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SZO-QA Tonna Guan Sep 15, 2009
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-EN61951-1:2003 Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes-Portable sealed rechargeable single cells Part1:Nickel-Cadmium 含碱性或其他非酸性电解质的二次电池和蓄电池.便携密封可再充电单电池 第1部分_镍镉电池. -EN61960:2004 Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytesSecondary lithium cells and batteries for portable applications 装有碱性或其它非酸性电解液的蓄电池和电池组用于便携式的充电锂电池和电池组 -ANSI C18.2M PART1: American national standard for portable rechargeable cells and batteries-General specifications 第一部分:便携式充电电池的美国标准-一般要求 -Battery Dimension 电池尺寸
5.3 Marking 标识
Each cell or battery shall carry clear and durable markings giving the following information: 每个电池应按照如下信息提供清晰,耐久的标识: -Rechargeable Li or Li-ion; 可替换的锂或锂离子 -Battery or cell designation (e.g.ICR19/66) 电池类型 -Polarity 极性 -Date of manufacture (which may be in code) 生产日期(可以用代码表示) -Name or identification of manufacture or supplier 制造商或供应商的名称或身份识别 Battery markings shall provide the following additional information: 电池标识要提供如下额外信息: -Rated capacity 额定容量 -Nominal voltage 标称电压
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Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
5.3 Marking 标识
Each jacketed cell supplied without connections shall carry durable markings giving the following minimum information: 每个单独电池要提供至少包括以下信息的耐久标识: -Sealed, rechargeable nickel-cadmium or Ni-Cd 密封的,可充电的镍镉 -Cell designation 电池类型 -Rated capacity 额定容量 -Nominal voltage 标称电压 -Recommended charge rate and time or permanent charge current for "T" cells 对于T电池(预计在达到40℃高温下永久充电的电池),建议的充电速度和时间或永久充电电 流 -Polarity 极性 -Date of manufacture (which may be in code) 生产日期(可以使用代码) -Name or identification of manufacture or supplier 制造商或供应商的名称或身份识别
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7.1 Charging procedure for test purposes 充电测试流程
Prior to charging, the cell shall be discharged at 20℃±5℃, at a constant current of 0.2It A down to a specified end -of -discharge voltage. 充电前,电池要在20℃±5℃环境温度和在0.2ItA的恒电流下放电到终止电压为 1.0V Cells or batteries shall be charged, in an ambient temperature of 20℃±5℃, using the method declared by the manufacture. 电池在20℃±5℃的环境温度下使用制造商宣称的方法充电
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7.2.1 Discharge performance at 20℃ ℃ 20℃环境温度下放电性能 ℃
The cell shall be charged in accordance with 7.1.After charging, the cell shall be stored, in an ambient temperature of 20℃±5℃,for not less than 1h and not more than 4h 电池按照7.1条款充电,充电后,要将电池在20℃±5℃环境温度下存放1~4h The cell shall be discharged at 0.2It A rate in an ambient temperature of 20℃±5℃ to a final voltage of 1.0V, if the test is based on the rated capacity C5Ah(5 is the time base in hours for which the capacity is declared), the minimum discharge duration shall be 5h 电池在20℃±5℃环境温度下且在0.2ItA的恒电流下放电到终止电压为1.0V ,如果测试是根据额定容量C5Ah(5表示宣称容量的放电时间基数以小时表示)来进 行的,放电时间不能小于5h.
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EN61960:2004 Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes-Secondary lithium cells and batteries for portable applications 装有碱性或其它非酸性电解液的蓄电池和电池组用于便携式的充电锂电池 和电池组
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7.1Charging procedure for test purposes 充电测试流程
Unless otherwise stated in this standard, the charging procedure for test purposes shall be carried out in an ambient temperature of 20℃±5℃ at a constant current of 0.1ItA for 16h(It A=CnAh/1h) 除非本标准特殊说明,充电程序是在20℃±5℃环境温度和0.1ItA的恒电流下充 电16h. Prior to charging, the cell shall have been discharged in an ambient temperature of 20℃±5℃, at a constant current of 0.2ItA down to a final voltage of 1.0V 充电前,电池在20℃±5℃环境温度下且在0.2ItA的恒电流下已放电到终止电压为 1.0V
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7.2.1 Discharge performance at 20℃(rated capacity) ℃ 20℃环 能( 20℃环境温度 电 能(额 )
Step1-The cell or battery shall be charged in accordance with 7.1 步骤1-电池根据7.1条款充电 Step2-The cell or battery shall be stored , in an ambient temperature of20℃±5℃ , for not less than 1h and not more than 4h 步骤2-电池在20 ℃±5℃ 的环境温度下存放,时间在1h~4h Step3-The cell or battery shall be discharged, in an ambient temperature of 20 ℃±5℃ , at a constant current of 0.2It A, until its voltage is equal to the specified end-of-discharge voltage. 步骤3-电池在20 ℃±5℃ 的环境温度下且在0.2It A的恒电流下放电直到电压达到特 指的终止电压 Step 4-The capacity (Ah) delivered during step 3shall be not less than 100%of the rated capacity declared by the manufacture. Steps 1 to 4 may be repeated up to four additional times, as necessary to satisfy this requirement. 步骤4-在步骤3中得到的容量不能小于制造商宣称的100%的额定容量.为了满足本要求, 1到4步骤可以再重复进行四次
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Your GloCal Service Partner.
EN61951-1:2003 Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes-Portable sealed rechargeable single cells Part1:Nickel-Cadmium 含碱性或其他非酸性电解质的二次电池和蓄电池.便携密封可再充电单电 池 第1部分_镍镉电池. 5.3 Marking 标识 7.1 Charging procedure for test purposes 充电的测试流程 7.2.1 Discharge performance at 20℃ 20℃环境温度 电 能
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Rechargeable battery basic test requirement simple introduction(For QC reference) ( 充电电池的基本测试要求简介(QC参考) 参考) 充电电池的基本测试要求简介 参考
5.3 Marking 标识 7.1 Charging procedure for test purposes 充电的测试流程 7.2.1Discharge performance at 20℃(rated capacity) 20℃环境温度 电 能(额 )
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