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42. significant large enough to be noticed or have an effect a. A significant number of customers complained about the service. b. He won a significant amount of money. c. There is a significant difference in prices between the two stores. very important d. Fish is a significant part of their diet. e. It is significant that she never mentioned him.
51. spare a. I keep a spare set of keys in my desk. b. Do you have any spare cash/change? c. I would love to travel in my spare time.
52. strict a. We are under strict orders not to leave the prisoner alone. b. He insists on strict adherence to the rules. c. He's not a volunteer in the strict sense. [=he is not really a volunteer]
35. necessary a. Is it really necessary for me to have surgery? b. Higher prices are a necessary consequence of the company's new services. c. There is no necessary connection between what is legal and what is moral. 36. optimistic a. Both of them were optimistic about the future of the town. b. He has an optimistic view of the company's future. c. Somehow he remained optimistic despite all that had happened.
40. remarkable unusual or surprising a. Competing in the Olympics is a remarkable achievement. b. The girl has a remarkable talent. 41. renewable a. Forests are renewable natural resources, but they must be treated with care. b. Make sure the policy is annually renewable with reasonable rate increases.
49. straight a. Keep your back straight. b. We sat in the airport for five straight hours. c. They wouldn't give me a straight answer. d. You need to get your facts straight. [=you need to get your facts correct] 50. sound a. The book is full of sound advice. b. He has a sound grasp of European history. c. The floor was completely sound. d. I had a sound sleep last night.
45. rich a. The dictionary is a rich source of information. b. The food was a little too rich for me. c. Their country has a rich cultural heritage.
46. sensible reasonable, practical, and showing good judgment a. It’s sensible to keep a note of your passport number. b. Moving house seemed like the sensible thing to do.
44. responsible a. Who was responsible for the accident? b. She is responsible for the company's publicity. c. Each child is responsible for his or her own belongings.
33. lined a. Heat loss through any window can be reduced by using curtains which are lined. b. The lined paper allows for clear writing. c. An expression of concern appeared on his lined face. 34. located a. The bathroom is located upstairs. b. He was working in Chicago for many years, but he is currently located in New York. c. The restaurant is conveniently located just a few minutes from my house.
Leabharlann Baidu高考复习
---北京四中 方芳
31. known 34. located 37. particular 40. remarkable 43. respectful 46. sensible 49. straight 52. strict 55. vacant 58. wide
32. likely 35. necessary 38. pleased 41. renewable 44. responsible 47. short 50. sound 53. tired 56. wealthy 59. worldwide
33. lined 36. optimistic 39. popular 42. significant 45. rich 48. similar 51. spare 54. tolerant 57. willing 60. worth
38. pleased a. You look rather pleased with yourself. b. We are pleased to announce that the school has hired a new teacher.
39. popular liked or enjoyed by many people a. He is a popular guy in school. b. The bar is popular with college students. accepted, followed, used, or done by many people c. That is a very popular misconception. d. Contrary to popular belief/opinion [=in spite of what many people believe], fame does have its drawbacks.
53. tired a. I was really tired after the long trip. b. She's too tired to go out tonight. c. He's tired of working for other people.
54. tolerant willing to accept feelings, habits, or beliefs that are different from your own a. The people in the community are tolerant of each other's differences. able to allow or accept something that is harmful, unpleasant, etc. b. Our teacher is not tolerant of bad grammar. [=will not tolerate/accept bad grammar]
47. short a. Life's too short to worry about the past. b. I have a list of things I need to do before we go, but it's pretty short. c. Money has been short lately. [=I haven't had enough money lately.] 48. similar a. Our cats are similar in size/color/appearance. b. You two look very/quite similar to each other. c. They had similar experiences growing up, even though they came from vastly different backgrounds.
37. particular a. I asked for that particular seat because it's the one my father used to sit in. b. Pay particular attention to the poet's choice of words. c. Grandma is very particular [=choosy, picky] about the kind of olive oil she uses. d. She's particular about her clothes.
31. known a. That's a known fact! b. There is no known cure for the disease. c. This is a widely known story.
32. likely a. The car is likely to break down soon. [It's likely that the car will break down soon.] b. She doesn't seem likely to get the job. c. That seems to be the most likely [believable] explanation. d. They regard him as a likely candidate for the job.
43. respectful showing or having respect a. Children should be respectful of their elders. b. They listened in respectful silence. c. He was always respectful of my independence.