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发信站: 水木社区 (Mon Sep 12 12:41:15 2005), 站内


-- 发布时间:2004-8-14 22:08:13

-- 看奥运学英语——排球术语

Volleyball player 排球运动员

FIVB 国际排球联合会

Asian Volleyball Confederation 亚洲排球联合会service zone 发球区

front zone/attack area 进攻区

attack line 进攻线

antenna 标志杆

net 球网

post 网柱

cable 挂网的网绳

scorekeeper 记分员

player\'s position 运动员位置

the libero player 自由人

back row player 后排队员

substitutes 替补运动员

covering player 保护队员

rotation 轮转,轮转换位

warm up 准备活动(热身)

line up 队形

penalize 处罚,犯规

injured player 受伤的队员

back line offence /back row attack 后排进攻

back pass 背传

backward flight 背飞

back up 后排保护

block 拦网

block point 拦网得分

chance ball 机会球

close set 近网传球

combination block 集体拦网

consecutive fouls 连续犯规

consecutive passes 连续传球

3-meter line

n. the attack line. 三米线。


n. an offense with four spikers and two setters. The setters are spikers when they are in the front ro w, and setters when they are in the back row. 四二配备,后排二传手组织,前排二传手参与进攻。


n. an offense with five spikers and one setter. 五一配备。


n. an offense with four spikers and two setters. The setters are setters when they are in the front ro w, and defenders when they are in the back row.六二配备,后排二传手防守,前排二传手组织。

10-foot line

n. the attack line. A slight misnomer since the line is actually 3 meters from the center line. 前排线(即三米线),因为它正好是十个脚掌的长。


n. a service ace. 发球直接得分。


n. a flexible rod that rises above the net to delineate the sideline boundary. The antenna is consider ed part of the net and is out of bounds.标志竿,碰标志竿或出标志竿都被认为是出界。assist

n. awarded when a player passes, sets, or digs the ball to a teammate who attacks the ball for a kill.接应者。


n. the attempt by one team to terminate the play by hitting the ball to the floor on the opponent\'s s ide. The term refers to an individual effort or a combined team offensive pattern. 进攻,把球打到对方场地。

attack angle

n. the direction of a spiker\'s approach to a set ball and the imaginary path of the spike across the n et if hit in the same line as the approach angle. 攻击角。

attack approach

n. the accelerating running movement of a spiker, usually involving three or four steps, to the poin t where the spiker jumps to hit the ball.进攻路线。

attack error

n. results when an attacker hits the ball out of bounds, is stuffed by the opposing blockers, hits the ball into the antenna, is called for an illegal contact, hits the ball down on his side of the net, touch es the net, or is called for a line violation.进攻失误。

attack percentage

n. a statistic used to determine a player or team\'s attack effectiveness, defined as (kills - attack err ors)/attack attempts. A negative attack percentage is possible (if there are more errors than kills).进攻成功率,(成功-失误)/进攻次数。


n. A player who attempts to hit a ball offensively with the purpose of terminating the play in his te am\'s favor. 进攻者。

attack line

n. a line three meters from, and parallel to, the net. A back-row player cannot legally attack the bal l above the net unless he takes off on his jump from behind this line. See also 10-foot line, 3-meter line. 三米线。

auxiliary setter

n. the player assigned to set when the designated setter cannot, usually the right-front player. 接应二传(通常是站在二号位的球员)。

back one

n. a low, quick set behind the setter. 背快。

back row

n. the three players whose court position, according to the official scorekeeper, is near the baseline . 后排。

back set

n. a set delivered behind the setter. 背后的战术(二传手把球传到背后)。

back slide

n. a quick slide behind the setter. 背飞。

ball handling error

n. charged when a player is called for mishandling the ball (usually a lift or a double hit) while dig ging or setting. 垫球失误(垫飞或连击)。


n. the back boundary of the court. See also endline. 后场出界线。

beach dig

n. an overhead dig characterized by using open hands, fingers straight but together, either with thu mbs alongside each other or the front of one hand pressed against the back of the other hand. It is often executed with a pushing motion.上手传球。(用二传手的手法接发球或救球)
