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摘要 ............................................................................................................................................. I 关键词: ..................................................................................................................................... I Abstract ...................................................................................................................................... II Key word: ............................................................................................................................... II 一、前言 (1)

(一)研究背景 (1)

(二)研究目的 (1)

(三)国内外研究现状 (1)

(四)怀化市旅游产品谱系构建的SWOT分析 (2)

1.优势分析 (2)

2.劣势分析 (3)

3.机会分析 (4)

4.威胁分析 (5)

(五)拟解决的问题 (5)

二、研究设计 (5)

(一)资料来源 (5)

(二)研究路线 (5)

(三)研究方法 (6)

1.文献研究法 (6)

2.资料收集法 (6)

三、怀化市旅游资源关键要素提取 (6)

(一)怀化市旅游资源的现状 (6)

1.少数民族文化旅游 (6)

2.传统聚落 (6)

3.区位资源 (6)

(二)“关键要素”的概念及提取方法 (6)

1.“关键要素”的概念 (6)

2.关键要素提取方法 (7)

(三)怀化市旅游资源关键要素提取 (7)

1.红色旅游文化 (7)

2.民俗文化 (8)

3.历史文化 (8)

4.乡土文化 (8)

5.稻作文化 (8)

6.养生文化 (8)

四、怀化市旅游产品谱系构建 (9)

(一)怀化市旅游产品谱系构建 (9)

1.游览观光游系列 (9)

2.休闲度假游系列 (9)

3.生活体验游系列 (9)

5.康体保健游系列 (9)

5.修学科考游系列 (9)

6.季节专题旅游系列 (10)

(二)怀化市旅游产品谱系建设的有效路径 (10)

1.民俗风情旅游资源相整合 (10)

2.建立旅游区域联盟 (11)

3.深度开发新型旅游产品 (11)

4.培育和引进创新人才 (11)

5.实施旅游宣传先行战略 (12)

五、结论与展望 (13)

参考文献 (14)

致谢 (15)






Study on the extraction of key elements of tourism resources and the

pedigree of products in Huaihua


With the continuous development of tourism in Huaihua, the design and development of tourism products in Huaihua are gradually becoming mature. The development process of Huaihua tourism products, product design and development in the process of tourism development in a very important position, especially according to the Huaihua city tourism resources advantages, establish scientific and reasonable spectrum of tourism products, play an important role in promoting the development of tourism in Huaihua city. Therefore, exploring and studying how to better grasp the design and development of tourism products in Huaihua, especially how to better build the pedigree of county tourism products, is significant and necessary for the development of Huaihua's tourism industry. In this situation, Huaihua city tourism resources on the key elements of tourism resources in Huaihua city and Huaihua city tourism product pedigree extraction effect analysis based on the construction, and puts forward the construction of Huaihua city tourism product pedigree of folklore tourism resource integration, establish regional tourism alliance, the depth of the development of new tourism products, training and the introduction of innovative talents, the implementation of tourism propaganda the first strategy effective path.

Key word:

Huaihua city;tourism resources;key elements;product lineage
