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• 他母亲道:“何必如此招摇!……” (Para4,line4) • 霍:"Whyever should we go to any such trouble?" said his mother.(Para12,line1) • 杨:"Why go to such trouble?" she asked.(Para11,line1)
• 这薛公子学名薛蟠,表字文起,…… (Para2,line1) • 霍克斯:Young Huseh's name was Pan, his courtesy name Wen-chi,...(Para2,line1) • 杨宪益:Xue Pan, to give him his full name,...(Para2,line1)
• 贾政便使人上来对王夫人说:“……。” (Para6,line1) • 霍:Jia Zheng now sent a servant round to Lady Wang with the following message:...(Para19,line3) • 杨:Then Chia Cheng sent a message to his wife saying,"...."(Para19,line1)
“Grandmother Jia”的基础
原文:薛公子学名薛蟠,表字文起 译文 Y: Young Hsueh's name was Pan, his courtesy name Wen-chi H: Xue Pan, to give him his full name 解释:Young; courtesy name
• 当下言不着雨村。且说那买了英莲打死冯 渊的薛公子……(Para1,line1) • 霍克斯:But now no more of Yu-cun. Let us turn instead to Young Xue,...(Para1,line1) • 杨宪益:Let us return now to young Hsueh, who...(Para1,line1)
• 贾母王氏……今年方四十上下年 纪,……(Para2,line4) • 霍克斯:...she was now around fifty ...(Para3,line4) • 杨宪益:she was about forty years of age...(Para3,line4)
• 人命官司一事,他竟视为儿戏,自为花上 几个臭钱,没有不了的。(Para3,last line) • 霍:...accounting the charge of manslaughter a mere bagatelle...(Para8,line4) • 杨:To him a murder charge was just a trifle...(Purtesy name 尊重原文,Young 译出薛蟠年轻气盛的性格特点,形象
地 名
原文:出夹道便是王夫人正房的东边了 译文 Y: Lady Wang's main apartment H: Lady Wang's compound 解释:apartment ; compound 理由:王夫人、别院;compound虽有院子意思,但不贴切,apartment更符合 王夫人身份 分析:正房、四合院,H想表达却没能表达好
• 谁知自从在此住了不上一月的光景,贾宅 族中……(Para8,line3) • 霍:...before he had been there a month...(Para24,line3) • 杨:To his relief, after less than a month he...(Para25,line1)
Yang Xianyi
Vs Huo Kesi
1. Salutation; Location 2. Mistranslation 3. Cultural diversity 4. Sentence structure
原文:薛蟠 译文 Y: Hsueh Pan H: Xue Pan
2、没有标示送气音的符号,造成许多不同的姓在英语中无法区分 3、威式拼音系统不是很统一,一个人的名字往往 会有多种拼写方式 4、符合英美读者的拼写习惯,但不利于读者了解中国的人名文化
原文:宝钗 译文 Y: Pao-chai H: Bao-chai 原文:贾政 译文 Y: Chia Cheng H: Jia Zheng
exchange of information about the years of separation,and after they
中国人,译文的翻译面向外国人,所以参照外国人姓氏 的习惯,译成Hsueh Pan 外国人,译文的翻译更多程度上想要贴近中国人的文化 习惯,参照中国人人姓氏的习惯,直译 Xue Pan
威妥玛式拼音法(Wade-Giles romanization)hs= x,ue=ue,h 不发音
缺点: 1、保持接近英文拼法的一些特点,但并不完全迁就英文的拼写习惯
译文 Y: Ying-lien H:Ying-lian
译文 Y:Wang Tzu-teng H: Wang Zi-teng
原文:贾母 译文 Y: Lady Dowager
H: Grandmother Jia
贾母乃荣国府中之至尊,是个名副其实的“matriarch”,译成 Grandmother Jia实难凸显其位高权重,受人尊敬。Lady更有礼 貌尊敬,Dowager一词译出了贾母孀居贵妇的事实。 更显亲和力,但让贾母的形象不够厚重。
brother's promotion to a frontier post,for this confronted her with the lonely
prospect of having none of her own family to visit. ——Y
姊妹们暮年想会,自不必说悲喜交集。泣笑叙阔一番。 (忙又引了拜见贾母,将人情土物各种酬献了。合家俱厮 见过,忙又治席接风。) We need not dwell on the mingled delight and sorrow of these two sisters meeting again in the evening of life or all their tears,laugthers and reminiscences. ——Y The sudden reunion of the two sisters was,it goes without saying,an affecting one in which joy and sorrow mingled./(After an
Y: For fear that his uncle would control him so strictly that he would not be his own master. (24) H: Fearing that his uncle's control would prevent him from enjoying himself. (23)
解释:be his own master 做自己的主人 enjoying himself 过得开心
每日或饭后,或晚间,薛姨妈便过来,或与贾母闲谈, 或与王夫人相叙。⑺
Y: Every day after lunch or in the evening, Aunt Hsueh would walk over to chat with the Lady Dowager or to talk over the old days with her sister. (22) H: Through this passage-way Aunt Xue would now daily repair, either after dinner or in the evening, to gossip with Grandmother Jia or reminisce with her sister, Lady Wang. 解释:chat 闲谈 gossip 说长道短
Yu-cun,/when the news that her elder brother had been promoted to a frontier
post plunged her once more in gloom at the prospect of losing her main source of contact with the members of her own family. ——H Meanwhile Lady Wang ,who had learned with relief of the dismissal thanks to Yu-tsun of the charge against Hsueh Pan,had been dismayed again by her
那时王夫人已知薛蟠官司一事,亏贾雨村维持了结,才放了心。又见哥哥 升了边缺,正愁又少了娘家的亲戚来往,略加寂寞。 Lady Wang had just breathed a sign of relief on learning that the affair of Xue Pan's manslaugther charge had been retrieved through the good offices of Jia
薛蟠道:“如今舅舅正升了外省去,家里自然忙乱起身, 咱们这功夫一窝一拖的奔了去,岂不没眼色。”⑷
Y: "But uncle's just been promoted and is going to the provinces, so his place is bound to be upside down. If we descend on him like a swarm of bees, it will look most inconsiderate." ⑿ H: 'But Uncle's just been promoted to the Northern Province,' Xue Pan expostulated.'They will be making frantic preparations for him to go. What sort of stupid idiots shall we look like if we come scooting along with all our bag and baggage just at the very moment when he wants to leave? ⒀ 解释:upside down 颠倒的,混乱的 frantic 狂乱的,疯狂的 like a swarm of bees 一窝蜂地 along with all our bag and baggage 带着所有的行李
Y: When the entire family had been introduced, a feast of welcome was spread for the travellers. ⒅ H: Everyone had been introduced to everyone else, there was a family party to welcome the new arrival. ⒅ 解释:feast 筵席 family party 家庭聚会