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Xinjiang is China's major cotton producing areas of cotton in the autonomous region in the national economy plays an important stalks after harvest is a very broad use of valuable of all, cotton stalk is a good substitute for wood, can be used as production of man-made fibers, and absorbing the same time manufacturing fiber board sheets, or paper-making raw materials for building materials, quality far better than rice straw and wheat straw; followed, cotton stalk with high nutritional value, through micro-processing, the can be used as high-grade cattle feed; again, cotton stalk by crushing and chemical processes such as pyrolysis, produced mainly from biomass to carbon monoxide gas,can be used as a new type of energy; cotton stalk also be used as pollution-free food after the edible medium, in addition to using disposable tableware made of clean straw, biodegradable and , the development of green agriculture, cotton stalk recovery after deep processing of agriculture to provide adequate and necessary raw materials.

If the effective development and utilization of cotton straw resources, will be to solve the problem of rural energy, and promote rural economic development an

important , the development of a cotton stalk to the mechanical recovery becomes very article describes the cotton stalk harvester working principle, structure, design methods, and domestic and foreign cotton stalk harvester research and application.

Key Words: Cotton, Cotton Stalk, Harvest Machine, Structural Design


1 绪论 (1)

课题提出的背景 (1)

棉杆收获机械的研究现状 (2)

1.2.1 国外研究现状 (2)

1.2.2 国内研究现状 (3)

棉杆收获机械的进展趋势 (5)

2 棉杆收获机方案的肯定 (6)

棉杆收获机的功能 (6)

棉杆收获机的功能要求及大体设计思想 (6)

棉杆收获机的大体结构及工作原理 (6)

2.3.1 大体结构 (6)

2.3.2 工作原理 (7)

3 棉杆收获机作业的工艺要求 (8)

设计依据 (8)

3.1.1对棉杆收获机的简介 (8)

3.1.2 主要技术规格 (8)

3.1.3 棉杆收获机的收获工艺进程 (9)

整体方案、设计难点及工作部件 (9)

3.2.1 整体方案 (9)

3.2.2 技术难点 (10)

3.2.3 主要部件的设计、结构及特点 (10)

设计计算 (11)

3.3.1 变速箱的传动部件计算 (11)

3.3.2 驱动轴的设计与校核 (15)

3.3.3 链轮与链条的设计 (19)

4 设计说明 (20)

润滑和密封 (20)
