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Estimation of joint trace length probability distribution function in igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks(火成岩、沉积岩及变质岩节理迹长概率分布函数估计)(Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, November 2014, Volume 47, Issue 6, pp 2353-2361),Coal Mine Roadway Stability in Soft Rock: A Case Study(煤矿软岩巷道稳定性实例研究)(Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, November 2014, Volume 47, Issue 6, pp 2225-2238),Mine Overburden Dump Failure: A Case Study[矿山覆排土(石)场破坏实例研究](Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, April 2014, Volume 32, Issue 2, pp 297-309),Assessments of Strength Anisotropy and Deformation Behavior of Banded Amphibolite Rocks(带状闪石强度各向异性及变形特征估算)(Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, April 2014, Volume 32, Issue 2, pp 429-438),In-situ Rock Spalling Strength near Excavation Boundaries(开挖边界附近现场岩石剥落强度)(Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, March 2014, Volume 47, Issue 2, pp 659-675),Relationship Between Pre-failure and Post-failure Mechanical Properties of Rock Material of Different Origin(不同来源岩石材料破坏前与破坏后力学特性关系)(Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, February 2014),Coal waste management practices in the USA: an overview[美国煤渣(煤矸石等)管理实践综述](International Journal of Coal Science & Technology, June 2014, Volume 1, Issue 2, pp 163-176),Overview and modeling of mechanical and thermomechanical impact of underground coal gasification exploitation(地下矿井煤气化开发的力学与热力学影响之回顾与模拟)(Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, March 2014),Poromechanics of adsorption-induced swelling in microporous materials: a new poromechanical model taking into account strain effects on adsorption(微孔材料吸附引起的膨胀孔隙介质力学:考虑应变对吸附影响的新孔隙介质力学模型)(Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, May 2014)

★angle e.g. Under uniaxial test, the banded amphibolite has a U-shaped anisotropy with maximum strength at β= 90°and minimum strength is obtained when β= 30°.

★back analysis e.g. These findings were supported by back-analysis of case histories where

failure had been carefully documented, using either Kirsch’s solution (with approximated circular tunnel geometry and hence σmax = 3σ 1 −σ3) or simplified numerical stress modeling (with a smooth tunnel wall boundary) to approximate the maximum tangential stress σmax at the excavation boundary; This paper back analyse material properties and investigates the probable mechanism of this OB failure.

★banded amphibolite 带状闪石

★banded amphibolite rocks e.g. However, far too little attention has been paid to banded amphibolite rocks. This study aim to evaluate strength and deformation anisotropy behavior of banded amphibolite rocks.


★behavior of structures e.g. To predict the behavior of structures in and on jointed rock masses, it is necessary to characterize the geomechanical properties of joints and intact rock.

★coal waste disposal facility e.g. The primary purpose of a coal waste disposal facility is to dispose of unusable waste materials from mining.

★coal waste impoundments e.g. However, at some sites coal waste impoundments serve to provide water storage capacity for processing and flood attenuation.

★compression and shear waves

★continuum numerical methods e.g. Well established tools including limiting equilibrium and continuum numerical methods have been used to understand and identify the failure kinematics of this dump.

★deformability test
