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Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your views on the common phenomenon that many advertisements exaggerate the effectiveness and quality of the targeted products.You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

From the picture we can see a piece of megaphone-like advertisement paper, through which a little pig is magnified into a giant elephant. The sarcastic picture criticizes the phenomenon that many advertisements exaggerate the effectiveness and quality of the targeted products.

There is nothing wrong for a corporation to adopt florid description of their products for drawing customer s’ attention. The problem, however, is that sometimes the boundary between “florid”and “fraudulent” is ambiguous. With professional knowledge of marketing, advertising designers love to take advantage of law blind spot and play tricks. In other words, even if someone finds out he is fooled and complains, the company would have sufficient excuses to argue that the customer is the one to blame for his carelessness and ignorance.

Professional ethics is fading, yet we shall never forget to distinguish rightness and wickedness. For companies, it is their obligation to provide qualified products with appropriate propaganda. For customers, it is also necessary to be discreet before purchase.


megaphone-like是指像扩音器一样的,mega是一个表示巨大无比的前缀。magnify指放大。florid description表示绚丽多姿的描述。boundary表示界限。fraudulent在这里和前文的florid形成对比,florid者表示绚丽的,fraudulent则表示欺骗的、虚假的。ambiguous是ambiguity的形容词,表示模棱两可。law blind spot意为法律的盲点。ignorance意为无知,形容词为ignorant,要和innocent区别开来,后者表示无辜、单纯的。professional ethics是职业道德的表达。distinguish表示甄别、辨别。discreet 指谨慎的,考虑周到的。

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your views on the importance of developing skills to judge the quality of online information in the digital age.You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

There’s a couple in the picture, in which the man is telling his wife not to believe what is said online while this valuable advice is just from an online article he just read. The picture points out a sarcastic dilemma that everyone of us are facing today, that is, our increasing reliance on Internet news and our lack of judgment on those news.

It brings us to rethink the tragedy that a college student Wei, who trusted the fake doctor showed online, missed the chance to save his life. So much fake information are there online, some of which are posted for cheating money and others are to spread the panic out of thin air, that it’s of great importance to learn to judge the quality of that, in case we would lose money and even something more valuable. There’ re also articles online showing wrong values and inappropriate opinions that may confuse us, misleading us to make a wrong choice.

In all, almost everyone has easy access to writing articles online and that’s why we have to rationally judge the quality of information, taking the good and discarding the bad.


valuable advice这里有讽刺的意味。sarcastic意为ironic,讽刺的、反讽的,其名词为sarcasm。fake指假的,冒牌的。post当动词时表示张贴。spread the panic指散播恐慌情绪。thin air字面意思为稀薄空气,这里指无中生有,空穴来风。inappropriate指不合适的。have access to 指获得……的通道,这里意为可以、能够干某事。discard指放弃,抛弃。
