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The tasks of Special troops
1. Special reconnaissance(特 种侦察) 2. Direct combat(直接作战)
3. Collecting information
4. Unconventional combat(非 常规作战) 5. Counter- terrorism action (反恐行动)
Now let’s watch a video, and it is about the military of China!
“瓦良格” 号
After seeing so much introductions, how do you think about the special troops of our country?
n. 尊敬,敬意,荣誉,光荣
Above all it is the best prove for an excellent soldier.
• Beijing military :Reconnaissance and assault troops(“东方神剑”特种大队 ) • Nanjing military :Dragon special troops(“飞龙”特种部队 ) • Fra Baidu bibliotekuangzhou military :Sword of south China special troops(“华南之剑”特
The training of special troops
The training of Chinese special forces is very strict. No matter how bad the surroundings are, they must complete their own tasks and training that we can’t image. They all have their own unique skills. So they are called tigers ,dragons and hawks(鹰).
种部队 )
• Lanzhou military :Night of tigers troops(“暗夜之虎”特种部队 ) • The most mysterious( 神秘的 ) special troops of our China :Sword
• • • • • special troops(“利剑”特种部队 ) military——n. 军区 reconnaissance——n. (对某地区的)侦察或观测(尤指为军事目的);(执行侦察任务 的)巡逻队、飞行队等 assault troops——n. 经过特殊训练的突击队
种部队 )
• Jinan military :Black Beilei and eagle special troops(“黑贝雷”和“雄鹰”
特种部队 )
• Shenyang military :Northeast tiger special troops(“东北猛虎”特种部队 ) • Chengdu military :Southwest of eagle and cheetah troops(“西南猎鹰”特
Chinese Special Troops were born in 1988.The first special troop came from Guangzhou military. But now every military has its own special troop ,armbands(臂 章 ) and names.
Did you have a dream to be a soldier?
However, every soldier has a dream to be a special soldier.
Now, please remember: To
be a special soldier is every soldier’s highest honor. honor
Maybe one day the war will happen……
T ha t’s a ll, T ha nk you!