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1 GB/T 335-1985 TGT型台秤 TGT type beam counter poise platform scale

2 GB/T 336-1985 AGT型案秤 AGT type counter scale with weights

3 GB 3100-1993 国际单位制及其应用 SI units and recommendations for the use of their multiples and of certain other units

4 GB 3101-1993 有关量、单位和符号的一般原则 General principles concerning quantities, units and symbols

5 GB 3102.1-1993 空间和时间的量和单位 Quantities and units of space and time

6 GB 3102.2-1993 周期及其有关现象的量和单位 Quantities and units of peridic and related phenomena

7 GB 3102.3-1993 力学的量和单位 Quantities and units of mechanics

8 GB 3102.4-1993 热学的量和单位 Quantities and units of heat

9 GB 3102.5-1993 电学和磁学的量和单位 Quantities and units of electricity and magnetism

10 GB 3102.6-1993 光及有关电磁辐射的量和单位 Quantities and units of light and related electromagnetic radiations

11 GB 3102.7-1993 声学的量和单位 Quantities and units of acoustics

12 GB 3102.8-1993 物理化学和分子物理学的量和单位 Quantities and units of physical chemistry and molecular physics

13 GB 3102.9-1993 原子物理学和核物理学的量和单位 Quantities and units of atomic and nuclear

14 GB 3102.10-1993 核反应和电离辐射的量和单位 Quantities and units of nuclear reactions and ionizing radiations

15 GB 3102.11-1993 物理科学和技术中使用的数学符号 Mathematical signs and symbols for use in the physical sciences and technology

16 GB 3102.12-1993 特征数 Characteristic numbers

17 GB 3102.13-1993 固体物理学的量和单位 Quanities and units of solid state physics

18 GB/T 3223-1994 声学 水声换能器自由场校准方法 Acoustics--Free-field calibration method of underwater sound transducers

19 GB/T 3451-1982 标准调音频率 Standard tuning frequency

20 GB/T 3767-1996 声学 声压法测定噪声源声功率级 反射面上方近似自由场的工程法 Acoustics--Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound pressure--Engineering method in an essentially free field over a reflecting plane

21 GB/T 3768-1996 声学 声压法测定噪声源声功率级 反射面上方采用包络测量表面的简易法 Acoustics--Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound pressure--Survey method using an enveloping measurement surface over a reflecting plane

22 GB/T 4112-1983 千克力与牛顿的相互换算表 Kilogram-force and newton conversion tables

23 GB/T 4113-1983 千克力每平方厘米与兆帕斯卡的相互换算表

Kilogram-force per square centimetre and megapascal conversion tables 24 GB/T 4114-1983 千瓦小时与兆焦耳的相互换算表 Kilowatt-hour and megajoule conversion tables

25 GB/T 4115-1983 马力与千瓦的相互换算表 Hores-power and kilowatt conversion tables

26 GB/T 4116-1983 奥斯特与安培每米的相互换算表 Oersted and ampere per metre conversion tables

27 GB/T 4128-1995 声学 标准水听器 Acoustics--Standard hydrophone

28 GB/T 4129-1995 声学 噪声源声功率级的测定--标准声源的性能要求与校准 Acoustics--Determination of sound power levels of noise

sources--Requirements for the performance and calibration of reference sound source

29 GB/T 4760-1995 声学 消声器测量方法 Acoustics--Measurement procedure for silencers

30 GB/T 5037-1994 固定式杠杆秤 Stationary lever scale

31 GB/T 5111-1995 声学 铁路机车车辆辐射噪声测量 Acoustics--Measurement of noise emitted by railbound vehicles

32 GB/T 5112-1985 电子伏特与焦耳的相互换算表 Electronvolt and joule conversion tables

33 GB/T 5113-1985 原子质量单位与千克的相互换算表 Atomic mass unit and kilogram conversion tables

34 GB/T 5114-1985 阿熙提与坎德拉每平方米的相互换算表 Apostilb and Candela per square metre conversion tables

35 GB/T 5115-1985 居里与贝可勒尔的相互换算表 Curie and Becquerel conversion tables

36 GB/T 5116-1985 伦琴与库仑每千克的相互换算表 Rontgen and Coulomb per kilogram conversion tables

37 GB/T 7342-1987 测听耳机校准用IEC临时参考耦合腔 IEC provisional reference coupler for the calibration of earphones used in audiomety

38 GB/T 9648-1988 国际单位制代码 Code for international system of units

39 GB/T 12822-1991 摄影反射密度测量的几何条件 Geometric conditions for photographic reflection density measurement

40 GB/T 12823-1991 摄影密度测量的术语、符号、坐标系和函数表示法 Terms, symbols, coordinate system and functional notations for photographic density measurements

41 GB/T 13823.2-1992 振动与冲击传感器的校准方法 激光干涉法振动绝对校准 (一次校准) Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock

pick-ups--Primary vibration calibration by laser interferometry

42 GB/T 13823.3-1992 振动与冲击传感器的校准方法 正弦激励比较法校准 (二
