鲁教版九年级英语下册Unit 9 It’s important to have a healthy lifestyle单元测试题(附答案)

鲁教版九年级英语下册Unit 9 It’s important to have a healthy lifestyle单元测试题(附答案)
鲁教版九年级英语下册Unit 9 It’s important to have a healthy lifestyle单元测试题(附答案)

Unit 9 It’s important to have a healthy lifestyle单元测试题


1.(2013莱芜期中;32)—May I listen to the music here, Mr. White?

—Sorry, you’d better ______ it like that.

A. not to do

B. not do

C. don’t do

D. not do to

2. Children can’t be all owed ______ in the river.

A. swim

B. swam

C. to swim

D. swimming

3. My dress is old. I need ______ a new one.

A. buy

B. to buy

C. not to buy

D. buying

4. It’s important for you ______ it over with your parents.

A. talk

B. to talk

C. to be talked

D. not to talk

5. (2014泰安月考一;32)Many girls are afraid of the darkness. It’s better ______ her ______ alone at night.

A. to let; walk

B. not let; walking

C. not let; walk

D. not to let; walk

6. I think it’s important for you to talk problems _______ with your parents or teachers.

A. over

B. at

C. about

D. to

7. _______ the help of my teacher, I passed the exam______.

A. Under; successful

B. Under; successfully

C. With; successful

D. With; successfully

8. The little boy is too young ______ the road by himself.

A. not to cross

B. to cross not

C. to cross

D. crossing

9. Why don’t you ______ our sports club?

A. to join

B. take part in

C. join

D. to take part in

10. I find ______ very difficult to understand people who speak fast.

A. that

B. this

C. one

D. it


Many people think the 1 time is spent, the more work will be done. So students have to spend the whole day doing homework except the three meals. Modern students have many 2 . They love sports, computers and music. A 3 holiday can get them away from too much

homework, and they can do what they like. But still teachers do not think about it. Because students have too much homework, they have no time to 4 themselves. Students are really tire d of their weekend homework. So they don’t do it 5 Sunday night. And there is not enough time to finish the homework 6 . The poor weekend homework usually makes teachers 7 .

Things always get 8 without right ideas. Too much homework makes students lose interest in learning. It’s also bad for their 9 . A horse runs faster after a rest. But for students only rest is not enough. So such a condition (状况) should be changed to give students both 10 and knowledge.

1. A. many B. much C. more D. most

2. A. interests B. books C. pens D. friends

3. A. two days B. two-days C. two-day D. two-day’s

4. A. learn B. enjoy C. teach D. look after

5. A. in B. on C. after D. until

6. A. carefully B. angrily C. quickly D. fast

7. A. happy B. angry C. worried D. surprised

8. A. better B. best C. worse D. worst

9. A. eyes B. ideas C. healthy D. health

10. A. food B. pleasure C. money D. time



Amazing news for lazy people: sleep makes you smarter. Not studying, reading or revising, just sleeping, although the other three won’t hurt either. A joint study conducted by Harvard Medical School and the University of Pennsylvania found that shut-eye enhances your ability to recall recently learned memories, even when those memories are challenged hours later by new information.

Head researcher Dr Jeffery Ellenberger says, “This shows us that sleep does not just passively protect memories, but rather, plays an active role in memory consolidation(巩固). Taking a pick-me-up to stay awake can help with alertness in the short term, but people really need sleep to keep knowledge and brain function at their best. ”

Scientists at Stanford University have suggested that a more supportive pillow can reduce the breathing difficulties that can interrupt your snoozing, so a clever, memory foam pillow(泡沫枕头)will let you sleep soundly enough to sound clever the next day.

1. The joint study conducted by ______.

A. Harvard Medical School and the University of Pennsylvania

B. Harvard Medical School and Dr Jeffery Ellenberger

C. The University of Pennsylvania and Dr Jeffery Ellenberger

D. Dr Jeffery Ellenberger and scientists at Stanford University

2. The joint study shows that ______.

A. sleep plays an active role in protecting memories

B. sleep plays an active role in memory consolidation

C. sleep enhances your ability to recall recently learned memories

D. sleep plays an active role in studying and reading

3. Dr Jeffery Ellenberger thinks that ______.

A. sleep is good for our memories

B. shut-eye enhances your ability to read and revise

C. sleep makes you have a good rest

D. sleep plays a bad role in memory consolidation

4. Scientists at Stanford University have suggested that a more supportive pillow can ______.

A. reduce the breathing difficulties

B. interrupt your snoozing

C. make you become clever

D. both A and B

5. From the passage, the best title is ______.

A. Amazing News for Lazy People

B. Sleep Makes You Smarter

C. The Joint Study

D. The Pillow Can Interrupt Your Snoozing

(2013山东滨州中考) B

Healthy eating doesn’t just mean what you eat, but how you eat. Here is some advice on

healthy eating.

Eat with others. It can help you to see others’ healthy eating habits. If you usually eat with your parents, you will find that the food you eat is more delicious.

Listen to your body. Ask yourself if you are really hungry. Have a glass of water to see if you are thirsty—sometimes you are just thirsty, you need no food. Stop eating before you feel full.

Eat breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. After you don’t eat for the past ten hours, your body needs food to get you going. You will be smarter after eating breakfast.

Eat healthy snacks like fruits, yogurt or cheese. We all need snacks sometimes. In fact, it’s a good idea to eat two healthy snacks between your three meals This doesn’t mean that you can eat a bag of chips instead of a meal.

Don’t eat dinner late. With our busy life, we always put off eating dinner until the last minute. Try to eat dinner at least 3 hours before you go to bed. This will give your body a chance to digest most of the food before you rest for the next 8—10 hours.

1.The writer gives us pieces of advice on healthy eating.

A. 4

B. 5

C. 6

D. 7

2.Which snack is Not mentioned in the passage?

A. Fruits

B. Yogurt

C. Chips

D. Ice cream

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Snacks are bad for our health.

B. We should keep eating until we are full.

C. Dinner is the most important meal of the day.

D. We should have dinner at least 3 hours before going to bed.

4.The underlined(画线)word “digest” means “” in Chinese.

A. 消化

B. 享用


D. 循环

5.The passage mainly tells us .

A. where to eat

B. how to eat

C. why to eat

D. when to eat

(浙江省杭州市余杭区星桥中学2013届九年级英语下学期阶段性测试试)C Now I know that we black people are much more likely to have high blood pressure and diabetes (糖尿病) than white people. And they often lead to heart attacks and other untreated diseases. For example, black people are three to four times more likely than white people to have

high blood pressure and twice as likely as the white population to die of a stroke (中风).

New research has found out the surprisingly high levels of salt in many of black people’s favorite meals. I stopped putting extra salt in my food at the table long ago and I try to cut down on the salt. I use in cooking. The suggested daily level of salt for adults is 6 grams. It is easy to see that if you try not to eat too many processed (加工过的) foods and use salt in your cooking within the limit, you won’t reach more than the daily level.

The research showed how much salt there is in some foods that we buy from restaurants and takeaways. An average salad with rice and peas has 6.2 grams of salt. This is more salt than you are supposed to eat for the whole day.

A researcher talked about the importance of home cooking rather than take-outs. At home, he pointed out, not only can you hold control of the salt bottle, but also you can create tasty food which is low on salt. The researcher later provided curry goat and rice and peas. They were low on salt, but completely delicious.

I do not suppose Jamaicans are going to stop buying takeaways soon. But if you suffer from high blood pressure, it is probably better not to buy them often.

1.The underlined word “they” in Paragraph 1 refers to _______.

A. white people

B. black people

C. untreated diseases

D. high blood pressure and diabetes

2.What has the new research found out according to Paragraph 2?

A. Black people take in too much salt.

B. Black people’s meals are very special.

C. Processed foods have too much salt in them.

D. 6 grams of salt per day is enough for an adult.

3.What would the writer probably suggest black people do?

A. Order no salad in a restaurant.

B. Take in no salt for several days.

C. Stop cooking their favorite meals.

D. Eat less takeaways.

4.The researcher provided curry goat and rice and peas in order to _______.

A. thank those who came to his home for his research

B. let people know that eating less salt makes one healthier

C. show that tasty food with less salt can be made at home

D. prove the less salt the food has the more delicious it is

5.What would be the best title for this passage?

A. Watch the salt

B. Take care, black people

C. Say no to takeaways

D. Say no to high blood pressure


1. 对青少年来说,不过多地玩电脑游戏很重要吗?

Is it very important for teenagers _______ _______ _______ computer games too much?

2. 你女儿才八岁,你不该让她自己组织生活。

Your daughter is only eight years old and you shouldn’t _______ her _______ her own life.

3. 考试就要来了,可她几乎没压力, 经常看电视。

The tes t is coming, but she’s _______ ever stressed and _______ TV too often.

4. 为了帮别人一把,他宁愿步行去上班也不乘公共汽车。

In order to help others out, he _______ go to work on foot _______ _______ by bus.

5. 他熬夜越多,上课精力越不集中。

_______ _______ he stayed up, _______ _______ attention he paid in class.

综合填空(共10题,计10分)( 2014年汕头市龙湖区中考模拟考试英语试题)用适当的词完成下面的短文,并把所缺单词写在答题卷相应题目的答题位置上。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。


What can you do to keep healthy? Perhaps for children, healthy eating is one of the most important things. Here are some ideas about h1 to eat healthily.

Having breakfast

A good breakfast is very important to children. It’s necessary to have it in the m 2 . But some children often go to school w 3 breakfast,just because they want to sleep a little longer. Remember that a good breakfast will help you study better.

Having milk

“My dream is that all the Chinese children can get half a kilogram of milk a day. ” The Chinese Premier (总理) Wen Jiabao said this during his v4 to a milk farm. Milk is also very important to children’s health. It makes children grow stronger. It’s better for you to d 5 a glass of warm milk b 6 going to bed. That will help you have a good sleep.

Having healthy food

Having healthy food is the most important. That means eating lots of different k 7 of

food, especially fruits and vegetables. Don’t eat too much chocolate o 8 ice-cream. Some of you e 9 eating fast food, but in fact it is not good for your health. Try to eat healthy food as much as p 10 .

Have healthy eating habits, and you will have a strong body.


[1]It is reported that 300 million people in China have eyesight trouble. More and more parents hope to save their children’s eyesight with medicine, or by correcting the ways that children read and sit. But in fact, one should start with the exercise on one’s feet. Here are three ways to save eyes:

Firs t, don’t tie your shoes too closely. Try wearing comfortable and soft socks or walking without socks and shoes at home. While you are traveling, try wearing cloth shoes in order to improve blood circulation(循环).

Second, walking on tiptoes is good for one’s eyesight. It can fight against eyesight trouble. Numbers show that most of ballet(芭蕾舞)performers’ eyesight is better.

Third, rope skipping(跳绳)can also be good for one’s eyesight. While skipping rope, one has to move quickly, making both the brain and the eyes excited. It may also help make one grow taller.

[2]Besides foot exercises,it is good to pull one’s ears. Pulling the ears 20 times quickly is also a great way. It can keep one’s eyes healthy.

1. Why is most of the ballet performers’ eyesight good?(简要回答)


2. What shoes should you wear while traveling? (简要回答)


3. 将短文中画线句子[1]译成汉语。


4. 将短文中画线句子[2]译成汉语。


5. 给短文拟一个适当的标题。




1. 眼睛的重要性;

2. 保护眼睛的措施:








1.B had better后跟不带to的不定式,由句意知,应用否定式,故选B。


3.B需要干某事,用need to do sth.,故选B。



6. A此处talk sth. over with sb.意为“与某人谈论某事”。

7. D第一空为with the help of;第二空为副词修饰动词pass.


9. C此处why don’t you相当于why not,其后加动词原形,且加入俱乐部用join。



1.C联系下文,the more time is spent,the more work will be done意为“花的时间越多,做的工作就越多”。


3.C固定短语a two-day holiday 或a two days’ holiday。

4.B enjoy themselves 玩得开心。

5.D not. . . until 直到……才。









2.C由第一段最后一句. . . shut-eye enhances your ability to recall recently learned memories可知。

3.A由第二段第一句. . . but rather, plays an active role in memory consolidation. 可知。

4.D由文章最后一段. . . a more supportive pillow can reduce the breathing difficulties that can interrupt your snoozing. 可知。

5. B从全文看,都是围绕睡觉能让人更聪明而展开的话题,所以题目用B更合适。


1.B根据Here is some advice on healthy eating.及下文二三四五六段描述,可知作者提出了五条建议,故选B.


3.D根据短文最后一段Try to eat dinner at least 3 hours before you go to bed.描述,可知选D。4.A联系本句上下文,可知此处指的是在你接下来八到十个小时的休息之前,给你的身体一个机会来消化大部分的食物。故选A。



1.D联系前一句Now I know that we black people are much more likely to have high blood pressure and diabetes (糖尿病) than white people.描述,可知选D。

2.A根据第二段New research has found out the surprisingly high levels of salt in many of black

people’s favorite meals.描述,可知选A。

3.D根据短文第三段食品,可知外卖食品中含有更多的盐,故选D,少吃外卖食品。4.C根据短文第四段A researcher talked about the importance of home cooking rather than take-outs.及下文描述,可知选C。一些美味的含盐更少的食品可以在家里面做。



1. not to play

2. let; organize

3. hardly; watches

4. would; rather than

5. The more; the less


1. how

2. morning

3. without

4. visit

5. drink

6. before

7. kinds

8. or

9. enjoy 10. possible


1. Because they walk on tiptoes. /Because walking on tiptoes is good for their eyes.

2. Cloth shoes. /We should try wearing cloth shoes.

3. 据报道,在中国有三亿人有眼睛方面的问题。

4. 除了脚部锻炼,拉耳朵对眼睛也是有益的。

5. How to save eyes. /The ways to save eyes.


It’s important to protect our eyes

Eye is the window of our mind. We use our eyes to see everything around us. Without eyes, nothing is left beside you but darkness.

How to protect our e yes? It’s not right to keep your eyes working for a long time. You’d better not read in a strong or poor light. Don’t read in bed or on a moving bus. Remember to keep your books away from your eyes for about a foot and do eye exercises every day. What’s m ore,a balanced diet is necessary.

Follow my advice and form a good habit. It’s time to say goodbye to thick glasses.


Unit9 I like music that I can dance to. 【重点短语】 1. expect to do sth. 期望做某事 expect sb. to do sth 期望某人做某事 2. catch up with 追上,赶上 3. different kinds of music 各种不同的音乐 4. quiet and gentle songs 轻柔的歌曲 5. take…to… 带……到…… 6. remind…of… 使某人想起或意识到…… 7. her own songs 她自己的歌曲 8. be important to 对……重要 9. Yellow River 黄河 10. Hong Tao’s latest movie 洪涛最近的电影 11. over the years 多年来 12. be sure to do sth. 务必/一定做某事 13. one of the best known Chinese photographers 世界上最有名的中国摄影家之一 14. on display 展览,展出 15. come and go 来来往往 16. can’t stand 不能忍受 【重点句型】 1. I love singers who write their own music. 我喜欢自己创作曲子的歌手。 2. We prefer music that has great lyrics. 我们更喜欢歌词很棒的音乐。 3. What do you dislike about this CD. 你不喜欢这张CD的什么? 4. What does it remind you of?它使你想起了什么? 5. The music reminds me of Brazilian dance music. 这首曲子使我想起了巴西舞曲。 6. It does have a few good features, though. 然而,它的确也有一些好的方面。

人教版九年级英语unit 9原文

unit 9 section A 2d Jill: What are you doing this weekend, Scott? Scott: Not much. I suppose I will just listen to this new CD I bought. Jill: Oh, what CD is this? Scott: Well, it's all music. There's no singing. I like smooth music that helps me relax after a long week at work. Jill: Sounds nice. Well, if you have spare time, do you want to watch a movie with me? The director is really famous. Scott: Hmm, depends which movie. I only like movies that are funny. I just want to laugh and not think too much. You know what I mean? Jill: Oh, in that case, I will ask someone who like serious movies. Scott: What's the movie about? Jill: It's about World War two. I prefer movies that give me something to think about. 3a What do you feel like watching today? While some people stick to only one kind of movie, I like to watch different kinds depending on how I feel that day. When I'm down or tired, I prefer movies that can cheer me up. Comedies

人教版新目标英语九年级 Unit9单元知识点小结

Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to 短语归纳 24. take sb to sp. 带某人去某地 25. Chinese folk music 中国民间音乐 26. be played on the erhu 由二胡演奏的 27. move sb. 感动某人 (sb. be moved by sth.) 28.strangely beautiful 异常的/出奇的美 29. sense a strong sadness and pain 感觉到一种强烈的伤感和痛苦 30. the most moving pieces of music 最令人感动的乐曲 31. the city of Shantou = Shantou city 汕头市 32. by age 17 到十七岁的时候 33. musical ability 音乐才能 34. develop a serious illness 得了一种很重的病 35. become blind 成了盲人;变瞎 36. make money 赚钱 37. get married (to sb.) (和某人)结婚 38. continue to do sth. 继续去做某事(另一件事) continue doing sth. 继续做着某事(同一件事) 39. perform in this way 用这种形式表演 40. during/ in one's lifetime 在某人有生之年 41. by the end of ... 到……末为止(时间) at the end of ... 在……尽头/末梢(时间、地点) 42. It's a pity that ... 遗憾的是…… 43. in total 总共 44. be recorded for the future world to hear 被记录下来供后人聆听 45. praise ... for ... 因为……赞美 46. China's national treasures 中国的国家珍宝 47. paint a picture of ... 描绘了一幅……画 48. recall one's deepest wounds 唤起某人最深的伤痛 49. painful experiences 痛苦的经历 50. a time for spreading joy 传播快乐的时间 1. dance to music 随着音乐起舞 2. sing along with 随着……一起唱 3. musicians who play different kinds of music 弹奏不同类型音乐的音乐家 4. electronic music 电子音乐 5. not much=nothing much 没什么(事) 6. suppose sb. to do sth. 猜想某人做某事 be supposed to do sth. 应该做某事 suppose sb (to be) +adj. 原以为…… 7. have spare time 有空闲时间 in one's spare time 在某人的空闲时间 spare the time to do sth. 抽时间做…… 8. think too much 想得太多;过度思考 9 in that case 既然那样 10. World War II 第二次世界大战 11. smooth music 悦耳的音乐 12. prefer A to B 比起B 来更喜欢A prefer doing A to doing B 愿意去做A 而不是去做B prefer to do A rather than do B 宁愿做A 而不做B 13. feel like doing sth. 想要做某事 =want to do sth. =would like to do sth. 14. stick to 坚持,固守 15. be down 悲哀,沮丧 16. cheer sb up 使… 高兴/ 振奋 17. have a happy ending 有个美满的结局 18. less serious 不那么严重 19. a good way to do sth. 做某事的好办法 20. shut off 关闭 21. in time 及时 on time 按时/准时 22. once in a while 偶尔的;有时 =sometimes /at times 23. write one's own lyrics 自己写歌词


Unit 9I like music that I can dance to.说课稿 各位领导老师:大家好!今天我说课的主要内容是新目标九年级英语第九单元Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to. 本课的中心话题是音乐和音乐家。通过谈论音乐使大家感受音乐的美。我将从教材分析、教学方法、教学过程和教学效果几个方面说课。 一、教材分析 (一)教材地位 Unit 9的中心话题是音乐,而音乐与我们的生活密切相关,通过本单元的学习,要求学生能够用英语谈论自己喜欢的音乐,和音乐家,并说明为什么。在谈论这个话题的同时,学习并掌握定语从句。定语从句在初中教材中是一个很重要的知识点,学好这一单元对后面的学习很有帮助,起着承上启下的作用。在中招考试中,不但十五个选择题中要涉及这方面的内容,而且在也阅读理解中也有大量的定语从句出现,如果不能够很好地掌握它,势必影响学生今后对阅读文章的理解。因此,本单元不仅是本册书的重点,在整个初中教学中,他都占着非常重要的地位。 (二)教学目标 1、知识目标: 学会恰当的使用引导词that ,which ,who 2、能力目标 1)掌握功能句“What kind of music do you like ? I like music that I can dance to . I love singers who can write their own music.” 2)能够自如地谈论自己所喜欢的音乐和音乐家。 3、情感目标: 通过学生谈论对音乐和音乐家的好恶,从而使学生学会欣赏音乐的美。 三)重点和难点: 1、重点 1)本节课的教学重点是学会并掌握先行词为物或者人时,引导词“that ,who ,which”的使用方法。 2)“prefer …to…”的用法

九年级英语人教版Unit 9 说课稿

九年级英语人教版unit 9 说课稿 各位评委老师,大家好! 今天我说课的题目是初中英语九年级“unit 10 by the time i got outside,the bus had already left”,整个说课我将分五部分进行讲述,即教材分析、教法、学法、教学程序、板书设计。 一、说教材 本单元主要围绕“april fool’s day”为话题,谈论发生在过去的事情,培养学生对发生的事情进行客观评价的能力,并学习自主解决问题的能力;通过讨论“发生在过去的事情”这个话题,学习过去完成时的构成和基本用法以及现在完成时和过去完成时的区别。而本课是本单元的第一课,初步接触过去完成时,并且过去完成时是英语中非常重要的一种时态,占据着相当重要的位置。 根据英语教学大纲的要求,我确定以下教学目标: teaching aims: knowledge objects(:知识目标) 1 new words and phrases:by the time,gotten,oversleep,got outside,start doing.; 2 target language: by the time i got outside,the bus had already left. by the time she got up,her brother had already gone into the bathroom. ability objects:(能力目标) 1 train the students’listening and speaking skills with the target language 2 train the students to narrate the past events with the past perfect tense 3 train the students’writing skills with target language moral objects:(道德目标) it’s a good habit to go to bed early in the evening and get up early in the morning.so you’ll never be in a hurry in the morning.also the whole day’s work depends on the plan in the morning. teaching key points(教学重点) 1 master the words:by the time,oversleep 2 master the target language by the time i got outside,the bus had already left. by the time she got up,her brother had already gone into the bathroom teaching difficult points(教学难点) 1 train the students to understand the listening material. 2 train the students to narrate past events with the past perfect tense 二、说教法 1.英语学习的目的重在更好地运用语言于实际的交流之中,单调地重复课文内容或机械地操练吸引不了我们的学生。为达到交流的目的,我采用情境教学法、直观教学法,

九年级新目标英语Unit 9课文语法填空,短文改错

九年级新目标英语 U n i t9课文语法填空, 短文改错 -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

Unit 9 语法填空: What Do You Feel Like__________( watch) Today? While some people stick to only one kind of movie, I like to watch different kinds _________(depend) on how I feel that day. When I’m down or tired, I prefer movi es that________( cheer) me up. Comedies like Men in Black or cartoons like Kung fu Panda have funny dialogues and usually have a happy_________( end). The characters_________ ( be not) perfect, but they try their best ____________( solve) their problems. After _________(watch) them, the problems __________(sudden) seem __________(little) serious and I feel much________( good) again. ___________(laugh) for two hours is a good way___________( relax)! I don’t watch dramas or documentaries when I’m sad or tire d. Dramas like Titanic make me _________(feel) even________( sad). Documentaries like March of the Penguins which________( provide) plenty of ____________(information) about a certain subject can be ___________(interest), but when I’m tired I don’t want to think too much. I don’t mind action movies like Spider-Man when I’m too tired_________(think). I can just _________(shut) off my brain,________(sit) back and________(enjoy)________(watch) an __________(excite) superhero who always__________(save) the world just in time. Once in a while, I like to watch movies that_________(be) scary. They can be fun, but I’m too scared __________(watch) them alone. I always bring a friend who ________( be not) afraid of these kinds of movies, and it doesn’t feel so scary anymore. Sad but Beautiful Last night one of my Chinese friends ________(take) me to a concert of Chinese folk music. The piece which __________(play) on the erhu especially ________(move) me. The music was________( strange) beautiful, but under the beauty I sensed a strong ________(sad) and pain. The piece had a simple name, Erquan Yingyue (Moon Reflected on Second Spring), but it was one of the most ___________( move) pieces of music that I_______ ever ________(hear). The erhu sounded like so sad that I almost________( cry) along with it as I listened. Later I looked up the history of Erquan Yingyue, and I began__________( understand) the sadness in the music. The music __________( write) by Abing, a folk musician who was born in the city of Wuxi in 1893. His mother died when he was very young. Abing’s father _________(teach) him_________( play) many musical instruments, such as the drums, dizi and erhu, and by age 17, Abing ___________( know) for his musical ability. However, after his father died, Abin g’s life grew_______( badly). He was very poor. Not only that, he __________(develop) a serious illness and became blind. For several years, he had no home. He lived on the streets and played music _________(make) money. Even after Abing got ________(marry) and had a home again, he continued _________(sing) and _________(play) on the streets. He performed in this way for many years. Abing’s __________(amaze) musical skills made him very popular during his lifetime. By the end of his life, he __________( play) over 600 pieces of music. Many of these were written by Abing_________( he). It is a pity that only six pieces of music in total___________( record) for the future world _________(hear), but his popularity ____________(continue) to this day. Today, Ab ing’s Erquan Yingyue is a piece which all the great erhu masters play and _________(praise). It_________( become) one of China’s national________( treasure). Its sad


英语新课标九年级课文翻译Unit9-14 Unit9 I like music that I can dance to. SectionA 2d 吉尔:斯科特,周末你打算干什么呢? 斯科特:没什么事,我估计就是听听我新买的激光唱片吧. 吉尔:哦?是什么激光唱片? 斯科特:嗯,全是音乐的,没有歌曲。我喜欢听舒缓的音乐来放松自己,尤其是在工作了漫长的一周以后。 吉尔:听起来不错啊。嗯,如果你有空,愿意和我一起去看部电影吗?(电影的)导演很有名。 斯科特:嗯,那要看什么电影。我只喜欢有趣的电影,我只想笑一笑不想费脑筋,你懂我的意思吧? 吉尔:哦,那样的话,我还是去邀请喜欢看严肃电影的人吧. 斯科特:(你说的)电影是关于什么的? 吉尔:是关于第二次世界大战的。我喜欢能让我思考的电影。 section A, 3a 今天你想看什么(电影)呢? 虽然一些人坚持只看一种电影,但是我喜欢看不同种类的电影,(具体)由当时盼心情决定。 当我情绪低落或感到疲惫的时候,我更喜欢能让我开心的影片。比如,像《黑衣人》那样的喜剧片或像《功夫熊猫》这类的动画片,通常都有滑稽的对话和一个愉快的结局。影片中的人物不一定完美,但是他们都会尽力去解决问题,看了这样的电影,我所面对的许多问题突然间会显得不那么严重,我也会感觉好多了。两个小时的欢笑是一种很好的放松方式。 当我伤心或劳累的时候,我不看剧情片或纪录片。像《泰坦尼克号》这样的剧情片只会让我更伤心。像《帝企鹅日记》这样的纪录片,(通常)会针对某个特定话题提供丰富的信息,(内容)也很有趣,但是当我累的时候,我不想思考太多。当我太累不想思考时,我不介意看像《蜘蛛侠》这样的动作电影。我只想屏蔽我的大脑,坐在那里观看一个令人兴奋的超级英雄,他总是能在关键时刻挽救世界。 偶尔我会喜欢看恐怖片。虽然它们很有意思,但是我会因为太害怕而不敢独自一人看,我总会带上一位不怕这些类型的电影的朋友(一起看),这样就觉得没那么可怕了。 Secton B 2b 凄美 昨晚我的一个中国朋友带我去听了一场中国民间音乐会。其中有一首二胡曲令我特别感动。音乐出奇的美,但是在那美的背后,我感受到悲伤和痛苦。这首曲子有个简单的名字,《二泉映月》,但它是我听到过的最感人的曲子之一。二胡(的声音)听起来那么悲伤,以至于我在听的时候也几乎随着它哭了。后来我查阅了《二泉映月》的历史,开始理解音乐中蕴含的伤感。 这首曲子由一位民间音乐家阿炳写成,他于1893年出生在无锡市。在他还很小的时候,他的母亲就去世了。阿炳的父亲教他弹奏各种乐器,如鼓、笛子和二胡。到了十七岁,阿炳就以他的音乐天赋闻名。然而,他的父亲去世后,阿炳的生活变得更糟糕。他很穷,还得了很严重的疾病,眼睛瞎了。好些年他都没有家,他住在大街上,以弹奏音乐来谋生。即使在他结了婚有了家以后,他还是继续在街道上唱歌、弹曲,他以这种方式表演了好多年。 阿炳惊人的音乐技能让他在有生之年就非常出名。到他临终前,他已会弹六百多首曲子,大部分是他自己写的。遗憾的是,一共只有六首曲子被录了下来得以传世,但时至今日,他(的作品)依旧颇受人们喜爱。今天,阿炳的《二泉映月》成 了所有伟大的二胡演奏家弹奏和赞赏的曲子。它已成了中国文化魁宝之一。它的凄美不仅描绘出阿炳自己的生活,而且也让人们回想起自身的悲苦体验和最深的的痛。


UP67 课文翻译 今天你想要看什么? 有些人坚持只看一种类型的电影,然而我喜欢看不同类形的电影,这取决于我 那天的心情来看。 当我心情沮丧 (be down)或者劳累的时候,我比较喜欢能使我振奋 (cheer sb up) 的电影,像《黑衣人》的或像卡通片《功夫熊猫》有滑稽的对白,而且通常有美 好结局( ending)的喜剧。人物也许并不完美( perfect),但总是尽自己最大努力(try one’s best to)去解决问题。看完后,突然感觉问题似乎没有那么严重,我也感 觉好了很多。大笑两个小时( laughing for two hours 现在分词短语作主语)是一个放松的好途径。 当我悲伤或者劳累的时候我不喜欢戏剧( drama)或是纪录片。像《泰坦尼克》这样的戏剧使我觉得更难过了。像《帝企鹅日记》这样的纪录片提供了大量关于 某一主题也是有趣的,但是当我太累的时候我不想要思考太多。当我太累以至于不 愿思考时,我也不介意看像《蜘蛛侠》这样的动作片。我正好可以让大脑休息,悠 闲地坐着 ,享受观看总是及时拯救世界的一个令人激动的超级英雄的乐趣 . 偶尔( once in a while),我喜欢看恐怖电影,他们可能是有趣的,但是我太 害怕了,不敢自己一个人看,我通常和一个不害怕看这种电影的朋友一起看,这 样也就不再感到那么可怕了。 课文重难点讲解: I.no more 与 no longer区别 =not anymore.表示数量和程度上的“不I will no more go skating.= no more再”,通常修饰非延续性动词。一般指今I won’tgo skating any 后“不再”,故多用于将来时 .more. no longer=not...any longer,指时间或距离上的不再The man no longer waits 延长,通常修饰延续性动词,多指现在情for the doctor.= The man 况与过去相比,故常用于现在时态 .’ doesnt wait for the doctor any longer. II.stick to 坚持,固守 e.g.The woman who always sticks to her promise is Lily’s mother,Mrs Green. The man who is in blue sticks to see you. Stick vt.粘帖 (stuck,stuck) The paper that was stuck on the wall by Mr Chen yesterday is the key to the Chinese test. III.cheer up 使振奋,使高兴代词做宾语时,只能放于两词之间,名词就可放中 间或后面 . Can you cheer the girl who seems to be down up? No,I can’t.I think nothing can cheep her up. We try to cheer the sad boy up/cheer up the sad boy.. IV.make sb do sth让./使某人做某事


Unit 1 flashcard<>快闪存储器卡 Vocabulary<>字汇 aloud<>大声地 pronunciation<>发音 specific<>特性 memorize<>记住 grammar<>语法 differently<>不同的frustrate<>挫败 frustrating<>挫败 quickly<>很快的 add<>增加 excited<>兴奋 not at all<>一点也不 end up<>结束 pronounce<>宣布 spoken<>口语的 slowly<>缓慢的 mistake<>错误 make mistakes<>制造错误comma<>逗号 challenge<>挑战 solution<>解决 later on<>稍后 realize<>了解 matter<>物质 it doesn't matter<>没关系 afraid<>害怕 be afraid to<>害怕 laugh at<>笑 complete<>完全的 sentence<>句子 secret<>秘密 learner<>学习者 take notes<>做笔记 term<>学期 impress<>印象 trouble<>麻烦 fast<>快速的 look up<>查阅 soft<>柔软 make up<>组成 essay<>散文

deal with<>处理 unless<>除非 unfair<>不公平的 solve<>解决 regard<>关心 duty<>责任 easily<>容易地 influence<>影响力 be angry with<>气恼 go by<>经过 friendship<>友谊 lose<>失去 disagreement<>不合development<>发展 adult<>成人 try one's best<>试一个最好unimportant<>不重要的 face<>脸 soldier<>士兵 break off<>中断psychologist<>心理学者Pierre<>皮埃尔 Antonio<>安东尼奥 Lillian<>莉莲 Stephen<>史蒂芬 Unit 2 used to<>过去一直 be interested in<>对……有兴趣airplane<>飞机 terrify<>使恐怖 be terrified of<>被惊吓 go to sleep<>去睡觉 on<>在 insect<>昆虫 candy<>糖果 chew<>咀嚼 gum<>树胶 chat<>闲谈 daily<>每日的 comic<>连环图画 death<>死亡 afford<>负担


教学目标 教学目标与要点 1.能理解和运用被动语态,用被动语态来表达不方便、不必要出现主语的意思。 2.认真学习“English is widely used”,理解学习英语的重要性,端正自己的学习态度。 3.掌握主动语态和被动语态的区别、用法,牢记被动语态的构成,能进行主动语态和被动语态的互换。 4.掌握本单元的词汇,特别是短语be made of/ from / into, be used for/ as/ by等的用法。 5.掌握动词grow, produce, made与主语的习惯搭配。如: tea —grow, salt —produce, trains —made等。 Lesson 33 Period: The First Period Content: Lesson 33 Properties: Recorder; Objects Teaching Objectives: 1. Let the students learn some new words. 2. Enable the students to master the Active and Passive Voices. 3. Master some useful expressions. Language Focus: 1. Some useful expressions: be made of, be used for, etc. Teaching Procedures: I. Organizing the class. Greetings II. Revision

Cheek homework III. Presentation Show the students the real objects, and ask students some questions. The questions are: 1. What’s this in English? 2. What’s it made of? 3. What’s it used for? Teach the students the knowledge of this part through speaking. Try to answer the three questions. Help them really understand this lesson. IV. Practice Ask some students to use the Objects in the class and practise the sentence patterns: 1. What’s this in English? 2. What’s it made of? 3. What’s it used for? Then practise in groups and in pairs. V. Teaching grammar At first, tell the students the grammar: The Active and Passive Voice. Then, give some examples, e. g. 1. Many people speak English. English is spoken by many people. 2. Tom likes swimming. Swimming is liked by Tom. Tell the students the Passive Voice structure. And ask the students to make some sentences and change them into Passive Voice. VI. Practice Practice the useful expressions: be made of and be used for in groups and in pairs. VII. Workbook Ask the students to open their books, look at Exercise 1 and ask them do it in pairs.

人教版九年级英语 Unit11--Unit14 课文翻译

Unit 11 Sad movies made me cry. Section A 2d 南希:嗨!伯特,我想我把爱丽丝给逼的受不了,而且我还不确信该怎么做。波特:发生什么事了? 南希:你知道朱莉是爱丽斯最好的朋友,对吧? 波特:嗯嗯。 南希:唔,我对朱莉了解得越多,越感到我们有许多相同之处。所以我们最近呆在一起的时间更多了。 波特:但那有什么问题吗? 南希:嗯…..这让爱丽斯不开心,因为她认为朱莉现在成为了跟我比跟她更要好的朋友。 波特:我知道了。嗯….每一次你和朱莉在一起做事的时候,你何不邀请爱丽斯一起加入呢?这样她就不会觉得被冷落。 南希:奥,好主意!那还能使我们的友谊更加牢固。 Section A 3a 快乐者的衬衫!(1) 很久以前,在一个富饶而又美丽的国家里,住着一位不开心的国王。他睡不好觉,也没有食欲。他总是面色苍白,还常常无端哭泣。这让往后和他的子民都很担心。 一天,一位医生被招来给国王检查身体。但他发现国王的身体并没有任何的问题。“他的病都在心里。药物和休息对他都无效。他需要的是一个快乐的人所穿的衬衫,那会使他快乐起来。” 首相被叫到宫殿,但当人们把国王的情况向他解释后,他却说:“尽管我有很多权利,但他并没有让我快乐。我总是担心会失去权力。有许多人都在试图取代我的位置。” 接着,国王的银行家来到宫殿,“唉,我恐怕也不快乐呢,”他说:“我有很多财富,但是我总是担心丢失钱财。每天都有人想窃取我的金钱。” 接下来,宫殿的歌手来到国王的房间,但是他却这样说:“的确我很有名,而且每个人都喜欢我的歌。但是我并不快乐,因为我总是担心被人跟踪,我没有自由。” 最后,国王的大将军被派出去,要他在三天之内找到一个快乐的人。Section B,2b 胜利之队 彼得的眼睛盯着地面,当他一个人独自走在回家路上的时候,觉得双肩沉重。今天是他人生中最糟糕的日子。他脑海里总停不住想一个小时以前学校足球场上发生的事。他怎么错过了进球呢?他让全队都失望了。他愚蠢的错误使他生气。整个球队因为他而输掉了比赛。他还担心教练会把他赶出球队。 他一走进家门,他爸爸就问:“怎么了,儿子?”彼得的情绪都写在脸上。“我比赛输了。”彼得回答。然后,他不再说话走进了自己的卧室。十分钟后,彼得听见爸爸在敲卧室门,他打开房门让爸爸进来。 “彼得,你来看,我不知道发生了什么。但不管结果怎样,不要对自己太苛刻。”


胜利之队 彼得的眼睛盯着地面,当他独自一人走在回家的路上时觉得双肩沉重。今天是他人生中最糟糕的日子。他脑海里总是不停地想一个小时之前发生在学校足球场上的事。他怎么错过那个球呢?他让整个球队失望。他愚蠢的错误使他很生气。他的球队因为他输了那场比赛。他很担心教练会把他开除。 他一走进家门,爸爸就问:怎么了,儿子?”彼得的感觉都写在了脸上,“我输了比赛”彼得回答,然后没说一句话就走进了他的房间。十分钟之后,彼得听到爸爸敲他卧室的门他打开门让他进来。 “看,彼得,我不知道发生了什么,但不管结果怎样不要对自己要求太苛刻。 “我输了比赛,父亲。我让球队输了。他们可能永远不会让我踢球了”。 “足球需要团队合作,你不是你们球队输了的唯一原因,如果你们有一个优秀的球队应该互相支持。除此之外,输赢只是比赛的一半。另一半是学会如何与队友合作并从错误中吸取教训。 彼得没说什么,但是爸爸的话使他陷入了深思。 第二天,皮特并没有害怕,而是勇敢地去参加足球训练。 他对队友们说,“我对昨天的事感到很抱歉,我们几乎要赢得那场比赛,但我想只要我们继续团结一致,我们就会赢得下一场比赛。” 令他惊讶和欣慰的是,他的队友全都赞同地点头。 他们说,“不要担心,那绝不是一个人的错,我们应该考虑如何在下次比赛中做的更好。 彼得笑了,知道在一个走向胜利的团队中使他感到很幸运。 Key Words and Phrases(重点单词和词组): 1. __________ n. 重量; 2.___________n. 肩;肩膀 3. ______ n. 球门;射门; 4. __________ 使失望________v. 使失望 5. ________ 教练;私人教师 6. __________ 开除某人 7. __________ 对某人苛刻8. _________n.勇敢;勇气 9. ________ n. 轻松;解脱10. _________n. 过失;缺点 11. ________ n. (意见、看法)一致12.__________ 齐心协力;通力合作

2014人教版九年级英语Unit9 sectionA3a课文翻译和讲解

UP67课文翻译 今天你想要看什么? 有些人坚持只看一种类型的电影,然而我喜欢看不同类形的电影,这取决于我那天的心情来看。 当我心情沮丧(be down)或者劳累的时候,我比较喜欢能使我振奋(cheer sb up)的电影,像《黑衣人》的或像卡通片《功夫熊猫》有滑稽的对白,而且通常有美好结局(ending)的喜剧。人物也许并不完美(perfect),但总是尽自己最大努力(try one’s best to)去解决问题。看完后,突然感觉问题似乎没有那么严重,我也感觉好了很多。大笑两个小时(laughing for two hours现在分词短语作主语)是一个放松的好途径。 当我悲伤或者劳累的时候我不喜欢戏剧(drama)或是纪录片。像《泰坦尼克》这样的戏剧使我觉得更难过了。像《帝企鹅日记》这样的纪录片提供了大量关于某一主题也是有趣的,但是当我太累的时候我不想要思考太多。当我太累以至于不愿思考时,我也不介意看像《蜘蛛侠》这样的动作片。我正好可以让大脑休息,悠闲地坐着,享受观看总是及时拯救世界的一个令人激动的超级英雄的乐趣. 偶尔(once in a while),我喜欢看恐怖电影,他们可能是有趣的,但是我太害怕了,不敢自己一个人看,我通常和一个不害怕看这种电影的朋友一起看,这样也就不再感到那么可怕了。 课文重难点讲解: I.no more与no longer区别 no more =not anymore.表示数量和程度上的“不 再”,通常修饰非延续性动词。一般指今 后“不再”,故多用于将来时. I will no more go skating.= I won’t go skating any more. no longer =not...any longer,指时间或距离上的不再延长,通常修饰延续性动词,多指现在情 况与过去相比,故常用于现在时态. The man no longer waits for the doctor.= The man doesn’t wait for the doctor any longer. II.stick to坚持,固守 e.g.The woman who always sticks to her promise is Lily’s mother,Mrs Green. The man who is in blue sticks to see you. Stick vt.粘帖(stuck,stuck) The paper that was stuck on the wall by Mr Chen yesterday is the key to the Chinese test. III.cheer up使振奋,使高兴代词做宾语时,只能放于两词之间,名词就可放中间或后面. Can you cheer the girl who seems to be down up? No,I can’t.I think nothing can cheep her up. We try to cheer the sad boy up/cheer up the sad boy.. IV.make sb do sth.让/使某人做某事
