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He ordered the combined fleet to convoy troops to China. (联合舰队)
①n.鱼雷 ②v.用鱼雷攻击,摧毁船只 torpedo a government's plan torpedo boat 鱼雷艇
submarine n. 潜水艇
The sea bed was scoured with powerful nets and there was tremendous excitement on board when a chest was raised from the bottom.
他们用结实的网把海床搜索了一遍。当一只 箱子从海底被打捞上来时,甲板上人们激动 不已。
What they had in fact found was a ship which had been sunk many years before. 由what引导的主语从句。 课文中出现的两个形容词sunk和sunken。 sink的过去分词sunk,sunken,一般来讲sunk 做表语,做定语只用sunken. The ship had sunk. a sunken ship
The chest contained the personal belongings of a seaman, Alan Fielding. There were books, clothing and photographs, together with letters which the seaman had once received from his wife.
cargo (复数cargos;cargoes)
the goods carried by ship, plane or vehicle (通常用于船运) unload the cargoes from the ship 卸货 a cargo plane/ship/train The ship has a cargo of 1000 tons.
Nothing of value was found, but the numerous items which were brought to the surface proved to be of great interest. 但没发现什么值钱的东西,不过打捞出来的众多的物 品还是引起了大家极大的兴趣。 nothing of value = valuble numerous = countless of great interest= very much interesting 极有趣的 of no interest = uninteresting 没有意思 of great significance = significant of great importance = important of no consequence = of no importance 无足轻重的
The captain knew that another attempt would be made later, for the sunken ship he was trying to find had been carrying a precious cargo of gold bullion. make an attempt to do sth.(正式) make (another) attempt 再一次尝试 try once more
naval adj.海军的
a naval officer 一个海军军官 naval battles 海上战役 a naval port 海军军港
navy n.海军
airforce 空军 Air Force One 空军一号(总统专机) land force 陆军
ministry n. 政府部门
find n. sth good or valuable
(有价值的) 发现 The little restaurant is quite a find. 好地方 make an important find
finding n.调查结果
the findings of an experiment the finding of investigation (法)判决
①原木;大木头 log cabin 小木屋 logger 伐木工人 stand like a log 站着不动 sleep like a log 沉睡不动 timber [ˈtɪmbə(r)] n. 木材;木料(Br.) lumber [ˈlʌmbə(r)]n.木材;木料(Am.) ②(船,飞机,车等行程中正式)日志;纪录 log book=registration book 日志;登记簿
save:to make sb./sth. safe from danger,harm rescue: from danger
sunken adjBaidu Nhomakorabea沉没的;凹陷的
sink-sank-sunk 一般做表语 The cruiser was sunk during World War II. sink-sank-sunken 通常做定语 a sunken ship 一艘沉船 sunken treasure 沉入海底的宝物 sunken eyes/cheeks 凹陷的眼睛/深陷的脸颊 a sunken garden 低地公园
A lost ship
salvage n./ v. 从火海或海难中营救,打捞
salvage sth. from salvage valuable things from the wreck salvage goods from fire salvage boat/ operation 营救船/营救行动 ②救治(病人,伤者) salvage the patient
hunt 指漫无边际的寻找急需的东西
We spent a week hunting for the puma. search/scour/hunt都可以+ for 表示目的
chest ①大箱子
chest drawers 五斗柜 warchest 弹药箱 hopechest 陪嫁 suitcase (手提箱) safe(保险箱) trunk(汽车尾箱) dustbin(垃圾箱) ②胸膛(多指男性) breast (女性)胸
①n.护送的船队或车队 in (a)convoy 同行结伴
We decide to travel in convoy so that no one could lose his way.(结伴同游) under(a) convoy 与...护航,在...的护航下
The weapons were sent under convoy. convoy ship 护卫舰 ②v.护航,护送
submarine n.潜水艇
marine adj.与海有关的,靠近海的,海洋的 marine plants 海生物 marine stores 船具 marine insurance 海上保险 marine biology 海洋生物 mariner [ˈmæ rɪnə(r)] (专业)水手;海员;
①n. 部件part a piece of cake / a piece of news ②连接;修补 put parts together to form a whole piece together 拼凑 They piece the log book together. piece up : 修补,拼合 Let's piece up this broken tyre. 我们来把这个破轮胎修补一下。
木箱内装有水手艾伦.菲尔丁的私人财物,其 中有书箱、衣服、照片以及水手收到的妻子 的来信。
personal belongings/opinion个人所属物品/ 意见
together with 还有 (谓语动词与主语一致)
He together with his classmates goes to the .
Though the crew were at first under the impression that the lost ship had been found, the contents of the chest proved them wrong. 船员们开始认为沉船找着了,但海底沉箱内 的物品证明他们弄错了。 under the impression = thinking that 认为 I’m under the impression that he is the manager of the store. He is under the impression that you’ll help him.
①运转 put a crane into operation ②作业;工作 building operations 建筑作业 My examination is a complete failure. Their experiment had been a complete failure. a complete victory 全胜 a complete idiot 一个十足的白痴
The salvage operation had been a complete failure. The small ship, Elkor, which had been searching the Barents Sea for weeks, was on its way home.
1.表示下 :(under or below) subway(地铁)/ subnormal(低于正常的)
2.表示副、分支、下级、下属 : suboffice(分部) /subordinate[səˈbɔ:dɪnət]下级;下属
3.表示再 : subdivide(再分)/subculture(再培养)
the Ministry of Agriculture 农业部 the Ministry of Defense 国防部 the Ministry of Finance 财政部 minister 部长
department (Am.)
the Department of State 国务院 the Secretary of State 国务卿
there was tremendous excitement 在正式的书面语中,there is tremendous
excitement这个结构比较常用。口语中,可以 直接采用形容词excited.
People on board felt excited.
There was tremendous ex.citement before the
①(成套物件里的)一件;物件 an item/piece of furniture 一件家具 ②(一组事物或清单上的)一项 news item 一项新闻 ③条款;项目 an investment item 投资项目 items of business 经营的项目 contract items 合同条约
A radio message from the mainland had been received by the ship's captain instructing him to give up the search. =The captain had received a radio message from the mainland instructing him to give up the search. instruct sb. to do sth. the editor sent a fax to the journalist instructing him to get statistics. 这位编辑给这位记者发了一份传真,指示他 马上开始获取数据。
scour : go through vt.彻底搜查
scour 表示彻底的搜查一个特定的范围并暗
They scour the woods for the child.
search 指寻找丢失的东西或被认为是存在的 东西,比look for 更正式
I have been searching everywhere but I can’t find the key.