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Section 2

1. 此题为简单同义重复,空格处因填写与“significant impact”同方向的词会,答案C(influential)正确。

2. 此题逻辑关系为同义重复,二空与“someone shrouded in mystery”同方向,故答案B正确。

3. 题干中冒号提示本题逻辑关系为同义重复。空格处因填与“she wrote more than…”同方向词汇。答案C(a prolific)正确。

4. 题干中一共三重逻辑关系。借助于逻辑关系词even,一空与conventional 同义重复,二空借助that从句同义重复。一二空之间借助nevertheless反义重复。故答案E正确。

5. 题干中两个for均提示本题为同义重复中因果关系。空格处应填“implementing sweeping…”内容同方向的词汇。答案D(precipitately)正确。

Questions 6-10 are based on the following passages.

Passage 1

Every age, after his own, has gone in search of Shakespeare. The first biography was written in 1709. Now it is a poor year for the Shakespeare business when two or three more do not show up on bookstore shelves. We want to know who he was hoping that the narrative of his life will somehow explain the genius of his writing. But it never does. We find him but who we find only adds to the mystery. How is it that a man without a university education, a glover's son from a small Warwickshire market town, could have written the plays and poems that have spoken to generations of readers and theatergoers?

Passage 2

Stratford. Shakespeare's hometown, has become an almost sacred place of pilgrimage, with tourists waddling reverently around the spectacularly tasteless cathedral of the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre. An impressionable few of them are even moved to doff their caps or discard

their ice creams. Shakespeare's familiar high-domed head, an image that is quite possibly not him at all, has adorned everything from TV beer commercials to British currency. He is the presiding genius of the national spirit, a kind of hero in a neck ruff. Without him industries would crash and ideologies crumble. It is even rumored that he also wrote plays.

分析: Passage1 对Shakespeare是正面的态度。而Passage2 对Shakespeare 是负面的态度。从首句的tasteless cathedral就可以看出。整个P2比P1要难以看懂些。P2的每一句都是对Shakespeare的一个讽刺,不明白为什么去悼念他,讽刺整个经济对他的依赖,讽刺人们对关于他评论的盲从。

6. The author of Passage 1 would likely claim that Stratford's having become "an almost sacred place of pilgrimage" (lines 12-13. Passage 2) is

(A) inappropriate given Shakespeare's humble beginnings

(B) at odds with Shakespeare's current status among literary scholars

(C) unsurprising given the intense curiosity Shakespeare inspires

(D) unusual in an age that commercializes Shakespeare

(E) puzzling considering how small the town of Stratford is


7. Compared with the tone of Passage 1. the tone of Passage 2 is more 求异/态度

(A) optimistic

(B) appreciative

(C) impartial

(D) uncertain

(E) irreverent


8. In line 17, "familiar" most nearly means 词汇题

(A) sociable
