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I. 单项选择:(共20小题,计20分)

( ) 1. --What's ____________ date today? ----- It's June 29th.

A. 不填

B. a

C. an

D. the

( )2. Which of the following cities is the capital of a country?

A. Sydney

B. New York

C. Toronto

D. Paris

( )3. —Can you join us this afternoon?

—Sorry, I can’t. I take care of my little sister because my mother is out.

A. can

B. may

C. would

D. have to

( )4.-What’s Kate wearing today? -She is wearing________.

A.blue trousers and blouse

B.a blue trousers and blouse

C.blue trousers and a blouse

D.a blue trousers and a blouse

( )5.Sandy sits in front of Amy, but behind Simon .So Sandy sits _____ Amy ____ Simon.

A. next; to

B. next to; beside

C. between; and

D. opposite; at ( )6.My favourite T-shirt______me about 100 yuan.





( )7.-_______does your father take you to go swimming? -Seldom.

A.How often

B.How much

C.How long

D.How many

( )8.-_______? -Yes, please. I’d like half a kilo of meat.

A.Would you like some meat or fish

B.What about something to drink

C.Can I help you

D.Do you want to eat some meat

( )9. ---- May I speak to Mary? ---- ________

A. Yes, I’m Mary.

B. Yes, you can speak.

C. Speaking.

D. Who are you ( )10. Jim, with his parents, ____ going back to Tokyo next week.

A. is

B. are

C. will be

D. be

( )11. ---Is this ________ dictionary? ---No. It isn’t _______. It’s _______.

A. his, his, her

B. he’s, his, hers

C. his, his, hers

D. his, he’s, hers ( )12. ____ of the students was playing on the playground.

A. None

B. All

C. Both

D. No one

( )13.It’s very cold outs ide. Most of the families keep their windows _________.

A. open

B. opened

C. close

D. closed

( )14. In spring, you will ____ the whisper of the breeze,if you ____ carefully.

A. hear, listen

B. listen, hear

C. hear, listen to

D. listen to, hear ( )15.--- How do you like this DVD? --- __________. I enjoy it very much.

A. It’s like a book.

B. It’s not interesting at all.

C. It’s about animals.

D. It’s very funny. ( )16. This route is wrong. I will take one .

A. the other

B. other


D.any other

( )17.There a meeting next week.


B. is going to have

C.is going to be

D.will have

( )18. – What did you do in the evening? - I _______ a poster about a fashion show.

A. make

B. read

C. buy

D. write
