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1. 并列连词

并列连词是连接两个并列关系的词、短语或句子的连词。根据其意义,并列连词又可分为表示关联、转折、选择和因果等四种关系的连词。如:and, but, or, for, so, not only... but also, either... or... , both... and, neither... nor 等。

2. 从属连词

从属连词是引导状语从句、宾语从句及其他从句的连词,引导状语从句的从属连词有after,when,while, before,as soon as, because, since, until, if, (al) though, so that等。引导宾语从句及其他从句的从属连词有that, if, whether,what等。



表示关联关系的并列连词有:and, both... and... , neither... nor... , not only... but also... , as well as等。其用法如下:

1. and的用法


I am a student and he is a teacher. 我是学生,他是老师。

He and I are good friends. 他和我是好朋友。

She started to shout and cry. 她开始大哭大叫。

(2) and用在动词come, go, run, stay, stop等不及物动词之后代替to, 与另一个动词连接,此时第二个动词表示目的。如:

Go and buy a pencil for me. 去给我买支铅笔。

(3)用于“祈使句 + and + 句子”结构中,祈使句表示条件,后面的句子表示结果。如:

Study hard and you'll pass the exam. 努力学习你就会通过这次考试。

Use your head and you'll find a way. 动动脑子你就会有办法。

2. both... and... 的用法

both... and... 与and的作用基本相同,但不能并列连接两个句子,其语气也比and强。如:

The film is both interesting and instructive. 这部电影不但有趣,而且有教育意义。

He has both courage and perseverance. 他既有勇气又有毅力。

3. neither... nor... 的用法

neither... nor... 为both... and... 的否定形式,其用法也大致相同。如:Neither I nor he has seen the film. 我和他都没看过那部电影。

I neither smoke nor drink. 我既不吸烟也不喝酒。

4. not only... but also... 和as well as的用法

not only... but also... 和as well as的用法与and相似,R是各自的侧重点不同,用not only... but also... 时,侧重点在but also后面的部分,用

as well as时,侧重点在as well as前面部分。试比较:

She has not only knowledge but also experience. 她既有知识,又有经验。(强调经验)

She has knowledge as well as experience. 她既有经验,又有知识。(强调知识)

She is not only clever but (also) beautiful, 她不仅聪明而且美丽。(侧重美丽)

She is clever as well as beautiful. 她不仅美丽而且聪明。(侧重聪明)(二)表示选择的连词

表示选择关系的并列连词有:or,either... or... , whether... or... , rather... than, or else, other wise等。

1. or的用法


The book will cost $8 or $9. 这本书的价钱为8或9美元。

Tom or I am to be blame. 不是汤姆,就是我该受责备。


He can't speak English or Chinese. 他不会说英语,也不会说汉语。

He studied for one whole day, without any food or rest. 他学了整整一天,既不吃饭也不休息。


Take this bus or you won't get there in time. 搭这辆公共汽车吧,否则你无法及时到达那里。

2. either... or... 的用法

either... or... 和or —样可表选择意义,但选择的意义较or强。如:

You can either stay at home or go fishing. 你可以呆在家里,或是去钓鱼。

I want to visit either Paris or London. 我想去巴黎或者伦敦。

Either Tom or I am to be blame. 不是汤姆,就是我该受责备。

3. whether... or... 的用法

Whether he drives or takes the bus,he'll be here on time. 不管他是开车去还是坐公交车去,他都会准时到。

4. rather than的用法

He went rather than stay as an unwelcome guest. 他走了,不愿待着做个不受欢迎的人。

5. or else与otherwise的用法

or else, otherwise通常接在祈使句的后面。如:

Hurry up or else/otherwise you'll be late. 赶快,否则你会迟到的。Seize the chance, or else/otherwise you will regret it. 抓住机会,否则你会后悔的。


表示转折关系的并列连词有:but, while, still, yet, however.


She is very busy, but she always finds time for housework.


Wang works hard,while Li doesn't. 小王学习很用功,而小李不行。
