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Unit 1

1. (因工作)累死work to death

2. 休息on one’s day off

3. 坐上头把交椅move to the top spot

4. 业余爱好extracurricular interests

5. 与…竞争compete with

6. 打零工do odd jobs

7. 抓住不放grab at

8. 彻夜不眠stay up night

9. 正视…look … in the eye

10. 整顿;处理straighten out

11. 优先认股权stock option

12. 诸如此类and all that

13. 辨别出pick out

14. 四处打听ask around

Unit 2

1. 设身处地put oneself in sb’s shoes

2. 不合脚的鞋ill-fitting shoes

3. 变质的牛奶sour milk

4. 腐坏的食物spoiling food

5. 慢性贫血chronic anemia

6. 矫治手术corrective operation

7. 开裂的手cracked hands

8. 继续受苦suffer on

9. 葬身火海die in flames

10. 挂着鼻涕的孩子children with runny noses

11. 倒苦水spilling the shame

12. 辍学quit school

13. 考勤官attendance officer

14. 断断续续off and on

15. 失业保险unemployment insurance

16. 避孕措施birth control

17. 针线needles and thread

18. 黑暗的未来black future

19. 沉迷于酒精和毒品turn to the freedom of alcohol or drugs

20. 难以自拔find oneself enslaved

21. 充其量at best

22. 营养不良suffer from malnutrition

23. 卫生所health clinic

24. 毁掉最后一点尊严eat away the last bit of pride

Unit 3

1. 顽固不化的罪人hardened sinners

2. 激增increase by leaps and bounds

3. 面容黝黑jet-black faces

4. 双手粗糙work-gnarled hands

5. 在祈祷声和歌唱声中摇晃rock with prayer and song

6. 歌声萦绕着我songs swirl all around me

7. 一阵有力的哀号 a mighty wail of moans and voices

8. 耽搁hold up

9. 咧着嘴冲我笑grin down at me

10. 致他于死地strike him dead

11. 对……不敬take one’s name in vain

12. 避免更多的麻烦save further trouble

13. 爆发出雷鸣般的欢呼声break into a sea of shouting

14. 喜悦的狂潮waves of rejoicing

15. 互相提醒不要出声in a hushed silence

16. 得到了上帝的赐福be blessed in the name of God Unit 4

1. 过一会儿才笑laugh a delayed laugh

2. 兴奋异常be so wired

3. 消耗掉过剩的精力shake out one’s nerves

4. 批改作业grade papers

5. 在沙发上小睡nap on the couch

6. 短短两三个星期的恋爱a brief two- or three-week courtship

7. 一排破旧的公寓 a row of broken apartment buildings

8. 穷学生college poor

9. 口袋里漂亮的成绩单good report cards in our pockets

10. 拎着…像灯笼一样晃着swing … like a lantern

11. 起落的节奏the rhythm of rising and falling

12. 从二楼窗户往外看peek from our two-story window

13. 盆栽的植物potted plants

14. 冲到楼下race downstairs

15. 躲在树篱后stay behind the hedge

16. 一直走到make one’s way to

17. 为自己犹豫不决而生气be troubled by one’s indecision

Unit 5

1. 最早的记忆first memories

2. 俯身bend down

3. 举到空中sweep sb. into the air

4. 仰着的脸upturned face

5. 蓬乱的一堆头发 a shock of hair

6. 并排side by side
