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Abstract: (2)

摘要 (3)

1 .Introduction (4)

2 . Descriptive indication (5)

3 .The introduction and reflection of twist ending (5)

3.1 The introduction of twist ending (5)

3.2 The deep reflection of twist ending (6)

3.2.1 The pure love between main characters (6)

3.2.2 The human defects of the society (6)

3.2.3 The purpose of moral teaching through the contrast (7)

4 . conversational version of narration (7)

5 . Biblical references adding to the moral lesson (8)

6 .Conclusion (8)

Works Cited (9)

Abstract:This essay mainly analyses the writing style in O.Henry’s short story The Gift of the Magi. O.Henry uses descriptive indication, twist ending, conversational version of narration and biblical references to reveal the theme of humanity and achieve the moral teaching. Part one the introduction tell us author’s position and story background. After informed of this information, we can get better understanding of his work and think it more plausibly. The next four parts introuduce the four aspects of O.Henry’s writing style one by one, mainly focusing on twist ending. Benefiting from detailed kowning of his writing style, we can conclude the humanity both virtues and defects. Finally,it’s easy for us to gain the moral teaching and understand O.Henry’s writing intention. Part six draws a conclusion about the whole essay. The essay on analysis of O.Henry’s work will arouse my interest of literary learning. Furthermore, it makes us pay more attention to O.Henry’s works.

Key Words:descriptive indication;twist ending;conversational narration;biblical references





Analysis of O.Henry’s Writing Style on The Gift of the Magi


O. Henry, named William Sydney Porter, is a distinguished American story writer, one of the three most famous short-story writers in the world, enjoys equal status with Chekhov and Maupassant. He creates an original, typically American democratic form of short stories with a valuable critical awareness of life and society, through which expressed his humur. Therefore, some critics call him “the founder of American stories”.

This story occurs in the early years of the 20th century. At that period of time in America, bourgeoisie bribed the government and corrupted the functioned department in government. The gap between the rich and the poor was deeper. The number of lower class poor people rocketed. The whole society was under a profound change. The development of consumption culture and subsequent problems of morality consisted of many contradictions in people’s social behaviors. Such characters as sacrifice, diligence and model are stressed in the end of 19th century, while personalities like purchase, vanity and personal success were stressed in the beginning of 20th century. Many of O. Henry’s stories take place in New York, the capital where the contradiction sharply exists. O. Henry has an obvious affection for the city. His stories deal for the most part with ordinary people: clerks, policemen, and waitresses. In The Gift of the Magi, b oth Jim and Della’s gifts are completely beyond their purchasing po wer. That would reflect people’s attitude toward economy. Because of the tide of materialism, people pay much attention on consumption, even take it as an “adventure”. The commodity-status relationship dominates people’s mind. Though Della and Jim’s buying gifts are greatly influenced by the consumption culture shift, the ending shows out the true love through their tough course of purchasing. The plots in O. Henry’s works appear to be nothing special at first glance. Nevertheless, read those to the ending and you will find something unusual out of what seems to be too ordinary. I would like to say, his works are full of depth in portraying an unfathomable humanity of character. His works are the best revealment of humanity as well as the reflection of society from the twist ending. Furthermore, the using of descriptive indication, conversational narration and biblical references make the short story more impressive.
