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College of Agronomy and Biotechnology, Southwest University / Engineering Research Center of South Upland Agriculture, Ministry of Education,
Chongqing 400716, China; 2 Dazhou Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Sichuan 635000, China
本研究由国家重点基础研究发展计划 (973 计划 )项目 (2011CB100402)和国家自然科学基金项目 (31271673)资助。
通讯作者 (Corresponding authors): 王龙昌 , E-mail: wanglc2003@163.com; 王季春 , E-mail: wchun1963@163.com
Abstract: The intercropping of potato and maize is widely practiced in China. In the potato/maize system, competition for light is an issue as the leaves of potato and maize become different strata within the canopy. The potato/maize intercropping trials using two potato varieties including Zhongshu 5 (early-maturing variety with erect branches) and Mila (mid-late maturing variety with spread branches) with the sole cropping potato as contro1 were carried out to determine the dynamic changes of LAI, SLW, Chl a+b, Chl a/b ratio, photosynthetical active radiation (PAR), gas exchange attributes in leaves at three position levels at tuber initiation stage and tuber expanding stage and yield. The results indicated that intercropping led to decrease LAI, SLW and Chl a/b ratio and increase Chl a+b. In addition, the gradual decrease in PAR, water use efficiency (WUE), stomatal limitation (Ls=1–Ci/Ca, Ca: ambient CO2 concentration) and the increase in net photosynthetic rate (Pn), stomatal conductance (Gs), intercellular CO2 (Ci) and transpiration rate (Tr) were observed from tuber initiation stage to tuber expanding stage. There was a continuous significant reduction in PAR, Pn, Gs and Tr from the upper leaves to the middle and lower leaves in all treatments, with a lower reduction under intercropping than under sole cropping. The variations in Pn, Gs, Ci, and Ls indicated the decreased photosynthetic activity in the middle and lower leaves pertaining, to both stomatal and non-stomatal mechanisms. Intercropping also declined Pn in the upper
第一作者联系方式 : E-mail: hcj268@126.com Received(收稿日期 ): 2012-05-09; Accepted(接受日期 ): 2012-10-09; Published online(网络出版日期 ): 2012-12-11. URL: http://www.cnki.net/kcms/detail/11.1809.S.20121211.1613.003.html
ACTA AGRONOMICA SINICA 2013, 39(2): 330342 ISSN 0496-3490; CODEN TSHPA9
http://www.chinacrops.org/zwxb/ E-mail: xbzw@chinajournal.net.cn
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2013.00330
黄承建 1,2 杨国才 1
赵思毅 2
王龙昌 1,*
王季春 1,*
蔡叶茂 1
西南大学农学与生物科技学院 / 南方山地农业教育部工程研究中心 , 重庆 400716; 635000
Biblioteka Baidu
四川省达州市农业科学研究所 , 四川达州
要 : 以马铃薯品种中薯 5 号 (早熟 , 株型直立 )和米拉 (中晚熟 , 株型扩散 )单作为对照 , 在大田条件下 , 调查马铃
黄承建等 : 马铃薯/玉米套作对马铃薯品种光合特性及产量的影响
leaves and elevated Pn in the middle and lower leaves. Furthermore, there were higher Chl a+b in vegetative growth stage and tuber initiation stage and lower Chl a+b in tuber expanding stage and starch accumulation stage in Zhongshu 5/maize than in Mira/maize system, with the opposite changing trend for SLW. Higher LAI and Chl a/b ratio at all developmental stages, higher PAR in the upper leaves and lower PAR in the middle and lower leaves were observed, and higher Pn in the middle and lower leaves in Zhongshu 5 than in Mira in intercropping systems but the similar Pn in the upper leaves. In comparison with Mira, there were lower Gs, Ci, and Tr and higher WUE and Ls in leaves at the same position levels in Zhongshu 5. In summary, intercropping led to substantial reduction in tuber yield at harvest time due to the change on the light environment and the photosynthetic characteristics of potato in potato/maize systems. Nonetheless, intercropping deteriorated the light environment for Zhongshu 5/maize system while improved the light environment for Mira/maize system, which led to lower LER in the former (1.24) than in the latter (1.40), showing the stronger intercropping superiority for Mira/maize system in the production. Keywords: Potato; Maize; Intercropping; Monoculture; Leaf position; Photosynthetic characteristics; Yield
Effect of Potato/Maize Intercropping on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Yield in Two Potato Varieties
HUANG Cheng-Jian1,2, ZHAO Si-Yi2, WANG Long-Chang1,, WANG Ji-Chun1,, ZHAO Yong1, CAI Ye-Mao1, TENG Yan1, and YANG Guo-Cai1
薯 /玉米套作模式中 2 个品种光合指标的变化、块茎形成期至块茎增长期不同叶位气体交换参数的变化 , 分析光合指 标对产量的影响。结果表明 , 整个生育期马铃薯叶绿素含量 (Chl a+Chl b)套作高于单作 , 叶面积指数 (LAI)、比叶重 (SLW)和叶绿素 a/b 值 (Chl a/b)套作低于单作。从块茎形成期至块茎增长期 , 群体光合有效辐射 (PAR)、水分利用效率 (WUE)、气孔限制值 (Ls)呈下降趋势 , 净光合速率 (Pn)、气孔导度 (Gs)、胞间二氧化碳浓度 (Ci)、蒸腾速率 (Tr)呈上升趋 势。 PAR、 Pn、 Gs、 Tr 均随叶位的降低显著下降 , 套作下降幅度低于单作。套作中、下层叶片 Pn 的下降受气孔因素 和非气孔因素限制。套作降低了马铃薯上层叶 Pn, 提高了中、下层叶 Pn。套作中薯 5 号的 Chl a+Chl b 生育前期高于 米拉 , 生育后期低于米拉 , SLW 则相反 ; LAI 和 Chl a/b 整个生育期高于米拉。 套作中薯 5 号上层叶 PAR 高于米拉 , 中、 下层叶 PAR 低于米拉 ; 套作中薯 5 号上层叶 Pn 与米拉相近 , 中、 下层叶 Pn 高于米拉 ; 各层叶 WUE、 Ls 高于米拉 , Gs、 Ci、Tr 低于米拉。总之 , 套作改变了马铃薯的光合特性 , 并显著降低了马铃薯块茎产量 ; 套作恶化了中薯 5 号 /玉米复 合群体的光环境 , 改善了米拉 /玉米复合群体的光环境 , 米拉 /玉米套作体系土地当量比 (1.40)大于中薯 5 号 /玉米体系 (1.24), 显示了较强的套作优势 , 宜在生产中优先推广。 关键词 : 马铃薯 ; 玉米 ; 套作 ; 单作 ; 叶位 ; 光合特性 ; 产量
间套作是一种高效利用农业自然资源的集约种 植模式 , 因其能提高复合群体总产量 , 减少病虫害 发生 , 抑制田间杂草生长 , 增加土壤肥力 , 增加农 田生态系统生物多样性
光合作用的变化不尽相同 , 可能与作物种类有关。 但这些研究在间套作作物体系上未见报道。 马铃薯和玉米是重要的粮饲作物 , 马铃薯 /玉米 间套作是常见的栽培模式 , 生产中与玉米间套作的 马铃薯品种多而不规范 , 导致两作物在光资源的利 用上竞争关系明显 , 限制了复合群体的总产量 , 因 此探讨套作条件下马铃薯光合特性的变化对提高复 合群体的产量具有重要意义。本试验以 2 个不同株 型、不同熟性的马铃薯品种单作为对照 , 采用田间 试验 , 研究套作下 2 个品种叶面积指数、比叶重、 叶绿素的动态变化及块茎形成期和块茎增长期植株 上、中、下层叶片的光合作用规律 , 以期为间套作 高产高效提供科学依据和技术指导。
College of Agronomy and Biotechnology, Southwest University / Engineering Research Center of South Upland Agriculture, Ministry of Education,
Chongqing 400716, China; 2 Dazhou Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Sichuan 635000, China
本研究由国家重点基础研究发展计划 (973 计划 )项目 (2011CB100402)和国家自然科学基金项目 (31271673)资助。
通讯作者 (Corresponding authors): 王龙昌 , E-mail: wanglc2003@163.com; 王季春 , E-mail: wchun1963@163.com
Abstract: The intercropping of potato and maize is widely practiced in China. In the potato/maize system, competition for light is an issue as the leaves of potato and maize become different strata within the canopy. The potato/maize intercropping trials using two potato varieties including Zhongshu 5 (early-maturing variety with erect branches) and Mila (mid-late maturing variety with spread branches) with the sole cropping potato as contro1 were carried out to determine the dynamic changes of LAI, SLW, Chl a+b, Chl a/b ratio, photosynthetical active radiation (PAR), gas exchange attributes in leaves at three position levels at tuber initiation stage and tuber expanding stage and yield. The results indicated that intercropping led to decrease LAI, SLW and Chl a/b ratio and increase Chl a+b. In addition, the gradual decrease in PAR, water use efficiency (WUE), stomatal limitation (Ls=1–Ci/Ca, Ca: ambient CO2 concentration) and the increase in net photosynthetic rate (Pn), stomatal conductance (Gs), intercellular CO2 (Ci) and transpiration rate (Tr) were observed from tuber initiation stage to tuber expanding stage. There was a continuous significant reduction in PAR, Pn, Gs and Tr from the upper leaves to the middle and lower leaves in all treatments, with a lower reduction under intercropping than under sole cropping. The variations in Pn, Gs, Ci, and Ls indicated the decreased photosynthetic activity in the middle and lower leaves pertaining, to both stomatal and non-stomatal mechanisms. Intercropping also declined Pn in the upper
第一作者联系方式 : E-mail: hcj268@126.com Received(收稿日期 ): 2012-05-09; Accepted(接受日期 ): 2012-10-09; Published online(网络出版日期 ): 2012-12-11. URL: http://www.cnki.net/kcms/detail/11.1809.S.20121211.1613.003.html
ACTA AGRONOMICA SINICA 2013, 39(2): 330342 ISSN 0496-3490; CODEN TSHPA9
http://www.chinacrops.org/zwxb/ E-mail: xbzw@chinajournal.net.cn
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2013.00330
黄承建 1,2 杨国才 1
赵思毅 2
王龙昌 1,*
王季春 1,*
蔡叶茂 1
西南大学农学与生物科技学院 / 南方山地农业教育部工程研究中心 , 重庆 400716; 635000
Biblioteka Baidu
四川省达州市农业科学研究所 , 四川达州
要 : 以马铃薯品种中薯 5 号 (早熟 , 株型直立 )和米拉 (中晚熟 , 株型扩散 )单作为对照 , 在大田条件下 , 调查马铃
黄承建等 : 马铃薯/玉米套作对马铃薯品种光合特性及产量的影响
leaves and elevated Pn in the middle and lower leaves. Furthermore, there were higher Chl a+b in vegetative growth stage and tuber initiation stage and lower Chl a+b in tuber expanding stage and starch accumulation stage in Zhongshu 5/maize than in Mira/maize system, with the opposite changing trend for SLW. Higher LAI and Chl a/b ratio at all developmental stages, higher PAR in the upper leaves and lower PAR in the middle and lower leaves were observed, and higher Pn in the middle and lower leaves in Zhongshu 5 than in Mira in intercropping systems but the similar Pn in the upper leaves. In comparison with Mira, there were lower Gs, Ci, and Tr and higher WUE and Ls in leaves at the same position levels in Zhongshu 5. In summary, intercropping led to substantial reduction in tuber yield at harvest time due to the change on the light environment and the photosynthetic characteristics of potato in potato/maize systems. Nonetheless, intercropping deteriorated the light environment for Zhongshu 5/maize system while improved the light environment for Mira/maize system, which led to lower LER in the former (1.24) than in the latter (1.40), showing the stronger intercropping superiority for Mira/maize system in the production. Keywords: Potato; Maize; Intercropping; Monoculture; Leaf position; Photosynthetic characteristics; Yield
Effect of Potato/Maize Intercropping on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Yield in Two Potato Varieties
HUANG Cheng-Jian1,2, ZHAO Si-Yi2, WANG Long-Chang1,, WANG Ji-Chun1,, ZHAO Yong1, CAI Ye-Mao1, TENG Yan1, and YANG Guo-Cai1
薯 /玉米套作模式中 2 个品种光合指标的变化、块茎形成期至块茎增长期不同叶位气体交换参数的变化 , 分析光合指 标对产量的影响。结果表明 , 整个生育期马铃薯叶绿素含量 (Chl a+Chl b)套作高于单作 , 叶面积指数 (LAI)、比叶重 (SLW)和叶绿素 a/b 值 (Chl a/b)套作低于单作。从块茎形成期至块茎增长期 , 群体光合有效辐射 (PAR)、水分利用效率 (WUE)、气孔限制值 (Ls)呈下降趋势 , 净光合速率 (Pn)、气孔导度 (Gs)、胞间二氧化碳浓度 (Ci)、蒸腾速率 (Tr)呈上升趋 势。 PAR、 Pn、 Gs、 Tr 均随叶位的降低显著下降 , 套作下降幅度低于单作。套作中、下层叶片 Pn 的下降受气孔因素 和非气孔因素限制。套作降低了马铃薯上层叶 Pn, 提高了中、下层叶 Pn。套作中薯 5 号的 Chl a+Chl b 生育前期高于 米拉 , 生育后期低于米拉 , SLW 则相反 ; LAI 和 Chl a/b 整个生育期高于米拉。 套作中薯 5 号上层叶 PAR 高于米拉 , 中、 下层叶 PAR 低于米拉 ; 套作中薯 5 号上层叶 Pn 与米拉相近 , 中、 下层叶 Pn 高于米拉 ; 各层叶 WUE、 Ls 高于米拉 , Gs、 Ci、Tr 低于米拉。总之 , 套作改变了马铃薯的光合特性 , 并显著降低了马铃薯块茎产量 ; 套作恶化了中薯 5 号 /玉米复 合群体的光环境 , 改善了米拉 /玉米复合群体的光环境 , 米拉 /玉米套作体系土地当量比 (1.40)大于中薯 5 号 /玉米体系 (1.24), 显示了较强的套作优势 , 宜在生产中优先推广。 关键词 : 马铃薯 ; 玉米 ; 套作 ; 单作 ; 叶位 ; 光合特性 ; 产量
间套作是一种高效利用农业自然资源的集约种 植模式 , 因其能提高复合群体总产量 , 减少病虫害 发生 , 抑制田间杂草生长 , 增加土壤肥力 , 增加农 田生态系统生物多样性
光合作用的变化不尽相同 , 可能与作物种类有关。 但这些研究在间套作作物体系上未见报道。 马铃薯和玉米是重要的粮饲作物 , 马铃薯 /玉米 间套作是常见的栽培模式 , 生产中与玉米间套作的 马铃薯品种多而不规范 , 导致两作物在光资源的利 用上竞争关系明显 , 限制了复合群体的总产量 , 因 此探讨套作条件下马铃薯光合特性的变化对提高复 合群体的产量具有重要意义。本试验以 2 个不同株 型、不同熟性的马铃薯品种单作为对照 , 采用田间 试验 , 研究套作下 2 个品种叶面积指数、比叶重、 叶绿素的动态变化及块茎形成期和块茎增长期植株 上、中、下层叶片的光合作用规律 , 以期为间套作 高产高效提供科学依据和技术指导。