week 6(报刊)新闻的基本结构

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Israel began freeing 400 Arab prisoners but Palestinians said it was not enough to appease PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) anger at the Hebrew massacre and allow peace talks to resume.
Next important information
Next important information
Less important information
Less important information
Less important information
The “inverted pyramid” Style: “order of importance”
The basic structure of Journalism news
NOTE: 一般导语把 1). 事件(what happened) 2). Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu生时间(when it happened) 3). 地点 (where it happened) 4). 人物(who it involved) 5). 原因(why it happened) 6). 经过(how it happened) 都交代清楚了, 这就是新闻所谓的“5W+1H”原则。
Structure of Journalism News
1. Inverted Pyramid Style( most commonly used style) (倒金字塔结构)
The Lead: offers the most essential elements telling WHO WHAT WHEN WHERE WHY AND HOW of the story. The Second Paragraph: has less important information and begins to fill in details about the lead. Later Paragraphs: contain still less important information.
(2) The lead b. Narrative lead(叙述式导语:直接向读者简要叙述发生了什么事,叙述式导语常用于 特写(features)或软新闻(soft news):
Take me road, country road
During the last two decade in China, we’ve seen many dramatic changes, but the most far-reaching has been the most improvement of her infrastructure. And we’ve seen first-hand how good roads changes lives-like my friend, Xiao Guo’s.
Journalism News
The basic structure of Journalism news
(2) The lead c. Delayed lead /Suspended lead(引语式导语: 寓意深刻、生动、语言简洁的轶事, 有名望人事及新闻中主要人物的精彩语言) it leads the reader or listeners to go on with an interesting beginning, usu. an anecdote, some quotations or questions etc. E.g. Saving China’s Great Wall From Itself “If you haven’t been to the great wall, you aren’t a real man,” Mao Zedong once said. This particular assertion is known to almost every citizen of the People’s Republic, millions o f whom journey to the great wall each year. (Beijing Review, May 2, 2002)
This way of framing a news story is called: “Inverted Pyramid”.
The “inverted pyramid” Style: “order of importance”
Next Most Important Information
Journalism News
e. Direct address lead(呼语直接称呼不在场或虚构的人物或称呼拟人的事物)
E.g. Like many on the mainland, I was on the move over the Chinese New Year. My flight lifted off early on the last morning of the Year of the Horse, touching down at the airport eight minutes later. Yet it never left the ground. My flight — that's what it was called — was aboard Shanghai's spanking-new Maglev (magnetic levitation) train, the world's fastest, most futuristic passenger line.
The basic structure of Journalism news
A typical piece of news consists of three parts, namely: a. the HEADLINE b. the LEAD c. the BODY
标题 导语 正文
Most news fall into the following structure: A. The headline (includes a main head and a subhead) is what first comes into sight, followed by the lead. B. A lead which is usually the first one or two paragraphs of a piece of news, is a summary of the whole story and tells the readers what is coming next. C. The body, which is the main part of a piece of news, tells exactly the whole story, sometimes including information that explains and amplifies the lead, some background knowledge and secondary information or less important information, if any.
Journalism News
③ How to write a good lead?
Find the essential elements of the story Decide whether to use a direct lead or a delayed one Use the S-V-O sentences Use active voice Use concrete nouns and colorful action verbs Keep the lead short, usu. around 30 words
McCain Licks Wounds after South Carolina Rejects His Candidacy
---the deck/subhead
Journalism News
The basic structure of Journalism news
(2) The lead ①Types of the lead: a. Direct Lead /Main point lead(概括性导语:最常见的导语形式,对报道内容取其 精、提其要,文字概括准确): it tells the reader or listeners the most important information at the beginning,usu. The “5 Ws” model (“who” did “what”, “where”, “when” and “why”?). E.g.
Structure of Journalism News
2. Pyramid Style or the chronological style
---Events in Time Sequence
Begin ning
Journalism News
The basic structure of Journalism news
(2) The lead d. Umbrella lead (简明扼要式:一般只包含一个句子,表述的仅仅是新闻中最精华最主 要的部分): a lead that summarizes a series of complicated news.
Washington, FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1865 —The President was shot in a
theater tonight and perhaps mortally wounded.
Journalism News
The basic structure of Journalism news
Journalism News
f. Question lead (提问式导语) E.g.
MUNICH — Has President George Bush concluded that Boris Yeltsin is a transitional figure who cannot benefit from significant American financial help? It is beginning to look that way. (The International Herald Tribune, Feb. 12, 1992)
Fact-3 Fact-4… Fact-n
Structure of Journalism News
3. Mixed Form of Inverted Pyramid and Pyramid Styles
Fact 1
Fact-2 Fact-n
Journalism News
The basic structure of Journalism news (1) The headline ①.Two requirements for a headline: a). To capture the essence of the event; b). to attract the readers’ attention. ②.Forms of the headline: in many cases, there are a main head and a subhead. A subhead is to offer some further explanations for the main head. E.g. Bush heads to Michigan in Glow of Big Victory ----the main head