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Unit 2 What time do you go to school


1、up adv. 向上→

v. 穿衣服

n. 连衣裙→ a red dress

3、brush v. 刷→brush (one’s) teeth

n. 刷子→ (pl.) brushes

4、tooth → (pl.)teeth brush (one’s) teeth 刷牙

toothbrush 牙刷

v. 淋浴→ shower

5、shower n. 淋浴→ take a shower

n. 淋浴器(间)

6、usual adj. 通常的,寻常的,平凡的,普通的→ I have a usual day.

usually adv. 通常,平常→ I usually take a shower at 6.

unusual adj. 不寻常的,罕有的,独特的

unusually adv. 不寻常地;非常

7、forty → fortieth

8、never(否定词。常位于be动词、助动词、情态动词之后,实义动词之前)练习:I always play soccer after school.(改为否定句)

I ________________ play soccer after school.

9、early adv. 早→ get up early / go to bed early

adj. 早的→ early morning / early bus

10、fifty → fiftieth

11、工作,职业→ I have a job. / Scott has an interesting job.

get dressed 穿上衣服

be dressed in…穿着…

dress sb. 给某人穿上衣服

dress up 穿上盛装,装扮


shower = take a shower

look = take a look

walk = take a walk


工作 → go to work / I’m never late for work. 工作 → I work in a school worker n. 工人

13、station n. 电(视)台,车站 →

14、o ’clock → at 4 (o’clock)

15、night (晚10点至黎明前)

16、fun U 乐趣

→ have fun = have a good time adj. 有趣的,使人快乐的 = interesting

funny adj. 奇怪的,滑稽好笑的 → That’s a funny time for breakfast.

17、exercise ① v. 锻炼,运动 exercise = ___________________=________________=________________ ② n. U 锻炼,运动 → take exercise

C 练习;操 → do morning exercises / do eye exercises

练习:⑴ 他们每天都锻炼。______________________________________________

⑵ 她不健康,因为她从不锻炼(身体)。_____________________________________________

18、on weekends on the weekend

19、good — better — best adj. → best friend well — better — best adv. → I like…best. in our group 20、group n. 组,群 a group of …

in groups → work in groups 21、half a half

half an hour / half a month / half a year

22、past prep. 晚于,过(时间)→ twenty past six / half past six adj. 过去的 → in the past three months radio station → at a radio station

TV station → at a TV station

at night all night

day and night Good night!

① 一刻钟 23、quarter

② 四分之一


25、run v. 跑,奔 → I usually run at six in the morning.

runner n. 跑步者,赛跑者

running n. 跑,赛跑 → running star / running shoes

v. 打扫,弄干净 clean my room

26、clean do some cleaning

adj. 干净的 → Our classroom is clean. / It ’s a clean room. 27、walk v. 行走,步行 → walk to …“步行去…”

n. 步行 → take a walk = have a walk = go for a walk = walk

28、quick adj. 快的 →(反)slow

quickly adv. 很快地 →(反)slowly

练习:I usually have a _____________ breakfast. I usually have breakfast very _________________.


29、either ②adv.(用于否定句句末,用逗号隔开)“也(不…)” → He doesn’t have any money, either.

③ adj./pron.(两者中的)任一的(作主语时,相当于三单)

either + n.单数 → Either book is interesting.任何一本书都很有意思。 either of + the + n.(pl.) → Either of the two boys is clever. either of + pron. → Either of you is OK.

30、lot pron. 大量,许多 → lots of = a lot of pl. many pl. much

a / one quarter of + n. 四分之一的… a / one half 一半

three quarters of + n. 四分之三的…

It ’s a quarter past three.现在是三点一刻。 It ’s a quarter to seven.现在是差一刻到七点。 do (one ’s) homework

finish homework / finish doing homework

I have much homework.

walk = take a walk = have a walk look = take a look = have a look

shower = take a shower = have a shower
