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The distribution of Gas Hydrate

• • • • •
Gully basin system(沟盆体系)
The slope system(陆坡体系) The continental margin sea basins (海盆陆缘) Mud volcano The deep sea basins The Arctic permafrost zone (永久冻土区)
At the moment when energy issues bewk.baidu.comome increasingly prominent, Gas hydrate is called "sleeping future energy " .
Oil demand is much greater than output in China.

1 m3 Hydrate

1 cubic meter of natural gas hydrate is equivalent to more than 160 cubic meters of natural gas. In other words, one cubic meter of natural gas hydrate can meet the demand of a family of three for natural gas for nearly one year. Therefore, natural gas hydrate is regarded as the important alternative energy in "post-oil era".
5% 5%
53% 27%
27% Natural Gas Hydrate Fossil Fuels Other fuels on the land Other fuels in the ocean
High energy density
164 Nm3
Natural gas 0.8 m3Water
Advantage: It is more feasible for us to get nature gas hydrate.
Definition of Gas Hydrate
Gas hydrate,the crystalline material like ice,is distributed in deep sea sediments, which is fromed by natural gas and water in the high pressure and low temperature .
Natural gas hydrate resource in China
The Qinghai Tibet Plateau Permafrost the East China Sea
the northern South China Sea Nan sha
Gas hydrate——future alternative energy
In the depth of the ocean, 30 atmospheric pressure is very easy to guarantee
Gas source
Bacterium can release methane, then the gas was locked into the hydrate
The amount of carbon in natural gas hydrate has been proven more than 1 1013 tons, equivalently 2 times of which in all proven fossil energy, which can meet the human energy demand for 1000 years in future.
The structure of Gas Hydrate
“Gas Hydrate”perhaps have three structures, as shown in the figure.They are structureI、 structureⅡ and structureH
The forming conditions
Can ice burn?
Accidental discovery
In order to transport natural gas,we build the gas pipeline.
However,some pipelines are often blocked by ice strangely.
The mystery of Bermuda Triangle
“Bermuda Triangle” is also called“Devil'sTriangle” and“Killed Hell”。 The cause some scientists consider is melting of gas hydrate.
Exploiting methods
traditional Pressure reducing method
Chemical reagent injection method
Exploiting methods
Displacement method
Solid state method
Pressure reducing method
New method
Displacement method
At first, carbon dioxide should be converted to liquid,then inject the carbon dioxide into the methane hydrate pump under the sea. Because carbon dioxide is more easy to form hydrate than methane, so carbon dioxide will replace methane.
High energy density
Huge reserves Advanta ges of Gas Hydrate
Little pollution
Rapid regeneration
Easy to storage and transport ation
Huge reserves
Traditional methods
When the temperature build-up, nature gas hydrate is easy to decompose. So we can use this feature to release it from solid and get methane steam.
Natural Gas Hydrate ﹍﹍可燃冰
Group: Chunxiao Wenjing Yuanyuan Huanhuan Yue Liu Dong Liu Wang Wang
*Introduction *Forming conditions and distribution *Advantages *The methods of exploitation *The future road
• Gas hydrate mineral resources quickly got the attention of many countries after being discovered. • Currently, more than 40 countries have launched national survey and research work on gas hydrate, and found more than 100 gas hydrate mine sites.
Traditional methods
Pressure reducing method
Buried nuclear waste underground ,use the effect of radiation to make it down.
It is facing the same problem with pyrolysis
Pictures of Gas Hydrate
Analysing the structure and composition of this ice, we find that it is a compound of gas and water.
Gas Hydrate
Definition and structure
Direct combustion of Gas Hydrate
Coal Processing
In addition, there are strong points of rapid regeneration and convenient for storage and transportation (compared with natural gas). It is no wonder that natural gas hydrates is called "God's gift to humanity".
Three main Elements
Gas source
Low temperature
• Formation temperature: 0—10℃
• Decomposition temperature: >20℃
High pressure
• For example The pressure of generation at 0 ℃: 3.0×106 Pa
two views
The ocean plate activities
Three main Elements
Gas source
In all three conditions, Natural Gas Hydrate will be generated in the medium between the gap
Set-up diagram
Heated water was injected into the gas collector of nature gas
-- - - -- -- - Nature gas hydrate
process flow diagram
Little pollution
Natural gas hydrates does not contain any other ingredients except methane and water, without purification refining or other processing steps. Therefore, pollution generated from natural gas hydrates is much smaller than which from oil, coal and other traditional energy.
It is difficult to collect methane steam. Porous media at the bottom of the sea is not a mass of rock, but more evenly in distribution. The problem of how to layout pipeline and collect efficiently under the ocean is difficult to solve.