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Cities in France

Paris the capital of France and also the biggest city of France.
——The capital of France Paris is a beautiful city. For centuries this city has attracted the admiration of the world. The allure and charm of Paris captivate all who visit there.
White on behalf of the king, blue, red, on behalf of the citizens of Paris, is the symbol of the royal family and Paris bourgeoisie union.
national flag Crest for elliptic, one of the popular symbol of depicting a revolution - beam rods, this is the Roman senior marshals token, is a symbol of authority.Beam rods on both sides decorated with olive branches and oak leaves, meantime winding lace written in French on "freedom, equality, fraternity" national emblem
The national flower
vetiver irises and European white lilies
National bird: Gaul chicken
National stone

Official Name: The Republic of France The Republic of France has a population of more than 64 million people. It includes four overseas departments in Martinique [mɑ:ti‘ni:k] n. 马提尼克, Guadeloupe[’ɡwɑ:dəlu:p]瓜德罗普岛, Reunion [ri:‘ju:njən]留尼旺岛and French Guiana法属圭亚那. Metropolitan [metrə’pɔlitən] . 大都市的France in Western Europe accounts for just over 80 percent of the territory[‘teritəri]领土,领域and 96 percent of the population of the French Republic.
Brief introduction
France is an influential member of the European Union(EU). It attaches a high priority to European integration[inti‘ɡreiʃən]. France held the EU Presidency 1 July-31 December 2008. France is a Permanent Member of the UN Security Council and is a nuclear weapons power. It is a member of the Group of Eight (G8) and Group of 20 (G20) major economies. France holds the Presidency of both the G8 and the G20 in 2011. France takes a leading role in contributing to the Middle East peace process and development issues in Africa.
The entire Provence n. 普罗旺斯area has the different common weather because of the extremely rich change cloudy clear not to decide, warm wind genial ['dʒi:njəl]适宜的, the cold wind is wild; Topography [tə'pɔɡrəfi]地势 unconstrained [,ʌnkən‘streind]不受限 制的fluctuation [,flʌktju'eiʃən]起伏, plain broad, the mountain ridges are precipitous [pri'sipitəs] 险峻的; The lonely canyon峡谷, the desolate adj. 荒凉的old castle, wind the sierra 锯齿山脊and is lively can... All in on this south France's earth deducts ten thousand kind of characters and styles.
Provence is located south France, extends from Mediterranean [,meditə'reiniən] n. 地中海Sea's coast to the interior hilly area, middle has the river "Rhone" to flow, the very many historical cities, on dressed up since old times Li's sunlight and the deep blue sky, startled ['sta:tld] v. 震惊 (startle的过去分词) made the common people to be colorful.