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……的一分子be part of / be a member of 报平安inform sb. of one’s safety ……的原因是……the reason why … is that … 被困于be stuck / trapped / stranded


挨家挨户from door to door 闭口不谈say nothing

爱不释手can’t bear putting sth. down 弊多利少do more harm than good

爱莫能助be powerless to help 别无选择have no choice but to do

安然无恙be safe and sound 宾至如归feel at home

熬夜stay up late 彬彬有礼be polite

跋山涉水travel over mountains and

waters 濒临灭绝be threatened with


百听不厌be worth listening to a

hundred times

博览群书sb. be widely / well read

半途而废give up halfway 不辞而别leaving without saying


饱受……之苦suffer a lot from 不辞辛苦take great pains to do / take

trouble to do sth.

保持生态平衡keep the balance of nature 不得而知remain unknown

不辜负live up to 短期致富become rich in a short time 不计其数be countless 对……期望过高expect too much of

不假思索without hesitation 对……有信心have confidence in / be

confident of

不流利的英语broken English 耳边风go in at one ear and out the


不眠之夜sleepless night 耳目一新feel refreshing

不胜感激sb1. would appreciate it

(very much) if sb2. would/

could do sth.

二手车used car / second-hand car

不速之客unexpected guests 发表评论comment (v.) on / give one’s

comment (n.) on

不惜一切代价at all costs 反之亦然vice versa

不遗余力spare no effort to do sth. /

make every effort to do sth. 放学后补课have extra classes after


不折不扣completely 非常乐于be only too glad to do sth. 不知所措be at a loss / at sea 非常重视lay / place / put great

emphasis on

不足为外人道也between you and me 废寝忘食neglect sleep and meals

采取行动/措施take action / measures 费九牛二虎之力with a lot of difficulty

畅所欲言express oneself freely 分道扬镳go in different directions

畅销书best-seller 奋不顾身have no thought for one’s

own safety

彻夜难眠stay awake all night 奋力追求梦想pursue one’s dreams


沉默寡言with few words 付出代价do sth. at (great) cost pay (a

high) price for

呈现新貌take on a new look 付诸实施put into practice

充耳不闻turn a deaf ear to 负债累累be in heavy debt

充分利用make full use of 高度赞扬speak highly of

抽出时间set aside some time 高薪工作high-paid job

愁眉不展be worried about 各行各业all walks of life

出尔反尔break one’s promise 给出答复give sb. a reply

出国进修go abroad for further study 跟上……步伐keep pace with

出乎意料out of one’s expectation /


更不要说let alone

出事地点the scene of the accident 鼓足勇气screw up / get up one’s


吹毛求疵be particular about / find

fault with 固执己见stick to one’s opinion


吹嘘boast about 刮目相看look at sb. with new eyes 从……判断judging from / by 关心生活质量be concerned about the life


从失败中吸取教训learn a lesson from one’s


光天化日in broad daylight

粗略了解get a rough idea of 归根结底after all

粗心大意be careless to do 归咎blame sb. for sth. / blame

sth. on sb.

错失良机miss the golden chance 毫不费力without any difficulty /

without effort / effortlessly 打从心底里from the bottom of one’s


号召call on sb. to do sth.

打破记录break the records 合胃口to one’s taste

大失所望be greatly disappointed with 合作cooperate with

大相径庭/截然不同be totally different 忽然大笑burst out laughing / burst

into laughter

代代相传pass down from generation

to generation 化险为夷succeed in turning danger

into safety

代替replace A with B / substitute

A for B

欢欣鼓舞be happy and encouraged

淡泊名利be not interested in fame

and health

缓解压力relieve pressure / stress

导致(原因)lead to / cause /

bring about / result in(结


焕然一新take on a new look

低碳生活low-carbon life 灰心lose heart

抵御……的诱惑resist the t emptation of … 回心转意change one’s mind

鼎力相助do whatever one can to help 昏迷不醒remain unconscious
