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Do you like eating fish? How many times a week does your family eat fish? Fish are good for our health. In most places of the world, people (81) _____________ (sell)

fish for thousa nds of years. We can get fish easily. But there is bad n ews: people (82) (have) no fish to eat by the year of 2048! Why? Scientists (83) ______ (start) to

make a study in 1965. More tha n 40 years have passed, and now the study (84) (show) that 29% of sea fish have n early died out. Although people kill fewer fish tha n one hundred years ago, the species(类)of sea fish (85) ____________________ (get) fewer and



Two women on a train were arguing. At last one of them(76) (call)the conductor(售票员).She said, "If this window is open, I (77) (catch) cold. And I'll probably die."

The other woma n said, "Well, con ductor, if you (78) _______________ (shut)

this win dow. I will die. I feel difficult in breathi ng. ” The con ductor did n't know what to do.

A man who was listening all the time said he (79) (have) an idea. "First open the window. That will kill one.” he said, “ Nexfehut it. That (80) (kill) the other, then we can have peace”


Liu Xia ng was born in Sha nghai on the 13th of July, 1983. He is 1.88m tall a nd 76

____ (weigh) 74 kilograms.

He bega n practic ing jump ing whe n he was at Grade Four in primary school. He 77 (wi n) the gold medal of the me n's 110m hurdles in the 28th Olympic Games. It is the first gold medal that Chinese have won from this competition in the Olympic history. He 78 (be) a great hero in Chin ese eyes since the n. He also likes singing and seeing films. Once when he 79 (walk) in the street, he stopped to answer the reporter, "I 80 (sing) songs with friends if

I feel tired after training, or go to a movie for relaxati on."


The following is a true story with Mike.

Last Sun day Mike (76) _______ (walk) in the park whe n he saw a woma n with a dog. The woma n was sitt ing on a bench and the dog was look ing up at her.

Kike walked up to the woma n

That (77) _______ (be) a nice dog, is'it?” Mike said

Both of them laughed and the n Mike said, Does your dog bite?

No,” the woma n said. He (78)_______ (not bite) anyone so far. He 'always

gen tle and frie ndly.”

Mike thought for a moment and decided to touch the animal's head to see whether he (79) ________________ (bite) or not. Sudde nly it jumped up and bit him.

Hey! ” Mike shouted. You said your dog (80) _______ (not bite).

The woman replied in surprise, Yeah. I did. But this is not my dog. My dog ' at home ”

(五) 2013年茂名中考题

One evening Kate was enjoying a film at the cinema. In the middle of the film a man next to her (76) _________ (stand) up and looked for something. He made a lot of

no ise. Kate got angry and said in a low voice, What are you doing, sir? What are you looking for? ” “ hn sorry, I (77) _ (look) for a piece of cake, ” the man said, ft

(78) ____ (drop) down to the floor a moment ago”

A piece of cake?' the girl said angrily, ft must be dirty now! Here is a piece of chocolate.

(79) _____________ (take) it and be quiet, please.

But my teeth (80) ____ (be) in the cake: said the man.


A survey by baidu. Com showed ____ (be) 16 milliom bloggers(写网络日志的

人).Xu Ji nglei was one of the first famous people that website sina. Com .in vited to ope n blogs.

The web log 2. _____ (write) by XuJinglei is now the world 'most popular.Xu, an

actress-turned-director,became famous overseas whe n she won a Best Director Award for the film A Letter From an Unknown Woman ” in 2004.Her blog 3. ________ (break)

the domestic国内的)record with more than 10 million visits.

Xu updates(更新)her blog every other day. But if she 4. ___ (feel) very good she sometimes posts two or three articles in a day. Visitors leave thousa nds of messages about
