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(1) A: Dinner is r_______. What are you d________, Kate?

B:I’m p________ the guitar.

A: What a_______ Bill?

B:He’s p_________ a picture out there. And Peter is

f_______ in the lake.

(2)A: A_____ you doing your homework, Ben?

B:No. I’m p_______ computer g_________.

A: I______ Jill playing computer games t______?

B:No. She’s w_________ TV.

(3)A: How o______ are you, Jiamin?

B:I’m ten y______ old.

A: W______ is that man in the photo?

B:Oh, he’s my uncle, Sam.

A: He l_____ handsome. What d_____ he do?

B:He’s a policeman.

(4)Yongxian is at Ben’s house. They are talking.

Ben: W_____ you like some coffee, Yongxian?

Yongxian:No, thanks. I don’t like it. What do you usually have f___ lunch?

Ben: I usually have noodles. I like it b_____.

Yongxian: Do you like fish?

Ben:No, I don’t like it at a_____. I like beef. Oh!

It’s twelve thirty now.

Let’s go and h_____ lunch together.



much, Can, are, need, change, kilo, That’s, looks, anything, half

Vendor: _____ I help you?

Customer:Yes, the broccoli _______ fresh. I’d like ______ a kilo,please.

How _______ does it cost?

Vendor: Six dollars a kilo. Do you want ______ else?

Customer: Yes, I _______ to buy some tomatoes, too. How much _____ they?

Vendor:They’re 2 dollars.

Customer:I’d like a _______please.

Vendor:OK. Let’s see. _______5 dollars.

Customer:Here’s ten dollars.

Vendor:Thank you and here’s your _______.


interesting, programmes, Do, time, on, too, of, about

A: _____ you like watching TV?

B: Yes, I like it very much.

A: What _______ do you like?

B: I like TV plays. What _____ you?

A: I like cartoons.

B: Oh, I like cartoons ______. What _______ is it now?

A:It’s five thirty.

B:There’s a cartoon ______ TV. Turn on the TV, please. A: Oh, Mickey Mouse and Donald duck!

B: I think they are really ________. Do you like them?

A: Yes, ______ course.


much, like, cost, change, with, for, kilo, can

Vendor: What ____ I do _______you?

Alien:I’d _______ to buy some carrots. Do you have any? Vendor: Yes, here you are.

Alien: They are really fresh. How _____ do they _____? Vendor:They’re two dol lars a ______.

Alien:I’d like six carrots, please.

Vendor:OK. Let’s see. That’s one dollar and twenty cents.

Alien: OK. Thank you.

Vendor:And here’s your ______.

Alien: Great! I can play music _______ carrots!


working, cooking, homework, watching, doing, music

Ben: What are you _______, dad? Are you listening to


Mr Webb:No, I’m _______ on the computer. What are you doing?

Ben:I’m doing my_______. Where is mum?

Is she ________ dinner?

Mr Webb:No, she’s ________ TV.
