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letter to you to ask for some help. I have met much difficulty in learning English.
First, I find our texts full of new words that are very difficult for me to remember. Besides, the texts are too long for me to recite. What’s more, grammar is also very difficult to learn.
3. 贴切使用过渡性词汇,提高文章逻辑性 -----first, besides, what’s more ----in the meanwhile, at the same time, in addition, also 4. 适当使用高级表达方式,提高表达档次
----“很难与朋友相处” 1).It’s hard to get along with my friends. 2). I find it difficult to get along …..
early reply.
Yours sincerely, LiHua
1.正确把握时态,保证语言准确性 ----目前某方面存在困难····一般现在时 ----- 描绘得到帮助后的进步···一般将来时 2. 熟悉常用句型,提高文章整体美感 ----首先做自我介绍,简要交待自己的困难, 展望获得帮助后自己的进步
Dear___, 写 作 模 板
My name is ____. I have met much difficulty. First, ____. What’s worse / Worse still, ___. What’s worst, ____. Faced with / Facing so much difficulty, I have to turn to you for help. Would you like to+ V原
how to establish lasting friendship. In
addition, seldom do I communicate部倒
with my parents, which troubles me a lot.
Your kind help would be greatly
appreciated. Looking forward to your
with my parents. 4. Your kind help would be greatly
假如你叫李华,在学习英语的过程中遇 到一些问题, 想得到王老师的帮助. 结 合实际情况给老师写封求助信
1.生词,难记 2. 文章,难背 3.语法,难懂…..
Dear Mr. Wang, My name is LiHua. I’m writing the
4. I would appreciate it if you could
help me with my… 5. I’m terribly sorry for any inconvenience
(which/ that) I have caused. 6. I’m looking forward to your early reply.
1. I can’t concentrate on my study, which has made me feel stressed recently. 2. I find it difficult to do….. 3. In addition, seldom do I communicate
2. Having trouble / difficulty with..., I am writing to you to ask for help.
I wonder whether I could ask you to do me a favor.
3. Facing those problems, I hope that you will be kind enough to help me.
Yours sincerely, XXX
Dear Tom,
How are you doing? I am writing to
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
you to ask for help. I have been having
some problems with my life and study.
First of all, I am always worried
How to write a request letter ?
----清晰陈述请求的内容 ----提出的问题数量不宜过多,要便于回答 ----解释收信人回信的理由 ----表示感谢
求助信要简明扼要,语气委婉真诚, 尽量提供足够的信息.
1.听说你在…方面很有经验,在此我写信向 你寻求帮助
2.我在…方面有困难,我写信请你帮个忙 / 我想不知你能否帮个忙
3. 面对这些问题,我希望你能慷慨帮助 4. 如果你能帮忙,我将不胜感激 5. 如果给你带来任何不便,我深感抱歉 6. 期盼早日收到回复
1.Hearing you have much experience in…, I am writing to ask you for help.
about my marks so that I can’t
concentrate on my study, which has
made me feel stressed recently.
Secondly, I find it形宾 difficult to get
along with my friends. I don’t know
so that / in order that ___? In the meanwhile / Meanwhile, __. Also, I would like you to +V 原. I’m sure that I can ___ with your help. I will much appreciate it if you can help me ___. Thank you for your time.