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Opinions , Preferen ces:
Disagree ing:
Giving Reasons and offering explanat ions:
Be prepared to speculat e about the future:
In my I don't
opinion. think
47. 最常 见的引述 别人观点 的词汇 Much of the research in sexual selectio n in the last two decades has examined how a female’ s preferen ce that does not influenc e her immediat e reproduc tive success can still evolve if it is genetica lly correlat
We should plan to …
As far as I'm concerne d...
But what about...
Many people think...
It be …
might that
If it were up to me...
I'm afraid I don't agree...
5. a slice of, quiet a few 替换 some.
6. harbor the idea that, take the attitude that, hold the view that, it is widely shared that, it is universa lly acknowle dged that 替 换 think 。
33. crucial /paramou nt 替换 importan t.
34. 第一 (in the first place/th e first and foremost );第二 (there is one more point, I should touch on, that …);第 三(the last but not the least).
11. Increasi ng(ly), growing 替换 more and more(注 意没有 growingl y这种形 式。所以 当修饰名 词时用 increasi ng/growi ng修饰形 容词,副 词用 increasi ngly.)
12. little if anything 或little or nothing 替换 hardly.
Studies of receiver biases suggest that such analogie s might not be broadly applicab le.(sugg est,又一 种较为客 观的引述 观点的表 达方法 。)
Burley argued that the preferen ce for red beaks is adaptive because it indicate s male health, and this preferen ce is then transfer red to leg-band color.(a rgue,引 用别人观 点的又一 表述。)
35. assiduou s 替换 hardworking.
36. arduous 替换 difficul t.
37. underdev eloped / financia llychalleng ed 替换 poor(因 为poor通 常含有贬 义).
38. demonstr ate / manifest 替换 show.
22. give rise to, lead to, result in, trigger 替换 cause.
23. There are several reasons behind sth 替换 … reasons for sth.
24. desire 替换 want.
25. pour attentio n into 替换 pay attentio n to.
I honestly feel that, I strongly believe that...
Байду номын сангаас
1. individu als, characte rs, folks 替 换 people , persons.
2. positive , favorabl e, rosy, promisin g, perfect, pleasura ble, excellen t, outstand ing, superior 替换 good.
43. distingu ished 替 换 famous.
44. feasible 替换 possible .
45. conseque ntly, accordin gly替换 so.
46. 通 常,由数 据推断出 一定的结 论,用 Results indicate , infer, suggest, imply that……
7. affair, business , matter 替换 thing.
8. shared 替换 common .
9. reap huge fruits 替换 get many benefits .
10. for my part ,from my own perspect ive 替换 in my opinion.
13. benefici al, rewardin g 替换 helpful.
14. shopper, client, consumer , purchase r 替换 customer .
15. overwhel mingly, exceedin gly, extremel y, intensel y 替换 very.
48.常见 的连接词 有, However, also, in addition , conseque ntly, afterwar ds, moreover , Furtherm ore, further, although , unlike, in contrast , Similarl y, Unfortun ately, alternat ively, parallel results, In order
39. invariab ly 替换 always.
40. perilous / hazardou s替换 dangerou s.
41. formidab le 替换 difficul t.
42. quintess ential 替换 typical (举例时 常用,例 如:a quintess ential example should be cited that=for example; for instance ).
19. capture one's attentio n 替换 attract one's attentio n.
20. facet, demensio n, sphere 替换 aspet.
21. be indicati ve of, be suggesti ve of, be fearful of 替换 indicate ,suggest , fear.
30. as an example 替换 for example, for instance .
31. next to / virtuall y impossib le 替换 nearly / almost impossib le.
32. regardin g/ concerni ng 替换 about.
16. hardly necessar y, hardly inevitab le…替换 unnecess ary, avoidabl e.
17. indispen sable 替 换 necessar y.
18. sth appeals to sb, sth exerts a tremendo us fascinat ion on sb 替换 sb take interest in / sb. be interest ed in.
Two hypothes es for female preferen ce evolutio n— runaway sexual selectio n and good genes selectio n—state that preferen ces evolve indirect ly because they are genetica lly correlat ed with male traits that are
I expect that …
I'm pretty sure that...
The truth of the matter is...
It is fairly certain that...
The problem with your point of view is that...
I'm convince d that...
To start I hope with, that …
I'd like to...
you think it would be better..
The reason why...
It’s possible that…
I'd rather.. .
I don't agree,
That's why...
Consider ing...
We can assume that …
I suppose. ..
Frankly, I doubt if...
Allowing for the fact that...
Probably ,…
I suspect that...
Let's face it,
When you consider that...
I can see that …
For this possible
prefer.. prefer.. reason.. , I’d
like to
see …
The way I see it...
Shouldn' That's
t we the
consider reason
3. dreadful , unfavora ble, poor, adverse, ill 替换 bad(如 果bad做 表语,可 以有be less impressi ve替换 。)
4. an army of, an ocean of, a sea of, a multitud e of, a host of, if not most 替 换 many.
Previous studies of acoustic and biolumin escent interact ions had emphasiz ed potentia l advantag es to groupsignalin g organiza tion, such as minimizi ng predatio n, preservi ng speciesspecific signal characte
26. bear in mind that 替 换 remember .
27. enjoy, possess 替换 have(注 意 process 是过程的 意思)。
28. interact ion 替换 communic ation.
29. frown on sth 替换 be against , disagree with sth .
Accordin g to the antimonotony hypothes is, habituat ion plays an importan t role in the evolutio n of complex vocaliza tions in songbird s: Increase d song complexi ty reduces habituat ion of neighbor ing males and courting