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or three minutes. go
I make the student _____(go) out.
2.Why did the candle stop burning? Is there any oxygen in the jar?
Because it has used all the oxygen in the air.
观 察
2. Put the candle holder in the dish.

3. Fill the dish half full with water.
4. Light the candle.
5. Let the candle burn for two or three minutes.
6. Carefully put the jar over the candle

1 4
one (a) quarter one fourth
3 4
three fourths three quarters
分子基数,分母序,分子 > 1 ,分母加 S
2. Why does the water fill about one fifth of the jar?
Because about one fifth of the jar is made up of oxygen.
What is happening?
Listen to the tape .Then read “what is happening “in the text and think about the following questions.
1.How far did the water rise?
新冀教版九年级英语上册第26 课课件
本节课的主题是:科学实验---蜡烛在 空气中燃烧,这是个学生特别感兴趣的实 验,有利于激发学生学习英语的热情。在 实际的教学活动中,我将和同学们一起动 手做实验,并用英语描述操作过程,真正 做到学以致用。
根据《新英语课程标准》及教材要求,结合学 生的实际情况,我将教学目标分为以下几个方面:
No ,there isn’t. use up eat up drink up
Eg: I have u_s_e_d_u_p_ the water in the bottle. He has _ea_t_e_n_u_p_ the bread. She has d_r_u_n_k_u_p_ the water.
until the top of the jar rests on the dish.

7. Look at the water

in the jar.
First, put the candle in the candleholder. Second , put the candle holder in the dish. Third , fill the dish half full with water. Fourth , light the candle. Fifth ,let the candle burn for two or three minutes. Sixth , carefully put the jar over the candle until
the top of the jar rests on the dish.
Seventh, look at the water in the jar.
1. What makes the candle burn? Oxygen .
make/let sth./sb. do 使某物/某做…….
Eg: Let the candle _b_ur_n_(burn) for two
知识目标:学生要掌握本节课中出现的新单 词、短语及分数的英语表达。
能力目标:培养学生听、说、读和动手操作能 力。
情感目标:培养学生学习科学的兴趣,激发学 生学习英语的积极性,提高他们的 合作交流能力。
重点: 依据教学目标及学生的学习 能力,要学生掌握本节课新学的单词、 短语及重要句型。
难点:根据英语描述,学生小组合 作,动手操作实验,并讨论得出科学的 实验结果。
为了顺利完成教学目标、突出重点、突破难 点,结合学生的认知规律,我主要采用了图片展示、 实物演示、合作探究等教学方法。
合理安排教学过程是教学成功的关键,针对 学生的认知状况及本课的特点,我设计了以下几 个环节:
What is happening ?
The force of the air keeps the water in the jar.
2. Why does the water fill about one fifth of the jar?
1.How far did the water rise?

1 5
One fifth. a (one) half
2 one second (one-second)
结 提
1 3
one third
What does this experiment show about air?
Keep the Candle Burning!
What do we need?
a candle
a big glass jar
a candle holder a shallow dish with water matches
How do we do the experiment?
1. Put the candle in the candle holder.
We have discovered that the air pressure helps the cardboard hold the water in the jar.
Today we are going to look into science again and learn to do another experiment. What experiment will we do?