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目录 (1)

摘要 (4)

Abstract (5)

第一章绪论 (8)

1.1 课题提出的背景及研究意义 (8)

1.2 相关研究的现状 (9)

1.2.1 高血压领域的研究现状 (9)

1.2.2 关联规则的研究现状 (10)

1.3 本课题的主要研究目标 (11)

第二章数据挖掘技术研究 (12)

2.1 数据挖掘技术及其在中医药研究中的应用 (12)

2.1.1 数据挖掘简介 (12)

2.1.2 数据挖掘的功能概述 (15)

2.1.3 数据挖掘技术在中医药研究中的应用 (17)

2.1.4 数据挖掘和传统数据分析工具和学习机器的区别 (19)

2.2 关联规则 (20)

2.2.1 关联规则介绍 (20)

2.2.2 关联规则的有关定义 (21)

2.2.3 关联规则的分类 (24)

2.3 挖掘关联规则的经典算法介绍 (25)

2.3.1 AIS算法 (26)

2.3.2 APRIORI算法 (26)

2.3.3 不产生候选挖掘频繁项集算法 (29)

第三章中医医案分析系统的实施及结果分析 (33)

3.1 系统体系结构 (33)

3.2 功能模块 (34)

3.2.1 原始数据录入 (34)

3.2.2 中医医案模型创建模块 (36)

3.2.3 模型浏览模块 (36)

3.3 数据存储结构的设计 (37)

3.4 算法设计的基本思想及实现过程 (40)

3.4.1 算法设计的基本思想 (40)

3.4.2 Apriori算法的实现过程 (40)

3.5 算法运行结果 (41)

3.6 结果评价及性能分析 (42)

3.6.2 对高血压医案模型进行分析 (42)

3.6.3 对Apriori算法进行性能分析 (43)

第四章总结与展望 (46)

4.1 总结 (46)

4.2 展望 (46)

参考文献 (48)

在学取得成果 (50)

致谢 (51)





2、在Windows XP平台上Visual BAS工C6. 0的环境下,采用Apriori算法,开发了基于数据挖掘的中医高血压医案分析系统。

3、基于原始数据的可靠性、准确性和完整性方面的考虑,本研究以自2001年1月一2005年10月中国中医研究院基础所胸痹急症研究室主任、国家中医药管理局医政司胸痹急症协作组组长沈绍功先生医案65份为医案来源,以高血压病为例,采用Apriori 算法进行频繁项集的搜索,所得医案模型几乎完全符合沈教授在治疗高血压病时常用的处方。




Famous TCM valuable clinical experience is Chinese medicine academic and clinical medicine card product of the combination of thinking. TCM Clinical Treatment is the process of gathering information by the viewpoint of TCM, Chinese medicine thought to process information, and accordingly imposes the healing method. Chinese medicine knowledge from generation to generation, mostly words and deeds, virtually for the dissemination of knowledge and the benefit of the public medicine made obstacles. Just using data mining addresses key issues and technical challenges in the study of Chinese medicine characteristics . After a long-term development of Chinese medicine has accumulated a great deal of clinical experience, treatment, prescription drugs, and other information relevant knowledge about the history of literature. using data mining methods to study inherit old TCM clinical experience, digging finishing their academic thinking, innovation and research methods, combined with the application of data mining technology, machine learning technology and other intelligent technology, and striving to get the real experience of old TCM, easily inheritors learning..

The main work is as follows:

1.i n-depth analysis and discussion of the typical association rule mining algorithms Apriori algorithm, complete the basic idea of the database mining on the basis of this algorithm. 2.Visual BAS work on Windows XP platform C6. 0 environment, using Apriori algorithm, developed analysis of medical records system ,based on data mining for TCM hypertension.

3.b ased on considering the reliability, accuracy and integrity of the original data this study, the foundation of the China Academy of TCM Thoracic Obstruction emergency. From January 2001 to October 2005, research Director State Administration of Traditional Medical Administration chest stuffiness and emergency coordination team leader Mr.

Shen,65 copies of medical records Medical Records are used for the Source of hypertension, for example, using Apriori algorithm to search frequent item sets, The
