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Good evening , ladies and gentlemen 。 I am Jo and glad to give ou a speeh about stress , es , just the topi ou see on the sreen。 Pshologist tell us that stress is a state of orr aused b the problem of living , suh as too muh ork or stud , heav responsibilities , and quikened pae of life 。Statistis sho that stress es from ever detail in our life 。Finanial problems , poor health , being laid off ma be the stress that most adults no suffering 。 As students in the universit , e are also under our speial stress 。 While

stud , having to take various tests and submit a projet against a deadline ma put a great pressure on us 。 And the things make us felt stressed ma be our parents’s greater expetations on us than e ould reah 。 Later , hen e are

likel to graduate , some other problems ill also anno us 。

I think e ill orr a lot about our abilit to pete in the job market and ho e an best use hat e’ve learned at ollege in our future job 。 The hief problem e should fae to is our atitude toards stress 。People usuall sa the an not live in the sun exept the esape from stress 。It’s unele ! Yes ,hoever , ver neessar 。 Just image a orld here stress does not exist and people lead their life in a ver fortable a 。But is this kind of living ondition as perfet as e hope ?

Without stress , the ma feel ver satisfied ith the urrent life but lak of poer to disover ne things 。 Too muh satisfation result in nothing exept a ountermarh of the

soiet 。 No stress , no development 。 So a ertain amount of stress is good 。 It an stimulate us and inrease our level of alertness 。 And our anser to stress is another vital problem 。 Ho to do ith ourselves hen stress suddenl break into our life ? To ave the hite flag and admit our

unabilit , to give up to our idealit , or orstl , just to suiide as to put an end to everthing … Of ause not 。 The priniple is to takle ith stress gentlel and harmoniousl。 We should tr our best to release ourselves 。 Suh as to do some exerise , to linsen to traditional Chinese musi or lassial musi to ease our minds and to learn to vie these hanges of life as hallenges 。It’s no use ring over spilt milk 。 Onl to aept hat has happened an solve the problem 。 Ok , I

think I as under large stress 3 minutes before , but no I am here and have finished m speeh 。 Here is the last thing I ant to add to m topi ,fae to it and overe it ,stress is also a piee of ake 。 That is all 。 Thank ou ver muh!
