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风能与动力工程专业人才培养方案Undergraduate Program for Wind Energy & Power Engineering Major


Discipline Type: Engineering Code: 08


Type: Energy & Power Engineering Code: 0805


Title of the Major:Wind Energy & Power Engineering Code: 080507s

一、学制与学位Length of Schooling and Degree

学制:四年Duration:Four years

学位:工学学士Degree:Bachelor of Engineering

二、培养目标Educational Objectives


The students of this major are educated into professionals with strong foundations, broad knowledge scopes, strong practical capabilities and great potentials. The graduates may find engineering or managerial positions in Wind Energy & Power Engineering (WEPE) for wind power plant planning, design, construction, operation and management, Wind Turbine Generator System design and manufacturing, wind resources measurement and assessment, wind power New technology design, etc. They can also undertake the professional posts in other fields.

三、专业培养基本要求Skills Profile










Students are required to master the fundamental theories in fluid, mahinery, electrics, etc. They should study the theories and technologies in wind resources mearument and assesment, aerodynamics, mechanical design and manufacturing, and automatic control. They should also receive basic training for modern wind power professional engineers with the basic abilities for the design, manufacturing, operation, testing, project investment and management of Wind Turbine Generators System(WTGS) and Wind Power Plant, with certain innovation abilities, strong practical abilities and large potential.

The required knowledge and ability for the graduates as follows:

1.Solid foundations in natural science, basic knowledge on politics, literature,

art, social science, and the ability to express correctly in native language.

2.Systemic understanding of foundamental knowledge of this major, including

engineering mechanics, engineering drawing, airdynamics, mechanical design, Electrotechnics, control theory, management, etc.

3.Systemic understanding of the professional knowledge of WEPE, including

Principle of Wind Power Generation, Monitoring and Control of WTGS, Design and Manufacturing of WTGS, Electrical Engineering in Wind Power Plant, Wind Power Plant, Wind Power Project Management, etc. Understanding the development trend of WEPE.

4.One foreign language with basic abilities of listening, speaking, writing and

translation, and the ability of reading the professional literatures without difficulties;

5.Strong ability of using computers.

6.Familiar with the policies and codes concerning the construction and

management of the wind power engineering in China.

7.Basic skills for literature and information search, strong selflearning ability, innovation consciousness, ability of organizing and management, and high comprehensive diathesis.

四、学时与学分Hours and Credits

总学分:197.5 Total Credits:197.5

理论教学总学时:2398 Total Hours of Course:2398


(1)必修课学时/学分:2030/ 127.5 占课程学分的比例:84.7%

Class Hrs/Crs of Required Course:2030/ 127.5 Percentage in Courses Credits:84.7% (2)专业选修课学时/学分:208/ 13 占课程学分的比例:8.6%

Class Hrs/Crs of Electives in Specialty:208/ 13 Percentage in Courses Credits:8.6% (3)公共选修课学时/学分:160/ 10 占课程学分的比例:6.7%

Class Hrs/Crs of Public Electives:160/ 10 Percentage in Courses Credits:6.7% (4)单独开设的实践教学环节:44 占总学分的比例:22.2%

Crs of Main Practical Training:44 Percentage in Total Credits:22.2% (5)课外能力素质学分:3

Extracurricular Credits:3

五、专业主干课程Main Courses

