidence to Americans, and indeed to the world
