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Revised: Since the reform and opening up, China's economy has made remarkable achievements. People's living standards have been greatly improved, but resource constraints and waste have become the bottleneck of economic development.
Original: China's resources are abundant, but the amount per capita is less than half the figure per capita worldwide, the fresh water per capita is one-fourth of the world average. In the 45 kinds of strategic resources, 9 kinds are in severe shortages, 10 kinds are in shortages.
Revised: China has abundant resources, but the average resource per capita is less than half the figure per capita worldwide, and the fresh water per capita is one-fourth of the world average. In the 45 kinds of strategic resources, 9 of them are in severe shortages, 10 kinds are in shortages.
英语1401 林熹薇 谢雪玲 武思瑶 邹俊妮
01 背景资料 Background 02 文本翻译 Translation 03 归纳总结 Conclusion
01 背景资料Background
01 背景资料 Background
节约型社会是指在生产、流通、消费等领域,尽可能节约资源和减少资源消耗,并获得大的 经济和社会收益的社会形态。“节约”有两层涵义:一是杜绝浪费,即要求我们在经济运行 中减少对资源消耗的浪费;二是在生产消费过程中,用尽可能少的资源、能源,创造相同的、 甚至更多的财富。要看到,资源节约型社会以满足人们的生活需要为前提。离开这个前提, 虽然资源节约了,但却是“不发展的社会”,这与科学发展观背道而驰。
02 文本翻译 Translation
02 文本翻译 Translwk.baidu.comtion
Part 1 邹俊妮
改革开放以来,我国经济取得了世人瞩目的成就,人民的生活水平 有了很大的改善,但资源紧张和浪费已成为经济发展的瓶颈,
Original: Since the reform and opening up, China's economy has made remarkable achievements in the world. People's living standards have been greatly improved, but resource constraints and waste has become the bottleneck of economic development.
size up the situation 审时度势
节约政府一般翻译为 economizing government
02 文本翻译 Translation
我国的资源占有量比较丰富,但人均占有量仅为世界人均占有量 的一半,人均淡水量是世界平均水平的四分之一,45种战略资源 中,有9种严重短缺,10种短缺。
Revised: The CPC Central Committee sizes up the situation and put forward to build a conservation-minded society, proposing the policy of economizing government and energy-saving and emission reduction, which is significant to maintain sustained and stable economic development.
01 背景资料 Background
我国以占世界9%的耕地、6%的水资源、4%的森林,1.8%的石油、0.7%的天然气、不足9%的 铁矿石、不足5%的铜矿、和不足2%的铝土矿,养活着占世界22%的人口;大多数矿产资源人 均占有量不到世界平均水平的一半,我国占有的煤、油、天然气人均资源只及世界人均水平的 55%、11%和4%。中国最大的比较优势是人口众多,最大的劣势是资源不足。
the reform and opening up 改革开放
in the world在句中多 余,故删去。
02 文本翻译 Translation
党中央审时度势,提出建设节约型社会,并且实行打造节约政府、 落实节能减排的政策,这以对保持经济持续稳定发展具有重要意义。
Original: The CPC Central Committee sizes up the situation and put forward to build a conservation-minded society, proposing the policy of economized government and energy-saving emission reduction, which is significant to maintain sustained and stable economic development.