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We became friends by accide nt. One day Jack was play ing basketball on the playgro und. Amazed at how skillful he was, I made up my mind to play as well as him. I was grateful whe n he agreed to teach me. Every time whe n I wan ted to give up halfway, it was Jack who en couraged me. Gradually, I mastered the skills and became con fide nt eno ugh to challe nge the best players in our school.


It happe ned on a Friday whe n I was seated in a crowded bus, head ing for my school. It was just at that moment that an elderly lady with her little grandson stepped onto the bus. Immediately, I offered my seat to them without hesitation. The elderly lady expressed her great appreciation to me and we enjoyed a pleasa nt short trip together.


Being a 15-year-old middle school student and feeling my parents have done so much to me, I have bee n con sideri ng what I can do for them to show my gratitude. Last Sun day, whe n my pare nts went out shopp in g, I decided to take this opport unity to do somethi ng helpful for our family. Not only did I clea n the bowls and cookers, but I put all the messy things away. Tired and sweaty, I was about to ope n the door to throw rubbish whe n my pare nts showed up at the door. They were amazed to see what I had done and praised me. From then on, I determined to work harder to do more for my family.


My favorite teacher is Mr. Wang who is han dsome and of medium build.

My best friend is Linda who is a beautiful girl with long black hair and beautiful bright eyes.


Mary is always wearing a sweet smile and willing to help others.

Mr. Lee is our favorite teacher who has great sense of humor and always makes his class lively and in terest ing.


He is not only good at playing basketball but also does well in playing chess.

Swimming is his favorite thing to do in his free time and he also shows great in terest in play ing soccer.


She is very good at less ons especially En glish, so she is one of the top stude nts in our class.



I feel lucky to have such a good teacher / frie nd who always holds on to achieve his dream. That ' s his best quality I should learn from him.

Maybe that bonly a small thing and it 'not worth being mentioned. But I always believe a small act of kindn ess will make a big differe nee, so I make up my mi nd to learn from him to be the pers on who offers timely help to those in n eed.


I sincerely hope Li Lei will make greater progress in a new high school. And I also wish he will have a bright future.

(How to get on well with others ) 建议式

In our daily life, it is of great importance to know how to get along well with other
