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Henry David Thoreau
• 1. Born in Concord, Massachusetts, July 12, 1817 • 2. In Harvard College in 1833, and graduated in 1837 as one of the honor students • 3. Opened a school, where he taught with his brother John • 4. 1839, made a trip on Concord and Merrimack rivers with John
Thoreau memorial at Library Way, New York City
• Seeing nature as a genuine restorative, healthy influence on man’s spiritual well-being • Disgusted with “the inundations of the dirty institutions of men’s odd-fellow society”. • Hating human injustice • Criticizing modern civilization • Advocation simplicity • Believing in self-culture and human perfectibility • Exhibiting a calm trust in the future and a new generation of men
Major Βιβλιοθήκη Baiduurposes
• To make the reader evaluate the way he lived and thought • To reveal the hidden spiritual possibilities in everyone’s life • To condemn the weaknesses and errors of society • “I do not propose to write an ode to dejection, but to brag as lustily as chanticleer in the morning, standing on his roost, if only to wake my neighbors up.” —— Henry David Thoreau
• One of the most influential figures in American thought and literature both for the modern clarity of his prose style and the prescience of his views on nature and politics • American’s greatest prose stylist, naturalist, pioneer ecologist, conservationist, visionary, and humanist.
Walden lake, where Thoreau found the real meaning of life.
A reproduction of the cabin where Thoreau lived for two years and two months
A modern reader of Thoreau in the historic cabin
Beauty originates from simplicity.
• More • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_David_T horeau
• One of the first American supporters of Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution stressing the linkage of all living things and the dynamic ecology of the natural world • An environmentalist advocating the conservation of natural resources on private land and of preserving wilderness as public land • A supreme individualist championing the human spirit against materialism and social conformity
• • • • • • • • •
A subtle punster and ironist Using poetic device in a casual and easygoing tone Allusion Direct forceful sentence Conversational in tone Humor Proverbial expressions Brief tales, fables and allegories Metaphors
Thoreau’s Grave
Birth: July 12, 1817
Death: May 6, 1862
• Major Works • Style • Influences
• A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers (1849) • "Civil Disobedience" (1849) • Walden; or, Life in the Woods (1854) • "A Plea for Captain John Brown" (1859) • Excursions (1863) • The Maine Woods (1864) • Cape Cod (1865) • A Yankee in Canada (1866)
• 2. Walden was revised 8 times, and is read as the 19th century Adventures of Robinson Crusoe
• Published in 1854 after a nine-year process of composition and revision • Recounting the two years and two months Thoreau spent at Walden Pond from 1845 to 1847 • Compressing 26 months into a single year, with the passage of four seasons to symbolize human development • Part memoir and part spiritual quest by nature • An elaborate system of circular imagery which centers on Walden Pond as a symbol of heaven, the ideal of perfection that should be striven for
• A photo of a bust of Henry David Thoreau from the en :Hall of Fame for Great Americans at the en :Bronx Community College
Original title page ofWalden featuring a picture drawn by Thoreau's sister Sophia
• 1.Walden , known for its modern style, simplicity of diction and figures of speech, has 200 different editions and been translated into every major modern language.
• 5. Helped Emerson edit The Dial and tutored Emerson’s children • 6. In March 1845 ( when 28)began to work on a cabin at Walden Pond, and on July 4, moved into the Walden cabin • 7. 1846, arrested for nonpayment of poll tax • 8. Published Walden on August 9, 1856
• (Thoreau’s style is) more primitive and Homeric than any American, his style of thinking was robust, racy, as if Nature herself had built his sentences and seasoned the sense of his paragraphs with his own vigor and salubrity. Nothing can be spared from them; there is nothing superfluous; all is compact, concrete, as Nature is. — Bronson Alcott • Lucid, simply wrought, and unpretentious • Told by a credible and forthright first person narrator who seeks to give the truth of his experience at Walden Pond • As innovative and free as his social thought; A private writer hungering for a large audience; Prophetic Voice