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Iron tailings in the modern construction of a wide range, especially for such a hit in China, a large inventory, and there is an overall upward trend. When the number of its growing, its own problems have been exposed. In our country, for example, at present, the tailings utilization efficiency is low, once entered into the large-scale production mode, many problems will be completely exposed, resulting in harm to the environment and so on. A large part of the problem focused on their own stacking area is larger, will occupy land resources, and even lead to a number of chain reactions.

In order to really help the realization of China's green construction and sustainable development, utilization of iron ore tailings should also self change, in terms of the current form, they should enter into the main recycling mode, through the comprehensive utilization of reasonable, ensure its to achieve maximum utilization. The topic of this research is to address this content, mainly for the civil engineering construction field of application methods, and to analyze whether it can improve the ecological environment to ease social pressure. In this paper, through the analysis of a large number of literature, and adopted a research model, based on the status of using at home and abroad were analyzed and summarized, find the prominent problems, and to solve this problem form the discussion, put forward suggestions for discussion. In this paper, the main content is to improve China's iron tail placer use efficiency in civil regeneration construction, really help our contemporary civil engineering to establish a good way of development.

Key words: iron ore; civil engineering; recycling

1. 绪论 (5)

1.1研究背景及研究意义 (5)

5) 尾矿随意排放到江海湖或草原沙漠,导致环境污染; (6)

1.2国内外研究现状 (7)

1.2.1国内研究现状 (7)

1.2.2国外研究现状 (10)

2.铁尾矿砂概述 (13)

2.1铁尾矿砂 (13)

2.2我国铁尾矿应用现状分析 (16)

2.3铁尾矿应用存在的危害及当前应用存在的问题 (20)

2.1.2铁尾矿的危害 (20)

3.铁尾矿砂的土木工程利用可行性探讨 (23)

3.铁尾矿砂的土木工程利用可行性探讨 (24)

3.1 铁尾矿所包含的成分和具体性质分析 (24)

3.1.1 试样分析 (24)

3.1.2 对铁尾矿中的化学成分进行研究 (24)

3.1.3 铁尾矿中所包含的矿物成分探讨 (25)

3.2 探讨铁尾矿稳定性 (25)

3.3铁尾砂矿应用分析 (25)

4.土木工程中铁尾砂矿的再生利用技术 (29)

4.1铁尾砂矿混凝土制备 (29)

4.1.1铁尾砂矿制备混凝土基础性能简介 (30)

4.1.2制备工艺 (31)

4.2铁尾矿砂免烧砖 (32)

4.2.1免烧砖简介 (32)
