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State of emergency declared in fire-stricken areas of California
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 22 (Xinhua) -- California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has declared a state of emergency in areas where wildfires continued raging on Monday. "It is a tragic time for California," Schwarzenegger said while on a tour to the San Diego County, more than 100 kilometers south of Los Angeles.
Selected Readings in English Print News Media 英语报刊选读
Common Styles and Structures of Journalistic Writing
Basic Structures of News
消息,通常被人们称为新闻(news)或纯新闻(hard news),是各种新闻体裁中应用 最广、最灵活方便的一种。不论是哪一种性质的报道,在写作形式上与结构上大都 采用两种常见的方法:即“倒金字塔法”(the inverted pyramid form)和“时间顺 序法”(the chronological style)。 (2) “时间顺序法”(The Chronological Style) 除了“倒金字塔法”是消息报道最常用的体裁外,还有按新闻事实发生的时间的先 后顺序来报道的,称为“时间顺序法”,它也属于一种常见的形式,多用于报道一 系列较为复杂的新闻事实或内容,如文艺演出或体育比赛、灾难或交通事故以及犯 罪案件等等。按时间顺序法结构写出的消息一般由开头(Beginning,即导语) 、按时 间顺序叙述的一系列新闻事实(Events in Sequence)和结尾(Ending)几个部分组成。 虽然它有时也也采用综合式导语或部分综合式导语作为全文的开头,但消息的正文 (body)一般还是严格按时间顺序叙述的。因此,读者如果想要知道新闻事实的发展 结果,往往要一口气念到全文的结尾才能知道。时间顺序法不同于倒金字塔法那种 开门见山、直截了当地把最基本的新闻事实公诸于众的报道手法,而是按照事实的 发展顺序来报道,增加了读者阅读时的悬念感,读来使人觉得更为系统、自然、顺 理成章。
从这条电头中可以得知该消息是由新华社 于十月二十三日发自四川西昌。中文可译 成:“新华社四川西昌十月二十三日电”。 这里需要注意的是:将英文电头汉译时, 中英文电头“三要素”的先后顺序是不同 的。
英文消息除了在电头中交代了一些消息来源(主要指通讯社的名称)外,还习惯于在 消息报道中把消息来源进一步交代清楚,一一标明。这是因为记者深知读者读报时 往往较重视消息的来源。为了显示其报道的“真实”、“客观”、“可信”,丝毫 没有揉入个人观点或态度,记者通常不仅对新闻事实,而且也对有关的言论、观点、 意见等一一说明来源(attribution)。例如:
Bin Laden calls for more fighting against U.S. forces in Iraq
CAIRO, Oct. 23 (Xinhua) -- Al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden, in an audio recording posted on Islamist websites Tuesday, called for intensified fighting against U.S.-led forces in Iraq. The excerpts(摘录;引用;节录) of the audio recording were aired by the Qatarbased Al-Jazeera television on Monday, said the websites.
DPA: Deutsche Presse Agentur 德(国)新(闻)社
Kyoto: (日本)共同社 ANSA: (意大利)安莎社
PTI: Press Trust of India 印度报业托拉斯
Xinhua: 新华社
以上各大通讯社在世界各地或许多地方还设有分社,驻外记者成百 上千,并与各国通讯社挂钩,互通信息,除用英文外还用其他语种 的文字发送电稿。其中规模最大,为各大英文报纸提供的电讯稿消 息最多的首推美联社、路透社、合众国际社和法新社四家。我国的 《中国日报》除了采用新华社的稿件外,还大量选登经新华社转发 的这四家通讯社的电讯稿。
AP: Associated Press 美国联合通讯社,美联社 UPI: United Press International (美国)合众国际社
Reuters: (英国)路透(通讯)社
AFP: Agence France Presse 法(国)新(闻)社 Tass: Telegraph Agency of Soviet Union (前苏联)塔斯社
读者在阅读英文报纸上的电讯稿时,还要注意通常至于消息导语前的“电 头”(dateline)。电头一般指名发稿的地点、时间和单位这“三要素”,有助于读者 更好的理解消息的内容及其背景,可以以此作为读报的参考。例如:
China’s first moon orbiter launch in sight
XICHANG, Sichuan, Oct. 23 (Xinhua) -- China is busy preparing for the launch of its first moon orbiter which is likely to take place on Wednesday evening.
(3) 消息的来源与出处 (News Sources)
读者在阅读英文报纸上的消息报道时,还应学会看消息的来源与出处,包括 各大通讯社提供的电讯稿(News Dispatches)和各报记者及特约记者撰写的稿 件等等。由于各报无法派出众多的记者去全国各地甚至世界各地采写消息, 通讯社所发送、提供的电讯稿就成了报纸的主要消息来源。 用英文向世界各地或大部分地区发稿的通讯社很多,常见的主要有:
Murderers Caught-Thanks to a Monkey
A monkey is being credited with a key role in the capture of three murderers in Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan Province. On a June day, a PLA political instructor, identified as Zhang, and a soldier, identified as Liu, were driving through the mountains in Xishuangbanna when a monkey jumped on to the highway in front of their jeep and began to point to the south, all the while tugging at their arms. The two men got out of the jeep and followed the monkey to a pit, where it started to dig at the earth so hard that its paws began to bleed. Zhang and Liu were confused and took the monkey to the local Public Security Bureau. Two bodies were dug out of the pit after policemen were led to it by the monkey. The monkey pointed to a nearby village when the policemen “asked” it who the murderers were. That evening, an assembly was called in the village. The moment the monkey was brought in, it threw itself on a young man, who tried to run away, as did two others, but they were caught. The three men later confessed to murdering the monkey’s owners-two traveling show people from inland. They had presented a show in the village. Then the three got them drunk, stabbed them to death and took all their money. They tried to kill the monkey too, but it escaped. They said it had been crying loudly as the murder occurred. ---The China Daily, March 10, 2003
Romario to coach and play for Vasco
RIO DE JANEIRO, Oct. 22 (Xinhua) -- Brazil's striker Romario, member of the 1994 World Cup winning team, will play for and coach Vasco da Gama in the South American Cup's semifinals on Wednesday, announced club president Eurico Mist, Caution” may take in 100 mln yuan at Box Office
BEIJING, Nov. 6 -- Oscar-winning director Ang Lee's spy thriller "Lust, Caution" is expected to hit 100 million yuan (US$13.41 million) in ticket sales on the mainland as it has taken in 40 million yuan in the first week, reported Monday.