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地震相关英文(2008-05-25 22:54:26)

The quake leveled entire towns, flattening the simple adobe, brick structures and leaving nothing but rubble. 地震夷平了整个城镇,摧毁了简易土坯房和砖结构建筑,在受灾区只留下一片废墟。

The quake has claimed more than 15,000 lives地震遇难人数超过15,000。

地震营救现场的各种大型机械:crane(吊车), bulldozer(推土机),excavator(挖掘机,美作“steam shovel ”),truck(卡车)

小型营救工具:铁锹(spade),撬棒(crowbar),徒手(bare hands)来搜救幸存者

Air raid sirens, and car, train and ship horns wailed and people stood for three minutes in silence yesterday to mourn the tens of thousands who died in last week's earthquake.


Flags were flying at half-mast across the country and all public entertainment has been suspended as the three-day mourning period started. The Olympic torch relay is also suspended during the period.



a magnitude 8.0 earthquake 8.0级地震

a magnitude 8.0 earthquake on the Richter Scale 里氏8.0级地震

at a scale of 7.8 on the Richter scale 里氏7.8级地震

an earthquake measured 3.8 on the Richter Scale 里氏3.8级地震

a tremor was placed at 5.6 on the Ricther scale. 地震的震级被测定为里氏5.6级。aftershock 余震

aftershocks had mostly abated余震已经减弱

airdrop food, drinking water and medicine 空投食物、饮用水和药品(知识延伸:“空投”分为三类,Low-Velocity Airdrop(低速空投),一般用于易碎或者大件物品;High-Velocity Airdrop(高速空投),一般用于耐用品;还有Free Fall Airdrop(自由降落空投),此类空投不用降落伞,常用于人道主义救援)

amputation 截肢

paramilitary troops准军事部队

buckled roads阻断了道路

buried in the rubble/debris 掩埋在瓦砾(废墟)之中

candlelight vigil烛光守夜

China Earthquake Networks Center 中国地震台网中心

China's national flag flies at half-mast 中国国旗下半旗

clawing through debris 刨开废墟

collapse 坍塌

converted hospital临时医院

condolence books 吊唁薄



damage 损害;损伤

death toll 死亡人数

debris 废墟

declared a state of emergency 宣布进入紧急状态

destroy 毁坏,破坏;摧残

devastate 蹂躏,破坏;使荒废;毁灭

devastating tremor 毁灭性地震

disaster zone震区

earthquake monitoring 地震监控

earthquake resistance, emergency response and disaster relief in city planning 城市规划中抗震与应急救灾问题

earthquake-shattered rural areas 地震破坏的农村地区

epicenter 震中

epidemic prevention 防疫

evacuation 撤离

field hospital 野战医院

flatten 夷为平地

frontline commander-in-chief前线总指挥

green channel绿色通道(快速通道)

international contributions 国际援助

jolt 使颠簸,摇晃

humanitarian relief 人道主义援助(救援)

improvised out-patient department临时门诊部

landslide 塌方

Level 和flatten 的意思差不多,都是表示受害非常严重,“被夷为平地”,比如:level 推倒,夷平

Life dector 生命探测仪

Life search and location technology 生命探测技术

Seize the day 珍惜时光

Life is transient 珍惜生命

magnitude 震级

main quake主震

makeshift shelter 简易过渡房

massive/powerful/devastating/deadly/killer earthquake巨大、强烈、毁密性、致命、杀伤性地震

medical personnel 医务人员

mobilized 调集、动员


National Commanding Center for Earthquake Disaster Mitigation 国家防震减灾指挥中心

national mourning day 全国哀悼日

natural calamity/disaster 天灾、自然灾害

Nature cannot be overriden自然的力量不可抗拒,

Office of National Headquarterfor Earthquake Resistance and Disaster Relief 国家抗震救灾指挥部办公室

prayer meeting祈愿法会

Psychological Counseling 心理咨询

Psychological intervention 心理干预

quake lake/barrier lake/dammed lake 堰塞湖

rattle millions of people使数百万人陷入恐慌
