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你应当努力学习。 You should study hard.

2 她昨天回家很晚。 She went home very late yesterday evening.

3 那天早上我们谈了很多。 That morning we talked a great deal.

4 会议将持续两个小时。 The meeting will last two hours.

5 在过去的十年里,我的家乡已经发生了巨大的变化。

Great changes have taken place in my home town in the past ten years.

6 这种事情全世界各地每天都在发生

Things of that sort are happening all over the world every day.

7 1919年,在北京爆发了“五.四”运动。

The May Fourth Movement broke out in Beijing in 1919.

8 每天八时开始上课。 Classes begin at eight every day.

9 这个盒子重五公斤。 This box weighs five kilos.

10 五年前我住在北京。 I lived in Beijing five years ago.

11 爱丽丝很会游泳。 Alice swims very well.

12 约翰的父亲昨晚去世了。John’s father died last night.

13 秋天有些鸟飞到南方去。 In autumn, some birds fly to the south.

14 我的爷爷早晨起得很早。 My grandfather gets up early in the morning.

15 每天下午有许多学生到图书馆来借书

Every afternoon a lot of students come to the library to borrow books.



(1)表示特征和存在状态的 be, seem, feel, appear, look, smell, taste, sound.

(2)表示状态延续的 remain, stay, keep, continue, stand.

(3)表示状态变化的 become, get, turn, go, run, fall, come, grow.


1 我的兄弟都是大学生。My brothers are all college students.

2 冬季白天短,夜晚长。 In winter, the days are short and the nights are long.

3 布朗夫人看起来很健康。 Mrs Brown looks very healthy.

4 十五岁他就成为有名的钢琴家了。

At the age of fifteen he became a famous pianist.

5 孩子们,请保持安静。 Children, keep quiet please.

6 这本书是有关美国历史的书。 This b

ook is about the history of the United States.

7 她的工作是在幼儿园里照看儿童。

Her job is to look after the children in the nursery.

8 他失业了。 He is out of work.

9 树叶已经变黄了。 The leaves have turned yellow.

10 这个报告听起来很有意思。 The report sounds interesting.



1 昨晚我写了一封信。 I wrote a letter last night.

2 今天下午我想同你谈谈。 .I want to talk with you this afternoon.

3 这本书他读过多次了。 He has read this book many times.

4 他们成功地完成了计划。 They have carried out the plan successfully.

5 你们必须在两周内看完这些书。You must finish reading these books in two weeks.

6 那位先生能流利地说三种语言 That gentlemen can speak three languages fluently.

7 我收到了笔友从澳大利亚寄来的信。

I received a letter from my pen friend in Australia.

8 Jim 还不会自己穿衣服。 Jim cannot dress himself.

9 我们大家都相信Jack 是一个诚实男孩。

.All of us believe that Jack is an honest boy.

10 他不知道说什麽好。 He did not know what to say.

11 他每天早晨洗冷水澡。 He takes a cold bath every morning.

12 我开窗户你在意吗? Do you mind my opening the window?





1.含有away, out, forward, up 等副词的动词词组是可拆分的。如,

They carried out the plan successfully.我们还可以说,

They carried the plan out successfully. 但我们只能说

As the plan was practical, they carried it out successfully.

动副词组都可以这样用,如,point out(指出), carry out(执行), put forward(提出), work out (做出,算出), find out(找出), give up(放弃), give away(赠送,分发),pick up(拣起), put up (挂上), 等。

2. 而含有介词 at, for, from, into, of, with, to 等的动介词组是不可拆分的。如,look after(照顾), look at(瞧), look for(寻找), belong to(属于), refer to(参考,提及), think of(考虑,评价), send for(派人去请), care for(喜欢),suffer from(受…之苦), deal with(对付,应付), object to(反对), pay for(付…的钱),等。即我们只能说think of it,不能说think it of. in 在动词词组中用作副词,表示“在里面”,“往里进”,“在家”等意思。如,get in(收割),hand in (提交,交进)。

用作介词,表示“在…地点”,“在…范围”,“在…方面”。如,persist in(坚持),succeed in (在…成功)。

Off在动词词组中用作副词,表示“关闭”,“隔离,离开”,“去掉”,等意思。如,turn off(关掉), switch off(关掉), ring off(挂断电话), keep off(远离), take off(脱掉), kick off(踢脱), carry off(运走), put off(推迟), pay off(付清),give off(放出).

用作介词,表示“从…下来”。如,get off(下车), fall off(从…掉下来).

On 在动词词组中用作副词,表示“开”,“走开”,“传递”,“穿戴”。如,turn on(开),move on (走开), pass on(传递), put on(穿上), have on(穿着).

用作介词,表示“在…上”,“在…方面”。如,work on(从事于…), operate on(在…上动手术), agree on(同意)。

表示“上车,上船,上…”,如,get on(上车,上船),ride on(骑上)。

表示“依靠”,“以…为基础”,“按照”,如,depend on(依靠),base on(以…为基础), feed on (以…为食), live on(以…为生计).

Over在动词词组中用作副词,表示“翻转”,“翻倒”,如, turn over(打翻,翻倒),push over
