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The influence of service quality of reverse logistics on

consumers' second purchase intention on e-commerce


-- Taking jingdong as an example

[Abstract] Today, with the rapid development of e-commerce logistics, consumers have higher requirements on the service quality of e-commerce platform logistics, and the second purchase intention of consumers on e-commerce platform logistics service quality has an important impact, and reverse logistics service quality is also a key link in logistics service. The feedback of the reverse service quality of e-commerce platform logistics can be divided into four dimensions according to the theory of customer value, which has a direct impact on the second purchase intention of consumers. In this paper, based on the customer value theory, and through the jingdong platform consumers for jingdong reverse logistics service quality feedback, related to the reliability analysis, according to the chi-square analysis method, it is concluded that electric business platform should pay attention to consumers in the reverse logistics service dimensions of perceived usefulness, also is in the service itself with extrinsic motivation, through the use of the service itself characteristics bring effect or value of ascension, for example, reduces return, the return of the time needed for secondary measures can improve consumer purchase intention.

[Key word]Secondary purchase intention reverse logistics Perceived usefulness


1前言 (1)

2绪论 (2)

2.1选题背景 (2)

2.1.1现代电商发展速度快,业务量大 (2)

2.1.2网购基数扩大带来的退货问题增多造成物流成本增加 (2)


升 (2)

2.2背景 (2)

2.3选题目的以及意义 (3)

2.4国内外现状和发展趋势 (3)

2.4.1国内状况和发展趋势 (3)

2.4.2国外状况和发展趋势 (4)

2.4.3现状总结 (4)

2.5研究目标和重点解决问题 (4)

2.5.1研究目标 (4)

2.5.2重点解决的问题 (5)

2.6研究方法 (5)

3逆向物流服务质量与购买意愿 (7)

3.1逆向物流的定义 (7)

3.2京东的逆向物流现状 (7)

3.3购买意愿的定义和特征 (7)

3.4逆向物流服务质量的评判因素 (8)

4研究调查分析 (13)

4.1逆向物流服务质量调查问卷设计 (13)

4.2京东逆向物流服务质量调查问卷收集结果 (13)

4.3信度分析 (15)

4.4样本效度分析 (15)

4.4.1KMO检验和巴特利球体检验 (15)

4.4.2协方差矩阵 (16)

4.4.3碎石检验 (16)

4.5京东逆向物流退货物流所需时间 (17)

4.6退货实际耗时与可接受退货耗时 (17)

4.7退货方式的选择偏好 (17)

4.8逆向物流服务质量存在的问题 (20)

5结论 (23)

5.1加强退货中的合同管理 (23)

5.2退货管理信息系统整合 (23)

5.3完善售后服务平台 (23)

5.4加强内部正向物流管理 (24)

5.5实施差异化退货策略 (24)

6总结 (25)

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