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摘要 ..................................................................... I ABSTRACT ................................................................ II 引言 (1)

一、问题提出 (1)

(一)政策要求 (1)

(二)现实问题 (1)

二、研究目的及研究意义 (1)

(一)研究目的 (1)

(二)研究意义 (1)

1.理论意义 (2)

2.实践意义 (2)

三、研究方法 (2)

(一)研究对象 (2)

(二)研究方法 (2)

四、江津城区幼儿园语言教学活动中师幼互动现状分析 (3)

(一)语言活动准备中的师幼互动 (3)

(二)语言活动实施过程中的师幼互动 (5)

(三)活动评价中的师幼互动 (8)

五、提升幼儿园语言教学活动中的师幼互动质量策略 (8)

(一)政府文件落实方面:加强文件解读,落实文件内容 (8)

(二)幼儿园方面:为语言教学活动中的师幼互动提供物质和精神支持 (10)

(三)教师方面:提升自身素质,时刻关注幼儿情绪体验 (10)

六、结语 (11)

注释: (11)

参考文献: (11)

致谢语 (13)

附录一:幼儿园语言教学活动中的师幼互动访谈提纲 (14)

附录二:幼儿园语言教学活动中的师幼互动观察记录表 (15)






Patters of relationships between children and kindergarten teachers in language activities

Class 1 of pre-school education Liu Shifang Director Tian Xingjiang

Abstract:Patters of relationships between children and kindergarten teachers quality is a key factor of language teaching activities, which determines the efficiency. The 3 ~ 6 years old children's learning and development guide pointed out that children's language ability is developed in the process of communication and using. Creating free and light-hearted language communication environment, encouraging children and supporting the children , encouraging them speak out, and getting a positive response in the meantime. This study based on the using of observation method, interview method. By means of participating in kindergarten teaching activities, observation records, sum up experience, in view of the present Chongqing Yongchuan district part of the teaching activities of the kindergarten language influence young interactive teaching target single, teachers' group activity form a single, passive learning environment, teachers in activities using the problems such as improper evaluation put forward constructive Suggestions, to improve the quality of kindergarten teacher young interaction in language teaching activity to provide theoretical support.

Key words: Kindergarten; Language teaching activities; Teacher-children interaction
