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第38卷 第7期中 国 激 光

Vo l.38,N o.72011年7月




刘 丹 谢可迪 马秀华 朱小磊 陈卫标


摘要 采用全新设计的大功率微重力热管,对大功率空间全固态激光器实施高效传导冷却,实现了对激光放大器废热的有效耗散,获得高光束质量、高功率的激光输出。鉴于激光板条放大器的主要热源为抽运激光二极管(L D)叠层及板条增益介质,实验设计了新型放大器散热结构,分别采用单通道和并行双通道微重力热管对两级串接放大器进行散热实验。结果表明,两级放大器热沉的温度均可稳定在设定的L D 工作温度范围内,获得平均功率大于

20W,放大倍数大于20倍,光束质量因子M 2x ,M 2y 控制在1.42和1.31的激光脉冲输出。

关键词 激光器;空间激光器;传导冷却;热管传输;板条放大器

中图分类号 T N248.1 文献标识码 A do i :10.3788/CJL 201138.0702016

Study of High -Efficiency Conduction Cooling Te chnique for

High Power Space -Based All -Solid -State Lase rs

Liu Dan Xie Kedi Ma Xiuhua Zhu Xiao lei Chen Weibiao

(Sha ngha i Key La bor a tor y of All S olid -S ta te La ser s an d T echniqu es ,Sha ngha i Instit ut e of Opt ics a nd

Fin e Mecha nics ,Chinese Academy of Scien ces ,S han gha i 201800,Chin a )

Ab stract The novel high power micro -gravity heat pipes are applied for the conduction cooling of a high power and

high repetition space -based al-l solid -state laser.The wa ste heat of laser amplifiers can be dissipated effectively and thereby the laser output with high beam qua lit y and high power is obta ined.In view of the pumping laser diode (L D)stac ks and slab gain medium being major thermal sources in slab amplifiers,the novel a mplifier structures for heat dissipating are designed.I n the experiment,the heat -sinking capability of two stage simulated amplifiers in series is measured with the single -channel m icro -gravit y heat pipe and the two -c hannel m icro -gravit y heat pipe,respectively.The experimental results show that the temperature of both stage pre -amplifiers stabilizes in the range of operating temperature for the la ser diode array.In the end,the average output power m ore than 20W,magnification tim es

greater than 20,M 2x of 1.42and M 2

y of 1.31are ac hieved succ essfully.Key words lasers;space -ba sed laser;c onduction cooling;heat pipe transmission;slab amplifiers OCIS codes 140.3580;140.3280;140.6810



作者简介:刘 丹(1979 ),女,博士,高级工程师,主要从事全固态激光器结构设计与分析等方面的研究。E -mail:danmeier209@sio

1 引 言




上具有代表性的工作有,美国FiberT ek 公司于2008年研制的星载单频全固态激光器,其重复频率已达到200H z,1064nm 波长激光输出功率达到20W,即单脉冲能量达到100mJ,光束质量因子M 2<2。而欧洲太空局即将发射的多普勒测风激光雷达(ALADIN)则将是目前国际上输出功率最大的星载激光器


,其重复频率高达100H z,1064nm
