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【形容菜和食品味道】tasteless 无味的greasy 油腻的light 清淡的tasty 美味的delicious 味道好的flat 淡而无味的(如走了汽的啤酒)sweet 甜的sour 酸的bitter 苦的hot 辣的salty 咸的spiced 加香料的fragrant 香的seasoned 加作料的

【你不可不知的地道短语】◇犹豫不定be of two minds ◇心事重重some thing weighs heavily on one`s mind ◇埋头苦干keep one`s nose to the grindstone ◇心凉了半截cool one`s ardor ◇使人大为激动make one`s spine tingle ◇受冷落feel left out

【美剧口语】1.take it out on sb.拿某人出气。2.follow in one's footsteps. 以某人为榜样/步某人后尘。3.point me in the right direction.指给我看在那个方向。4.bad egg 混蛋 5.Over my dead body. 休想/除非我死了。6.Good one.说得好/做得好。7.revoke one's license.吊销某人的执照。

【表示否定的口语表达】1.I decline! 我拒绝!2. I quit! 我不干了! 3.No way! 不行!4.Don't count on me.别指望我。5.It's going too far.太离谱了。6.Forget it! 休想! (算了!)

【高频口语句型】1.every other day 每隔一天2.decide to do..决定做.. 3.try to do sth.设法4.think of想出5.drop in on sb顺便拜访某人6.be known for因...而众所周知7.look on the bright side看到事物光明的一面8.be forced to被迫做9.out of mind发狂,疯狂10.make fun of嘲弄取笑

【薪水相关的用法】year-end(annual)bonus年终奖金;perfect attendance bonus全勤奖;performance bonus绩效奖金;allowance津贴;commission佣金;earnings 所有工作的薪水总和;basic pay(salary)底薪;overtime pay加班薪水;back pay欠发的薪资;pay raise 加薪;pay cut减薪;pay slip(英) 薪水单

Salary薪水2)Wage时薪3)Deductions扣除4)Income tax个人所得税5)Pension养老金6)Medical医疗保险7)Net净工资8)Bonuses奖金9)Raise加薪10)Pay rate工资标准11)Pay period工资周期12) Pay stub工资存根13)Direct deposit直接存入

【不能望文生义的词汇】1、one-two是“拳击中连击两次”,而不是“一二”。2、In two twos 是“立刻”,而不是“两两之间”。3、Three-score是“六十”,而不是“三分”。4、Four Hundred 是“名流”,而不是“四百”。5、Five-finger是“贼”,类似“三只手”,而不是“五指”

【夏天你最喜欢喝什么?】plum juice 酸梅汤;sweet mung bean soup 绿豆汤;shaved ice 刨冰;smoothie 冰沙;milk shake 奶昔;draft beer 生啤;soda 苏打水;Guiling Jelly 龟苓膏;watermelon juice 西瓜汁;plain boiled water 白开水。

The patient path is the fastest way.——耐心去走的路,总是捷径。

The journey is the reward. 过程就是收获。

When life gives you the opportunity to move forward, sometimes you have to leave what's behind——有时候,假如生活给我们机会往前走,我们就只有把过去留在身后。Sometimes we avoid those that we miss the most. ------ 有一种想念叫避而不见。

Make up your mind to act decidedly and take the consequences. No good is ever done in this world by hesitation. ------ 下定决心,果断行动,并承担后果。在这世界上犹豫不决成就不了


Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be .(Abraham Lincoln ,American president ) 对于大多数人来说,他们认定自己有多幸福,就有多幸福。(美国总统林肯. A.) Well fed, wed bred.衣食足,知荣辱。

This world's an ugly place but you're so beautiful to me. - Blink 182——世界如此丑陋,你却如此美好。

【英语1000句—如果你迟到的话给我打电话】A Let’s meet this evening around 6.咱们今晚6点左右见。B OK. I might be a little late, depending on the traffic.好。我可能会晚到一会,这要看交通情况。A No problem. Call me if you are late. 没关系。如果你迟到的话,给我打电话。

【"身体"短语】1.a long face愁眉苦脸She's walked around with a long face.2.have a sweet tooth 爱吃甜食I know you have a sweet tooth.3.head over heels in love深爱着某人They're head over heels in love.4.by heart熟记I know all my friends'tel. numbers by heart.5.pull sb's leg开某人玩笑

【微词汇】Military Service(美国兵役);1. Army(陆军);2. Army Reserve(陆军后备队);

3. Army National Guard(陆军国民警卫队);

4. Marine Corps(海军陆战队);

5. Marine Corps Reserve(海军陆战队后备队);

6. Navy(海军);

7. Navy Reserve(海军后备队);

8. Air Force (空军)

9. Air Force Reserve(空军后备队);10. Air National Guard(空军国民警卫队);11. Coast Guard(海岸警卫队);12. Coast Guard Reserve(海岸警卫队后备队);

【零食】crackers 咸饼干;bulk bagels散装硬面包圈; cookies曲奇饼干;muffins 松饼; twinkie 奶油夹心饼;chocolate巧克力; popcorn爆米花;nuts果仁;peanut花生;potato chips 炸马铃薯片;corn chips炸玉米片;Bun小圆面包圈;ice cream cone圆筒冰淇淋;果冻jelly

【各种坏女人】1) bitch 贱女人,所有“坏女人”的统称2)shrew/virago/vixen 泼妇3)hooker/harlot/prostitute 妓女4)slut/slattern 侮辱性乱的女人5)adulteress/jade通奸的已婚女人6)loose women淫荡的女人7)hussy不道德的贱妇8)skank 性方面随便的女人

【用英语幽雅的骂人】①I'm so fed up with your BS. Cut the crap. 我受够了你的废话,少说废话吧。②Hey! Wise up! 放聪明点好吗?③Put up or shut up. 要吗你就去做,不然就给我闭嘴。

④Don't you dare! How dare you! 你好大的胆子啊!⑤Don't push me around. 不要摆布我。

【care】1.Take care!小心!/保重!;2.care for喜欢, I care for you.我喜欢你;3.intensive care对重病患者的特别护理;4.with care小心地;5.after care售后注意事项;6.parental care亲代抚育;7.health care卫生保健;8.care label使用须知标签;9.care worker护理人员

【反恐词汇】al-Qaeda 基地组织;most wanted terrorist头号通缉犯;shed blood 屠杀;
