

Foreigners often fail to appreciate the formal code of greeting in France. The French shake hands with everyone(family, children, strangers), at home, on the way to work, at work, on leaving work, on the way home from work, etc. Thus, in an office , perhaps a dozen people, no work will be done for the first half hour while 41 who have not met since the day before, remind each other who they are.

However, it is important to remember with whom one has shaken hands on any one day. The French 42 it as extremely bad manners to shake hands twice, as though one had not taken enough 43 for the first time.

It is still the 44 to say “Bonjour ” and “Au revoir ” to others when entering or leaving a shop or bar. This is not because the French are too 45 . It is because they see acknowledging(注意) the existence of others as a way of 46 being rude. This may seem unbearably slight to others, but to the French it is most important. Manners mean civilization to them.

Kissing is not so much of a(n) 47 of French life as others supposed. But when it does take place, it must be done 48 , according to the rules. The 49 order is left cheek, right cheek, left cheek---very formal, very stylized. In Paris four kisses are sometimes permitted: left, right, left, right.

41.BC 42.B 43.BD 44.AB 45.CD 46.A 47.AD

leaders, the president ___41___ the Chinese with a lively question-and-answer session with college students. In fact, he is the first U.S. president to visit China inside his first year in office.

“The United States insists we do not seek to contain China ’s rise,” he told Chinese students in Shanghai. “On the contrary, we welcome China as a strong and ___42___ and successful member of the community of nations.”

The U.S.-China relationship has opened the door to partnerships on ___43 ___ global concerns including economic recovery, clean energy, climate change, and the ___44___ of peace and beyond, he added.

A .avoiding

B .regard

C .correct

D .properly AB .custom AC .anyone AD .feature BC .those BD. notic CD .polite

Indeed, given these pressing issues, China and the United States have ___45___ found their future linked together. They discovered that the largest developing nation and the most powerful industrialized country have to work in concert.

Obama’s visit to China on November 15-18 highlighted the complexity of arguably the most important bilateral (双边) relationship in the world. Moreover, for all their differences and disagreements, Beijing and Washington are ___46___ to manage their relations in a way that will contribute to world peace and development.

Obama kicked off his first state visit to China in the country’s financial and economic centre, Shanghai, where he held a “town hall” meeting with more than 500 Chinese students. The one-hour discussion, during which Obama took ___47___ ranging from antiterrorism to recipes for success with his signature charisma (领袖魅力), was broadcast live on the websites.

He ___48___ that young people could help build bridges in U.S.-China ___49___ —a process that he said must grow beyond the two countries’ governments to take root in the people.

concern has focused on the land 41 of the planet, where pollution directly affects people in their daily lives. Now, however, we have begun to realize that marine (海洋的) pollution is 42 important. According to S.A. Patin, marine pollution is the condition that results when people introduce into the seas substances harmful to life, health, resources, activities, or 43 .

Marine pollution is far from new. For over a million years, people have thought of the sea as a 44 place to throw their garbage. And it is true that the sea has a great capacity for absorbing organic wastes. Some of these wastes are eaten directly by the larger fishes. Others quickly 45 into a kind of organic soup that provides food to 46 species of single-celled plant and animal life.

As civilizations grew, more different pollutants were dumped into the seas. Still, this pollution did not really threaten the marine environment. The seas seemed 47 of coping with anything that people could throw at them. This situation changed, however, when suddenly factories began dumping enormous quantities of materials into the seas. Especially in some coastal areas near large cities, ocean pollution began to 48 marine life. For the first time, the oceans began to fail in their ability to 49 humanity’s waste.

Section B41. C 42. A 43. J 44. H 45. D 46. F 47. G 48. E 49. B

is described as a vivid emotion of pleasure. Thus, happiness depends on __41__; joy, on our emotional well-being.

If you know joyful people, you will probably notice common traits among them. Joyful people are often healthy, both __42__ and mentally; they value strong __43__ relationships, and they don’t allow the extremes of life -- sudden highs or sudden lows -- to __44__ them too much. Joyful people lead a more stable life. But these abilities do not just arrive; they have to be worked at.

Teaching ourselves to be joyful may be one of the greatest things we can do to enhance our __45__ health. However, it is important to understand that joy is an emotion that arises from within us and is not __46__ by the things that happen to us. Instead of looking for external things to provide happiness in our lives, we must __47__ to find the joy within. We must educate ourselves about joy and work to enhance it in our lives. One way to start is to make a __48__ to wake up every morning and find joy in our lives. Think about a special person or a __49__ pet. It is our choice to be joyful or fearful. Let’s take the time to train ourselves to be joyful-- our lives will be both happier and healthier for it.

Vocabulary 41-49 D C I A F E J H B

When I succeeded in becoming a part-time employee of Nokia China last summer, many friends asked me how I survived the interview.

I once asked myself the same questions. Many of my peers also __41__ for the job, including some very competitive and intelligent students from famous universities.

But why did the interviewer pick me instead of them?

Finally, __42 __ pushed me to ask the interviewers after we became colleagues. The answer was that I appeared confident but humble, responsible and communicative. They evaluated people not just on their academic certificates, but on the base of their __43__ and abilities. I happened to be the right person.

To be frank, I once felt __44__ of being a student from an unknown college, and I think this may apply to some of you. I thought my future was ruined. It was only at the time of my successful interview that I finally understood the famous saying --- “You decide where you go.”

A wide range of skills is important these days. I used to work for Master Kong. My job was to cook instant noodles for customers. I had regarded it as a piece of cake, but I failed constantly. I had to cook the noodles for the right amount of time to make them taste good. Moreover, the noodles could only remain in a plastic cup of five minutes, or the taste would be __45__.

This experience taught me never to look __46__ on anything, and always remain humble.

I also worked as a volunteer for a beach volleyball event. My job was to help foreign visitors experience the beach. I thought it would be very easy because my oral English was __47__ good. But when I went to talk with a group of foreign guests, I suddenly realized that I did not know a single beach volleyball term. I was embarrassed.

After this, I read brochures in both Chinese and English every day to learn the terms for facilities and related words. This allowed me to deliver accurate __48__ to foreigners, and I was happy to work responsibly.

After these experience, I’m more confident and I strongly believe that my fate is in my __49__. It has certainly helped me make a giant step closer to my dream of graduating with prospects for the future. I hope my advice will benefit you as well.

41-45 HDBGI 46-49 CEJA



https://www.360docs.net/doc/dd13853359.html,pletethefollowingpassagewiththewordsorphrasesinthebox.Ea chcanonlybeusedonce(将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每个单词或词组只能填一次)(共8分) 1 Preparation is the key to success at career fairs as many employers interview on the spot. If you can follow the following ____1____ , you will have more chances of success. Make sure your CV(履历表) is “hard copy ready”. Many CVs are created for email use and don’t always transfer well to paper. Also, ensure your CV is ____2____ for general distribution and not job specific. Ask a career adviser to help prepare and ____3____ your CV. They will advise on content and presentation. The longest queue at any career fair is for the photocopier. ____4____ yourself with plenty of copies of your CV before you go.


添加的文字后回车 四年级选词填空1 1.创举创造 建设有中国特色的社会主义,是一个伟大的()。中国人不仅勤劳勇敢,而且富有()精神。 2.节省节俭 我们要把()下来的钱支援灾区人民重建家园。()是一种美德。 3.坚定坚强坚决 赵华是个()的孩子,受了委屈,从不轻易落泪。运动员们迈着()的步伐,走进了比赛场。 我们同坏人坏事要作()的斗争。 4.杰出突出 这篇文章重点(),读了以后印象深刻。 李春是古代()的桥梁建筑师。 5.美丽美妙 那些()的诗句深深地打动了我的心。

杭州是一座()的旅游城市。 6.发明发现 李时珍()旧的药物书有不少缺点。 人们仿照青蛙的眼睛()了电子蛙眼。 7.创作创造建造 横跨在黄浦江上的几座大桥,都是我国自行设计和()的。 今年的校运会上,王强()了一百米短跑的新纪录。 聂耳()了许多革命歌曲。 8.纪念怀念 1952年1月2日,罗盛教为抢救朝鲜落水儿童英勇献身,这是永远值得()日子。 爷爷非常()在农村老家的亲友,常常写信去问长问短。 9.维持坚持保持 我们只有()每天打扫的好制度,才能()校园环境的美丽清洁。 民警在()交通秩序时,既能()原则,又能()良好的警容风貌,受到群众的好评。 10.屹立耸立挺立站立

北海公园那洁白如玉的白塔,()在琼岛的顶峰。 一排排高大的白杨树像()的哨兵。 两座雄伟的工农兵塑像左右()。塑像后面,()着两个高大的桥头堡。 11.留心专心 小华做作业十分(),连门外的锣鼓声好像也没有听见。 这个水龙头有点松了,容易漏水,用的时候要()。 12.可惜惋惜 这么漂亮的碗打碎了,真()! 华华的学习一下子退步了很多,老师为她感到()。 13.雄伟雄壮 我国的万里长城非常()壮丽。 升旗仪式开始了,乐队奏起了()的国歌。 14.盘旋盘绕 汽车沿着环山公路稳稳地()而上。 一架援救灾民的直升机在上空(),寻找目标空降救灾物品。 15.机灵机警 边防战士巡逻时,十分()地观察周围的动静。


沪教版中考英语专题复习——选词填空(真题)A卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、选词填空(词汇运用) (共20题;共141分) 1. (5分)There are many mysteries yet to ________ (be discovered/discovered) by those interested in science. 2. (10分)选择单词并用其正确形式填空 3. (10分)阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词语并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。请将答案写在下面题号后的横线上。每空限一词,每词限用一次。 There are also two big elephants. Children like to ride ________. The elephants are very________ . They eat lots of grass and bananas. In the zoo, we can see many ________ of bears(熊), brown bears, black bears and white bears. They are all slow and clumsy(慢而笨拙的). They stand on their back legs(后腿)and lift(举起)their front legs(前腿)to ask for ________. They like cakes very much. Do you like pandas? They are a symbol of China now. But there's only ________ in the zoo. Her name is Lingling. She is very cute. She ________ eating bamboo(竹子)very much. She is kind of shy. She's very interesting and lovely. 4. (5分)根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空。每个单词只能用一次,每空一词。 As I got older, I started to listen to other ________ . I would listen to Elvis Presley almost every day after school. I ________loved music that made me want to dance. I started to love soul music(灵


选词填空特点: 1. 近义词辨析不多, 2. 固定搭配不多 3. 词性辨析比较容易 选词填空难点: 1. 词性可能会变。 2. 错一题,可能会错两题。 选词填空与完型填空的异同: 相同点:都要上下文做题 不同点:选词填空要先判断词性,而完型填空不用判断词性,4个待选项词性基本一致。 解题步骤 1)阅读选项,词性分类 仍然要“先题后文在定位”,但这里“先题”不是要找关键词,而是要先对15个选项“辨性” 仔细阅读选项,根据词性把每个单词进行分类归纳。如名词、动词、形容词、副词、介词、连词各有几个选项。动词归类要细分为v,ved, ving。因为一个空可以填动词,但填原形还是过去式还是ing形式要自己根据语法判断。 2)细读首句,抓住中心 首先要抓住文章首句,迅速找到文章的主题词或主题。和完型填空一样,一般文章第一句不设空格,以便让读者知道本文的相关主题词或主题。 3)瞻前顾后,谨慎选择 根据文章前后的语法关系判断应填入的词性,大大缩小选择范围。当一个空可以填入好几个相同词性的词时,则根据上下文逻辑意义;如果均能说得通时,要注意近义辨析。或留到最

后,等范围缩小到最小时再轻松收尾。即传统阅读所说的,首遍不行无所谓,文章看完再收尾。 解题技巧 1)首先要辨性(辨别词性) a. 不认识的单词看词缀(见后面附表) b. 认识的单词要注意词性的单一性和多样性 比如:must,most均可做名词do the most you can c. 动词归类要细分为v,ved, ving。因为一个空可以填动词,但填原形还是过去式还是ing 形式要自己根据语法判断。甚至动词分词形式还可以做定语。 2)一个单词有多个词性时,要在不同分类中都标出。 3)如果选项中出现一组近义词或反义词时,往往有一个是干扰选项,它注重考察的是词汇的精确理解,要求考生分析清楚其细微的区别。 4)如何判断原文空缺处所需单词的词性: ①动词: a)前后都是名词短语,中间一般为动词(时态看前后文)。 b) 一个句子有且只有一个谓语动词 c)一个完整的句子之后再跟逗号,后面一般是非谓语动词短语。 ②名词: a. 名词主要做主语、宾语。


Section B Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. A. accurate B. alteration C. average D. calculates E. conceal F. enormously G. initial H. intervals I. merely J. multiply K. prediction Beyond two or three days, the world’s best weather forecasts are based on guesswork, and beyond six or seven they are worthless. The Butterfly Effect is the reason. For small pieces of weather — and to a global forecaster, small can mean thunderstorms and snowstorms—any ___41___ fails rapidly. Errors and uncertainties ___42___, gathering upward through a chain of unstable features, from dust devils (尘旋风) and windstorms up to continent-size eddies (旋风) ___43___ satellites can see. The modern weather models work with a network of points of the order of sixty miles apart, and even so, some ___44___ data has to be guessed, since ground stations and satellites cannot see everywhere. But suppose the earth could be covered with sensors spaced one foot apart, rising at one-foot ___45___ all the way to the top of the atmosphere. Suppose every sensor gives perfectly ___46___ readings of temperature, meteorologist (气象工作者) would want. pressure, dampness, and any other quantity a Exactly at noon a(n) ___47___ powerful computer takes all the data and ___48___ what will happen at each point at 12.01, then 12.02, then 12.03 … The computer will still be unable to predict whether Princeton, New Jersey, will have sun or rain on a day one month away. At noon the spaces between the sensors will ___49___ alterations that the computer will not know about, tiny variations from the ___50___. By 12.01, those alterations will already have created small errors one foot away. Soon the errors will have multiplied to the ten-foot scale, and so on up to the size of the globe.


高考语文各种题型答题技巧最新总结 一、论述类文章阅读 这部分的内容考查,一般采用单项选择的形式,做好这些题,要注意以下几点: 1.注意思考的严密、周详。 2.务必找到与试题选项对应的词、句、段,反复对照理解,仔细判断选项正误;依据原 句进行推理要合理,否则成为“无中生有”。 3.了解设置干扰项的几种情况:偷换概念,以偏概全,无中生有,扩大或缩小概念的范围,缺乏依据,因果颠倒,先后错乱,张冠李戴等。 4.有时选文可能枯燥,要保持大脑清醒。静下心仔细阅读,力求准确理解。 答题技巧: 一是锁定题目的阅读区间,在第几段第几行,特别是涉及到第一、第二自然段的词语、 句子的理解题。 二是一般第1、2题比较容易,可以直接找到原文中的位置,根据题干指向。表述一般 与原文一致的,大都正确。 三是第3题的设题难度稍微大一点。设题的错误项大都与原文有些偏差。细微处要搞清楚。 二、文言文阅读 针对文言文阅读试题多以叙述性文字为主的特点,在进行整体性阅读时,要用心去查找文中的人和事,尽量把文中下列相关的内容圈点出来:人有几位,如何称谓;主角是谁,与 他人关系怎样;事有几件,由几人所干;事件关系,有何意义,大体分分层次。接着审清题 目,带着这些问题再去研读文段,不在无关处纠缠,要在紧要处下工夫。 1.文言实词的理解: 坚持“词不离句”的原则。利用字与字、词与词的结构特点。采取由彼到此的联想方式,迅速理解词义。选项中给出的解释,可代入句中,结合上下文,反复印证。另外要特别注意 词的多义、词的活用、词的古今异义、通假、词的偏义等文言现象。平时我们积累的一些成 语中个别语素的解释,有时也能给我们一些启示,也要为我所用。 2.虚词的意义和用法: 以理解句意为前提,根据词在句中的位置化虚为实,断定词性和用法。 3.“筛选信息”和“把握文意”: 这是文言文阅读的最后两道题。要注意整体把握。尤其最后一道“把握文意”题,该题 四个选项的设置。大多是按原文内容先后顺序排列的,往往选不恰当的项,这既对理解全文有帮助,也为解前面的题提供了有效的信息。此处宜稍放慢速度,力争做正确,做完后,回 过头来检验前面几个题的正误。


中考英语选词填空习题 We can’t stop an earthquake(地震), but we can do things to make sure they don’t destroy(毁坏) whole cities. First, it is not a 1 .________ idea to build houses along lines where 2. ________ of the earth’s plates(板块) join together. Second, if you think there 3. ________be an earthquake, it is better to build houses on rocks , not on 4.________. Third, you must make the houses as 5.________ as possible. Weak buildings will fall down in an earthquake, but strong ones may 6. ________ .. Scientists are 7. ________ that one day an even bigger earthquake will hit the part around San Francisco(旧金山) . They call it “ The Big One ”. However, people today are still building more 8. ________. The population in and around San Francisco is 9. ________ ten times more than it was in 1906. This means that 10. ________ there is another earthquake, a great many houses and buildings will be destroyed. Mr. Brown had an umbrella shop in a small town. People sometimes 1 ________ him broken umbrellas, and then he took them to a big shop in London. They were 2 ________ there. One day Mr. Brown went to London by train. He 3 ________ to take an umbrella with him that day. Sitting in front of him was a man with an umbrella standing 4 _______ the seat. When the train arrived in London, Mr. Brown 5 ________ up the umbrella as he often did during his journey by train. Just as he was getting off, he was 6 ________ by the man. He said angrily, “That’s 7________ !” Mr. Brown’ s face turned red and he gave it back to the man at once. When Mr Brown got to the big shop, the shopkeeper had got his six umbrellas ready. After a good look at 8 ________ of them, he said, “You’ve mended them very well.” In the afternoon he got into the train again. The 9 ________ man was in the same seat. He looked at Mr B rown and his six umbrellas, “You’ve had a 10 ________ day,” he said.


行测选词填空的几种常见解题技巧 咸阳华图友情提供 逻辑填空,又名选词填空,是国家公务员考试和各省市地方公务员考试的一大常考题型。自2007年在国家公务员考试中出现以来,逻辑填空始终保持着20道的题量,占国家公务员考试言语理解与 表达题目的一半,其分量之重显而易见。 逻辑填空主要有三个考点:词义、语法和语用。目前这一题型考查的综合性越来越强,考查的范围 也越来越广泛,更侧重于从不同的角度对一个知识点进行考查。做题时,考生不仅需要清楚单个词 语的意思,还要综合考虑所给材料的语境和主题才能得出正确答案。 词义辨析词义辨析是逻辑填空题中一大考查重点,正确理解、准确辨析词语的含义,对解答逻辑填 空题至关重要。词语的含义包括两个方面:理性义和色彩义。 (一)词语的理性义 词语的理性义是词语含义的核心部分。近义词,指的就是理性义相近的词语。很多词语之所以意义 相近,多是因为它们具有相同的语素;同理,之所以意义不同,则是因为具有不同的语素。因此辨 析近义词词义,可以从相异语素着手,根据相异语素的字形、字义以及其组成的惯用词语来判断该 近义词的范围、侧重点和轻重程度。 1.看词义所指的范围范围有大小的不同,也有所指对象的不同。公务员考试中,对范围大小不同的 近义词辨析考查较少,多是对词义所指对象的考查。 示例1:“度过”VS“渡过”度过:指过去的意思,多用于表示与时间有关的对象,如“光阴”“童年”等;渡过:渡,水字旁。指经过与水有关的江、河、湖、海等,也指经过困难、危机等。 【误用】社会各界好心人士捐款共计20余万元,帮助这家人暂时度过了难关。 【辨错】句中说的是“难关”,应该与“渡过”搭配 【例题1】为英雄全训华守墓37年的陈健,获得了“感动中国”2005年度人物的称号。评委会给 他的颁奖词是:一个生者对一个死者的承诺,只是良心的自我(),但是他却为此坚守37年,放弃了梦想、幸福和骨肉亲情。()火红的时代背景,他身上有古典意识的风范。 A约束淡去B制约淡忘C约束淡忘D制约淡去 解析:此题答案为A。“约束”有制约之意,但“制约”只能来自对方,而“约束”既可以来自对方, 也可以来自自己。题干中的束缚是来自“自我”,因此选“约束”。“淡去”是淡化、稀释、褪去的意思,“淡忘”指印象逐渐淡薄以至于忘记。题干说的是“火红的时代背景”,用“淡去”表示对这种 鲜艳的“火红”色背景的淡化、稀释,符合句意。故第二空选“淡去”。 2.看词义的侧重点 示例1:“精准”VS“精确” 精准:侧重于很符合、没差错; 精确:侧重于精细、确切,如:精确到小数点后多少位数。 【误用】8号选手的远投非常精确。



Section B Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. Beyond two or three days, the world’s best weather forecasts are based on guesswork, and beyond six or seven they are worthless. The Butterfly Effect is the reason. For small pieces of weather — and to a global forecaster, small can mean thunderstorms and snowstorms—any ___41___ fails rapidly. Errors and uncertainties ___42___, gathering upward through a chain of unstable features, from dust devils (尘旋风) and windstorms up to continent-size eddies (旋风) ___43___ satellites can see. The modern weather models work with a network of points of the order of sixty miles apart, and even so, some ___44___ data has to be guessed, since ground stations and satellites cannot see everywhere. But suppose the earth could be covered with sensors spaced one foot apart, rising at one-foot ___45___ all the way to the top of the atmosphere. Suppose every sensor gives perfectly ___46___ readings of temperature, pressure, dampness, and any other quantity a meteorologist (气象工作者) would want. Exactly at noon a(n) ___47___ powerful computer takes all the data and ___48___ what will happen at each point at 12.01, then 12.02, then 12.03 … The computer will still be unable to predict whether Princeton, New Jersey, will have sun or rain on a day one month away. At noon the spaces between the sensors will ___49___ alterations that the computer will not know about, tiny variations from the ___50___. By 12.01, those alterations will already have


高考语文选词填空技巧五法 摘要:高考考察词语地运用的表现之一,就是主观题的选择填空。这个题主要是考察考生的词语辨析能力和词语的实际运用能力。做好这个题,除了考生要具备基本的语言应用能力以外,技巧也是十分重要的。在教学工作中,我们总结了以下几种方法:一、语感法,二、准确释义法,三、望词生义法,四、联想想象法,五、排除带入法。和大家共勉。 关键词:语感法正确释义法望词生义法联想想象法排除带入法 正文: 这几年的高考题,不再是像以往一样,只关注对考生掌握知识的本身进行考查;而是加强注重个体能力的展示,注重理论联系实际,注重知识来源于生活、运用于生活,更注重运用知识来解决问题。1999年和2000年的高考题的词语辨析主要倾向于内涵的区分;2001年的则是侧重于使用范围的辨析;2002年趋于相近副词的用法辨析,稍难一点;2003年的需要从使用场合、搭配习惯和揣摩整体句意的角度考虑,涵盖面更广;2004年的则要从正确理解句子含义的基础上辨析细微的差异;2005年不仅综合了前几年的考查要点,而且把实词和虚词同时糅合在句子中,体现出了很强的实用性和生活性。词语考查,实际上就是考查考生的语言运用能力。高考词语运用考查之一,结合语境选择词语填空,体现了“常见、耳熟能详、使用频率高”的原则,不偏不怪,来源于生活,和生活息息相关。 词语的考查,重点在语境,易混词语。词语重点考查考生结合语境(上下文)准确理解和使用词语(包括虚词)的能力。同义或近义词既要注重实词,又要重视虚词,特别要注意从去年开始出现的一些意义虽并不那么相近却较易混淆的“准同义词”的选择。 1.语感法 在语言文字学科中,语言感觉是十分重要的。语感是对语言现象的感知能力,语文教学应重视培养学生的语感。著名的语文教育家吕淑湘说:“语文教学的重要任务是培养学生各方面的语感。一个学生的语感强了,他在理解方面和表达方面都会不断前进。”语言感觉从哪儿来,这是必须要依赖于在平时的课堂上的积累,在课余的文学阅读中的修养,在生活中的关注和注意。语感蕴含在朗读之中,朗读是培养学生语感的最有效的方法。语文的学习和应用可以说是无处不在,生活即学习,社会即学问。而词语的广泛在生活中比比皆是。我们平时五花八门的社会交往,天花乱坠的广告词,形形色色的书刊杂志,都是学习和积累的途径。通过这些主观地学习,加上生活中耳濡目染或潜移默化的感染,就形成了我们的语言感知能力,即语感。 语感普遍存在于听、说、读、写之中,所以,培养语感能力应紧紧围绕听、说、读、写来进行。多听多读,接受范文熏陶,提高语感能力。首先靠多听多读典范作品来实现。可选择精彩的范文、演讲稿、广播稿,反复听。要求听准、听清楚、听完整、抓要害。从语音、语调、节奏、重音、停顿等方面充分感受、反复琢磨,并跟随练习。这样自然会使自己的语言变得流畅、正规,语言感受力得以提高。 例1:今年(2005)全国高考卷Ⅱ的第二小题。 2.依次填入下列各横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是() ①井冈山、遵义、延安和西柏坡,是中国革命的几处—— ②“开发西部战略”的目标之一就是——我国东西部的差距。 ③几项调控房价措施相继出台,说明政府——房价增长过快的态度相当坚定。 A.胜地缩小控制B.圣地减少控制 C.圣地缩小抑制D.胜地减少抑制 这个题就是我们在报纸上经常看到的,说明了现在的高考就是源于生活,体现了“常见、耳熟能详、使用频率高”的原则。“圣地”:⑴宗教徒称与教主生平事迹有重大关系的地方,如经常我们在媒体上关注到的:基督教徒称耶路撒冷为圣地,伊斯兰教徒称麦加为圣地,⑵指具有重大历史意义和作用的地方,如“①井冈山、遵义、延安和西柏坡,是中国革命的几处圣地”。“缩小”是指范围由大变小,如:把这张超级女生张含韵的海报缩小一点,以便于我好随身携带。再如:政府正在制定各种政策,采取行之有效的措施,缩小日益扩大的贫富差距。“减少”是指减去一部分,如《成都商报》载:近日以来四川达州地区连将

上海版中考英语专题复习——选词填空(真题)(II )卷

上海版中考英语专题复习——选词填空(真题)(II )卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、选词填空(词汇运用) (共20题;共141分) 1. (5分)When ________ (is/are) your English teacher's birthday? 2. (10分)用所给单词的正确形式填空,从所给的六个单词中选出五个补全对话。 B:Beijing. A: ________ ? What are you going to do there? B: I'm going to ________ the Tian'anmen Square, the Summer Palace and the Great Wall. What about you, Gary? A: I'm going to Hong Kong. B: It is a great city. ________ your holiday! A: The ________. 3. (10分)根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空。每个单词只能用一次,每空一词。 Then the big day came. On 20th July 1969, he landed Apollo on the Moon together ________ Aldrin. Neil said the ________ words "one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" on the Moon. They became heroes ________ they returned with many Moon ________. Neil was presented the Medal of Freedom, the ________ award that a US citizen can receive because of his excellent service. 4. (5分)—Who are they? —They are my________(parent/parents). 5. (10分)选词填空 You may see robots in some movies. The robots in these movies are stronger, ________and cleverer than people. In real life, most robots are used in factories. They do many dangerous, ________ or boring jobs.


2019届高三英语一模汇编——选词填空 1、2019黄浦一模 Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. The Nile The ancient Greek writer Herodotus once described Egypt-with some envy-as‘the gift of the Nile’. The Egyptians depend on the river for food, for water and for life. The Ancient Egyptians were able to control and use the Nile, creating the earliest irrigation systems and developing a prosperous ___31___. Snaking through the deserts, the Nile would flood almost ___32___ each year in June. Once the water subsided, a rich deposit of sand was left behind, making an excellent topsoil. Seeds were sown, yielding wheat, barley, beans, lentils and leeks. Drought could spell disaster for the Egyptians, so during the dry seasons, they dug basins and channels to deliver water to their land. They also devised simple channels to transfer water at the peak of the flood. An early system of ___33___, a Nilometer, was used to determine the size of the floods. Later, during the New Kingdom, a lifting system called a shaduf was used to raise water from the river—___34___ to the way in which a well is used today. The Egyptians took up some of the earliest trading missions. Without a(n) ___35___ system they exchanged goods, bringing back timber, precious stones, pottery, spices and animals. Their efforts in medicine were also ___36___ advanced: surgeons performed operations to remove cysts(囊肿). Mummification gave them great understanding of the human body—yet they also relied heavily on various medicines to prevent disease, and discoveries were often confused with superstition(迷信). And while a great deal of time was dedicated to ___37___ , the Egyptians thought the stars were gods. By the 16th century Egypt was under the Ottoman Empire until Britain seized control in 1882. What is now mostly Arabic Egypt only won ___38___ from Britain after World War Ⅱ. The Suez Canal, opened in 1869, ___39___ the country as a center for world transportation. But it, and the completion of the Aswan High Dam in 1971 ___40___ the ecology of the Nile, which now struggles to satisfy the country’s rapidly growing population, currently more than 76 million—the largest in the Arab world. 答案:31-35GJABD36-40CEIHF 难度:中等


一、2005年高考词语试题回视 1、(2005年高考北京卷)依次填入下列横线处的词语,恰当的一组是 那天夜晚,他抱着吉他即兴演唱了几支歌,脸上是-------- 的表情,像孩子那样快乐,像农夫那样淳朴。我--------一次感受到,好的男子汉本质上都是农夫,朴实,宁静,沉湎于自己的园地,-------------那是音乐、绘画----------书籍。 A.迷醉不止不管还是B.陶醉不只不管还是 C.迷醉不只如果或者D.陶醉不止如果或者 【答案】A。【解析】①“迷醉”与“陶醉”:两个词的词义极为接近,但很显然,“迷醉”的程度要比“陶醉”深,它是指“沉迷,陶醉”。原句中用这两个词语都可以,但后文中“像孩子那样快乐,像农夫那样纯朴”的描写,显示出“他”在音乐中的那种沉迷的状态,选用“迷醉”更好。②“不止”和“不只”:这两个词的词义较难区分,一定要仔细辨析。“不止”表示超出某个数目或范围,强调“数目多”;“不止一次感受到”,表明“感受”了很多次。“不只”是“不但,不仅”之意,不能与“一次”相搭配。③最后两个词语的区别较好辨析。“不管……还是……”是表示递进关系的关联词,表明“音乐”“绘画”“书籍”都能成为“好的男子汉”的“园地”。而“如果”与“或者”不搭配。最后这两个空可以成为考生解答这道题的突破口,但也同时说明这道题迷惑项的设置过于简单。 2、(2005年高考辽宁卷)依次填入下面语段中横线处的词语,恰当的一组是 咬文嚼字有时是一个坏习惯,---------这个成语的含义通常不很好。但是在文学,无论阅读或写作,我们-----------有一字不肯放松的谨严。文学借文字-------思想情感;文字上面有含糊,就显得思想还没有--------,情感还没有凝练。 A.所以必须表现透彻B.虽然必需表示精确 C.虽然必须表现精确D.所以必需表示透彻 【答案】A。【解析】这道题考查考生结合语境选用词语(包括实词和虚词)的能力。从整体上看,这道题的难度不大。第一个空比较明显,“咬文嚼字有时是一个坏习惯”与“这个成语的含义通常不很好”两句之间是因果关系,应该选用“所以”。“必须”与“必需”的差别也较明显,“必需”是个形容词,而“必须”是个副词,这里当然应该用“必须”。第三个空,“表示”“思想感情”很明显动宾不搭配,应选用“表现”。“思想”没有“精确”也属于动宾不搭配,所以第四个空应选用“透彻”。 3、(2005年高考全国卷Ⅱ)依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是 ①井冈山、遵义、延安和西柏坡,是中国革命的几处---------- 。 ②“开发西部战略”的目标之一就是--------- 我国东西部的差距。 ③几项调控房价措施相继出台,说明政府---------- 房价增长过快的态度相当坚定。 A.胜地缩小控制 B.圣地减少控制 C.圣地缩小抑制 D.胜地减少抑制 【答案】C。【解析】①胜地,有名的风景优美的地方;圣地,指具有重大历史意义和作用的地方。井冈山、遵义、延安和西柏坡,都是在中国革命历史上具有重大意义和作用的地方,当然选用“圣地”。第②句中“减少”是减去一部分,“缩小”是使由大变小;同时还可以从词语搭配角度考虑,一般说“缩小差距”,而“减少差距”动宾不搭配。第③句,抑制房价,是指让房价降低;控制房价,是指让房价保持稳定。原句意思是说政府想要使房价降低,避免“房价增长过快”,所以应用“抑制”。


2020年中考英语选词填空练习 I think senior high schools should have the right to hold independent recruitment(自主招生). According to current regulations (规定), 1______ are being picked by schools according to 2_______ scores on the senior high school entrance exam. This is 3______ because the government wants students 4_______ equal education. But I believe independent recruitment should still 5_______. If an excellent student does poorly 6______ the entrance exam, what can he or she do if there are no other exams offered by schools? This is 7______ for such students. Their future should not be decided by 8_______ one exam. Also, some students in remote (偏僻的) areas don’t have as much access (机会) to 9________ resources. When taking the same entrance exam as students living in more 10_______ areas, they are at a disadvantage (劣势). Independent recruitment may provide these students with a chance to get enrolled (录取). China Youth Daily recently carried out an online survey of 1,934 people to find out more about their lives at home. 1______ of the respondents (受访者) were between the 2______ of 18 and 35. The survey 3________ that 73.5 percent of these young respondents said they want 4______ the same hobbies as their parents. While most young people 5_______ to watch TV, take photos or go 6______, their parents might prefer to watch Peking Opera, drink tea 7______ play chess. While being quarantined (隔离) at home during the coronavirus outbreak, however, they started to share each 8______ interests. “By learning 9_______ each others’ interests, parents and their children might find things that they have in common and have 10_______ relationships,” said Shen Yifei, a professor from Fudan University. C
