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Ethanol is a kind of extremely important organic raw chemicals, and a kind of fuel, too. It is very important in national economy. In recent years, with the development of the products that are made from methanol, especially the popularization and application of the fuel of ethanol, the demand for the ethanol rises by a large margin. In order to satisfy economic development's demands for methanol, the 100000t/a ethanol project is carried out.

The main content of the design process is craft prove, material balance, heat balance etc. The principle of the design is in line with the national conditions, advanced in technology, accessible, comprehensive utilization of resources, as well as economic and environmental. This design mainly adopts the following process: coke oven gas as raw materials, tube average temperature ethanol synthesis reactor at low pressure, the rectification craft of two towers for rectifying ethanol. In addition, controlling of waste emissions strictly, the full use of waste heat, reducing energy consumption, staff safety and health are well considered.

Keywords: Ethanol; Purification; Synthesis; Distillation


摘要 ...................................................................................................... I Abstract.................................................................................................. I I 第1章绪论 . (1)

1.1 设计的目的和意义 (1)

1.2 产品的性质及用途 (1)

1.2.1 物理性质 (1)

1.2.2 化学性质 (1)

1.2.3 产品的用途 (2)

1.3 乙醇现状及建厂可行性分析 (2)

1.3.1 国乙醇发展现状及发展趋势 (2)

1.3.2 建厂的可行性分析 (3)

1.4 合成气制备乙醇的原理与工艺 (4)

1.4.1 合成法制备乙醇的原理 (4)

1.4.2 乙醇合成的工艺过程 (5)

第2章工艺流程选择 (6)

2.1 工艺流程简图 (6)

2.2 原料气制备方案选择 (6)

2.3 净化工艺方案选择 (6)

2.4 转化工序 (8)

2.5合成气压缩工段 (10)

2.6 乙醇的合成 (11)

2.6.1 乙醇合成工艺的选择 (11)

2.6.2 乙醇合成塔的选择 (11)

2.6.3 催化剂的选用 (13)

2.7 粗乙醇的精馏 (14)

2.7.1 精馏原理 (14)

2.7.2 精馏工艺和精馏塔的选择 (15)

第3章工艺流程 (18)

3.1 原料气净化工艺流程 (18)

3.1.1 硫铵 (19)

3.1.2 洗脱苯 (19)

3.1.3 精脱硫 (20)

3.1.4 转化 (20)

3.2 乙醇合成流程 (22)

3.3 乙醇精馏流程 (23)

第4章工艺计算 (24)

4.1 乙醇生产的物料平衡计算 (24)

4.1.1 合成塔物料平衡计算 (24)

4.1.2 粗乙醇精馏的物料平衡计算 (30)

4.2 甲醇生产的能量平衡计算 (32)

4.2.1 合成塔能量计算 (32)

4.2.2 主精馏塔能量衡算 (33)

第5章主要设备计算及选型 (36)

5.1 甲醇合成塔的设计 (36)

5.2 粗乙醇贮槽 (38)

5.3 主精馏塔的设计 (39)

5.3.1 精馏塔全塔物料衡算及塔板数的确定 (39)

5.3.2 塔径的确定 (40)

5.4 主精馏塔的选型 (40)

5.4.1 壁厚 (40)

5.4.2 封头 (40)

5.4.3 裙座 (41)

5.4.4 接管设计 (41)

第6章总结 (43)

致 (45)

参考文献 (46)

附录 (47)
