非谓语在写作中的应用 过去分词作状语 PPT

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1. The story was so mmoovveindgthat he was moving tomotevaedrs.
2. I like reading the novels wwroritteebny Zhang Ailing.
3. English is a widely usuisnegdlanguage. 4. He spoke loudly in order to make himself hehaerairndg. 5. I want the doors of my new house ppaainintted
观察与思考 请观察下列各组句子之间的变化关系,并
Group A
1) When asked why he was late, he went red. = When he was asked why he was late, he
went red. 划线部分过去分词作___时__间__状__语___。 相当于when\while\after+状语从句,有时为强调 时间概念,过去分词前可保留连词when或while 等。
观察与思考 请观察下列各组句子之间的变化关系,并
Group B
2) Exhausted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.
= Because I was exhausted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep. 划线部分过去分词作__原___因__状__语___。 相当于连词because, as, since等+状语从句。
观察与思考 请观察下列各组句子之间的变化关系,并
Group C
3) Given another chance, he will do better. = If he was given another chance, he will do
better. 划线部分过去分词作__条___件__状__语___。 相当于if, unless,once+状语从句。
观察与思考 请观察下列各组句子之间的变化关系,并
Group D
4) Laughed at by many people, he continued his study.
= Although he was laughed at by many people, he continued his study. 划线部分过去分词作__让___步__状__语___。 相当于though, although+状语从句。
观察与思考 请观察下列各组句子之间的变化关系,并
Group E
5) The hunter left his house, followed by his dog.
= The hunter left his house, and he was followed by his dog. 划线部分过去分词作__伴__随__状___语___。 相当于and连接的并列句。
观察与思考 请观察下列各组句子之间的变化关系,并
Group F
6) He walked up and down the room, lost in thought.
= He walked up and down as he was lost in thought. 划线部分过去分词作__方__式__状___语___。
1) 过去分词在句子中可以作____________ ______________________________等,而且
可转换为对应的状语从句。 2)过去分词作状语时,过去分词的逻辑主语一
般与_主__句__主__语_一致,且过去分词表示的动 作与主句主语之间是_被__动__关系。
1. When he was questioned by the police, he became nervous.
Questioned by the police, he became nervous. 2. Because he was touched by his teacher’s words,
the boy cried. Touched by his teacher’s words, the boy cried. 3. If he is given time, he’ll become a first-class tennis
player. Given time, he’ll become a first-class tennis player.
4. Although he was shot in the leg, he continued firing at the police.
Shot in the leg, he continued firing at the police.
5. The lady returned home, and she was followed by two policemen.
The lady returned home, followed by two policemen.
模仿与应用B组 用不同句式翻译
例:如果被困在燃烧的建筑物里,你一定要呼救。 Locked\ If locked\ If you are locked in a burning
house, you must call for help.
1. 当被问到发生了什么事时,他站了起来。 Asked\ When asked\ When he was asked what had
happened, he stood up.
2. 虽然John 被单独留在家里,他一点都不害怕。 Left\ Although left\ Although he was left at home
alone, John didn’t feel afraid at all.
直通高考 基础写作——人物介绍
姓名:刘洋 出生地点:河南省林州市 出生日期:1978年10月 个人简历:小学就读于郑州市实验小学
Born in October, 1978 in Linzhou, Henan province, Liu Yang began her schooling at Zhengzhou Experimental Primary School.
直通高考 基础写作——人物介绍
姓名:Vicky 出生地点:湖北省武汉市 出生日期:1982年12月 个人简历:现任教于华南师范大学中山附属 中学
Born in December, 1982 in Wuhan, Hubei province, Vicky now teaches in Zhongshan Affiliated Middle School of South China Normal University.
直通高考 基础写作——地点介绍
以下是你校体育馆的基本情况介绍。 历史:40年的历史,2006年重建。
Rebuilt in 2006, the Gym of our school has a history of 40 years.
直通高考 基础写作——地点介绍
用英语写一篇介绍伦敦的文章,张贴在体育 节的宣传栏上。 概况:伦敦位于英国东南部,面积1,580平方 千米。
Located in the southeast of England, London covers an area of 1,580 square kilometers.
直通高考 基础写作——地点介绍
用英语写一篇介绍中山华附的文章,张贴在校内 宣传栏上。 历史:十年的历史,建于2004年7月3日。 概况:位于中山市港口镇美景东路,学校占地面 积12万平方米 。
Built on July, 3rd, 2004, Zhongshan Affiliated Middle School of South China Normal University now has a history of ten years. Located in Meijing East Road, Gangkou, Zhongshan, our school covers an area of 120,000 square meters.
__U__s_ed___ (use) for a long time, the book looks old. 由于用了很长时间,这本书看上去很旧。 __U__s_in_g__ (use) the book, I find it useful. 在使用的过程中,我发现这本书很有用。
__S__ee_n___ (see) from the top of the hill, our school looks more beautiful. __S_e_e_i_n_g_ (see) from the top of the hill, I find our school more beautiful.
1. 过去分词表完成、被动,与主句主语之间是被动关系。 2. 现在分词表进行、主动,与主句主语之间是主动关系。
分词作状语,主语是问题。 逗号前后两动作,共用一主语。
主语找出后,再来判关系。 主动-ing,被动用-ed。
1. The professor went into the lab, ___fo_l_lo_w__in_g___ (follow) his students.
2. The professor went into the lab, ___fo_l_lo_w__ed____ (follow) by his students.
3. ___L_oo_k_e_d__ (look) by her, he jumped with joy.
4. __L_o_o_k_i_n_g_ (look) at her, he jumped with joy.
非 谓
语 2.不定式
动 词
1.作定语 2.作表语 3.作宾补 4.作状语
1.时间 2.原因 3.条件 4.让步 5.伴随 6.方式
Homework 根据所给单词的正确形式填空
1. When I got home, I found the TV ___s_to_l_e_n. (steal) 2. Don’t expose your skin to the sun or it will get
__b_u_rn__t _. (burn) 3. Everyday in our school we can hear the song __s_u_ng
(sing) by the students. 4. _G__iv_e_n__ (give) enough time, we can complete the job in time. 5. English is not easy __t_o__le_a_r_n_ (learn) well. 6. I am sorry to keep you __w__a_it_in__g (wait) for so long. 7. Leave the door __c_lo_s_e_d_ (close) after __e_n_te_r_i_n_g (enter) the room; it’s too cold. 8. Please explain it in simple English so as to make yourself_u_n_d_e_r_s_to_o_d_ ( understand).