




T. F. T. F. T


1. after years of devoted service, the highest position a woman can expect to get is

county vice-chairman—an auxiliary and subordinate position which can be regarded as an extension of the “separate-but-equal” doctrine to the nation?s political life concerning sex differentiation.

2. The women of a nation strongly influence its morals, its religion, and its politics by

their actions.

I. 1. a successful person

2. express doubt about the truth of what I have said

3. gives…the impres sion of being

4. unseen

5. obvious

6. meetings kept secret from other people

7. present

8. beat/defeated

9. talented/likely to succeed

10. am sure

II. 1. incredulity 2. eliminate

3. suppressed

4. evasive

5. predominance

6. emphathize

7. ambassador 8. token

9. stereotypical 10. masculinity


1. reaped the rewards

2. is…content with

3. make a …difference

4. was rewarded…with

5. running for

6. think of.. .as

7. sit on

8. holding… ranks 9. build up

10. dropped out of

IV. 1. a job with no hope of promotion

2. involvement

3. bear

4. determination

5. made difficult

6. just wait and see what happens

7. an improvement or development

8. in a different light

9. equipment

10. put into effect/put in force


1. studying

2. including

3. those

4. able

5. Whether

6. stands

7. provide

8. colorful

9. females 10. younger


1. reaped the rewards

2. is…content with

3. make a …difference

4. was rewarded…with

5. running for

6. think of.. .as

7. sit on

8. holding… ranks 9. build up

10. dropped out of

IV. 1. a job with no hope of promotion

2. involvement

3. bear

4. determination

5. made difficult

6. just wait and see what happens

7. an improvement or development

8. in a different light

9. equipment

10. put into effect/put in force


1. studying

2. including

3. those

4. able

5. Whether

6. stands

7. provide

8. colorful

9. females 10. younger

1. My report may strike some people as pessimistic, but at least it?s realistic about the

problems we face.

2. It was an interesting book, full of fascinating insights into human relationships.

3. I found it quite a handicap not to have a car in the country.

4. The police have eliminated the possibility that it could have been an accident

because it was so well timed.

1. My report may strike some people as pessimistic, but at least it?s realistic about the

problems we face.

2. It was an interesting book, full of fascinating insights into human relationships.

3. I found it quite a handicap not to have a car in the country.

4. The police have eliminated the possibility that it could have been an accident

because it was so well timed.

5. She looked at him with undisguised contempt.

6. The characters in the book are just stereotypes.

7. You will soon reap the various benefits of being fir as long as you keep doing


8. If you try to evade paying your taxes you run the risk of going to prison.

9. He kept trying to mold me into what he wanted me to be.

10. We don?t have a screen but we can project the slides onto the back wall.






F. T. F. T. F

IV. 1. The truth gathered from that experience is really very common or ordinary, just as the experience itself: Life?s gifts are precious, but we are often blind to them.

2. Put all these virtues together, glorify them despite the fact that they are still

imperfect, add to them the wisdom of humankind that is saved from sins and no longer suffers from poverty and fighting, and then we will have a future glowing with hope.

I. 1. dimmed, diminished

2. enjoyed the golden sunshine

3. goes on, we become aware of the second truth

4. suffer losses, mature because of the losses

5. face up to our own death which no one can escape.

6. lasts for only a short time

7. limited, eternal

8. continue to exist for a long time

9. die, become dry and decay


1. preoccupation

2. enduring

3. reverently

4. passionately

5. progression

6. inevitability

7. eternity 8. relentlessly

9. perishable 10. Imperfections



2. on the wane

3. redeem…from

4. From…glean

5. respond to

6. Let go

7. dawned on 8. pored over

9. keep…in perspective

10. wither away


1. react to emergencies

2. has submitted an official offer to leave her job

3. paid no attention to/ignored

4. admire and have great respect for, and sometimes a slight fear of

5. likes…very much

6. getting better after a medical operation or illness

7. moving forward

8. in an effort to achieve

9. was unexpectedly defeated

10. the only good thing that prevented it from being completely bad

VI. 1. depends 2. raised

3. subjects

4. rather


6. with

7. little 8. not

9. for 10. from

11. environment 12. personality

13. theirs 14. no

15. homes 16. enough

17. best 18. bad

19. becomes 20. case

1. She relinquished control of the family investment to her son.

2. With a knife clenched between his teeth, the boy climbed up the tree to cut some


3. This small company has been enjoined to end all such restrictions on consumers.

4. They were finally reconciled to each other, after not on speaking terms for nearly

five years.

5. We only have a finite amount of time to complete this task—we can?t continue


6. He nearly died in the car accident and was in intensive care for over a month.

7. It is an interesting book, full of valuable insights into human relationships.

8. I had a dim recollection of having met her many years ago.

9. I don?t relish telling her that her son has been arrested.

10. The demise of the company was sudden and unexpected.

Most full-time students at American universities must have health insurance. This is because health costs in the US are high. Colleges are not able to pay the costs if students suffer serious accidents or sickness.

Many American colleges have health centers where doctors and nurses treat student s? medical problems. This service may be included in the cost of attending college.

Health insurance is usually needed for extra services.

Students may already be protected under their parents? health insurance policies. If not,

many colleges offer their own insurance plans.

Students can also buy independent insurance policies from insurance companies. The details of such policies differ, depending on where the students live. Usually, these policies pay for doctor visits, treatment of injuries and hospital costs.

All in all, people in the US are responsible for their own medical costs. These can be extremely high in cases of serious illness or accidents. The purpose of health insurance is to make sure that these costs will be paid for.




T. F. F. T. F

IV. 1. The other thing one should avoid is being emotionally attached to young people, from whom one hopes to draw energy and vigor.

2. …and it is in this area of impersonal interests (such as academic and artistic

interests) that the wisdom you have accumulated in your life can be practized without putting any pressure on your children and grandchildren.

I. a. with reference to/relating to

2.ancestors who lived a long time ago; especially

3.3. tell

4. bid farewell to/were separated from; what a miserable life I should live

5. for the reason that; healthful

6. we should prevent from happening/we should watch out for



8. a good person 9. tiredness or boredom

10. what distinguishes your own self others gradually disappears; becomes one withII.

1. miscarriages

2. habitually

3. unduly

4. absorption

5. vigorous

6. vitality

7. contemplation

8. allowance

9. justifiably 10. oppressive

III. 1. in…respect s 2. merge…into

3. as regards

4. guard against

5. cut off

6. concern…with

7. in…infancy8. sucked into

9. in…spheres10. cheated…of

IV. 1. future generations

2. by skilled people

3. engrossment in, or preoccupation with her work



5. when dealing with money

6. expenses on which no taxes are paid

7. There was a good reason for her actions

8. satisfied 9. separated/open

10. avoids paying taxes by using illegal methods

VI. 1. invention 2. recently

3. past

4. proof

5. knows

6. importance

7. time 8. though

9. life 10. smile

11. contributes 12. age

13. part 14. stressed

15. control 16. key

1. She has a miserable existence living with him.

2. His essays are models of clarity and brevity.

3. It might sound callous, but I don?t care if he?s homeless.

4. He is almost abject in his respect for his boss.

5. The painful memories gradually receded in her mind.

6. We should guard against overreactions to their provocation.

7. You?d better concern yourself wi th your own business and not mine!

8. the film is good wholesome family entertainment.

9. He felt an oppressive sense of guilt.

10. He is accused of playing an ignoble part in the plot.












F. T. F. T. F

IV. 1. Possession is the same as loss, because when gains the possession of something, he losses something else or he also gains the risk of losing that possession.

2. Perhaps I shall also build stone walls before it is too late. I shall keep the wood

exclusively to myself and enjoy the satisfaction of being a man of property.

I. 1. share my shame

2. climbing, the direct opposite of

3. stepped on, broken

4. was frightened, the row of bushes along the edge of my wood

5. extremely wrong

6. buy the whole field from Mrs. Henessy so that I can own all of it, attacked me from

all sides

7. are the result of, a failure

8. beyond our reach, cuts…in as a replacement

9. troubled by, has made up his mind immediately

1. intersection

2. crystalline

3. ascetic

4. depreciated

5. immensity

6. nucleus

7. pretentiousness 8. attainable

9. entanglements 10. Circulation

1. thrust...into

2. woven into

3. come to

4. entangled with

5. pushed in

6. springs from

7. Union Jack 8. round off

9. buy out 10. took fright

11. had…effect on

1. fixed between and unable to move away from

2. is 6 kilometers heavier

3. walk in a tired way

4. controls

5. how enthusiastic the children are about life

6. made me accept it

7. beautifully

8. move around and talk to a lot of people at a party

9. stopped moving

10. an extremely large amount of money


1. beliefs

2. question

3. accept

4. while

5. in

6. category

7. methods 8. world

9. that 10. based

11. Through 12. truth

13. on 14. others

1. The two streets intersect in the city center.

2. She is slim and shy—the very antithesis of her sister.

3. You?ll snap that ruler if you bend it too far.

4. I kept treading on his toes when we were dancing.

5. I could see by the looks on their faces that something was amiss.

6. She has shunned publicity since she retired from the theatre.

7. He got the germ of this novel when he was working on a farm 30 years ago.

8. I hear that he was entangled in a murder case.

9. The number of college students has quadrupled in the last ten years.

10. They thrust a microphone in front of me and fired questions at me.

I love flowers and hence have taken to growing them. But, short of time to do

research and experiments in flower cultivation, I am no gardener at all. I merely take flower cultivation as a pleasure of life. I really don?t care wh ether or not my flowers will put forth plump and nice-looking blossoms. I?ll be delighted as long as they can blossom. In summer, flowersand plants growing in luxuriance in my

small courtyard will leave little open space as a playground for the little cats, so they have to sport about on the roof instead.

I grow many flowers, but none of them are exotic or rare ones. It is difficult to grow a

precious flower species. And I feel bad to see a good flower dying of illness. I don?t want to often shed tears over that. But Beijing?s climate is more or less unfit for growing flowers.

Freezing in winter, windy in spring, and either too dry or too often visited by rainstorms in summer. While autumn is the best of all, it is often plagued by sudden frost. In a climate like this, it is far beyond my capacity to grow precious southern breeds of flowers. Therefore, I only grow flowers and plant that are hardy and enjoy a high survival rate.



F. F. T. T. F


1. You don?t have to care what the critics say about a bo ok, nor how they praise a

book in one voice. All their evaluations do not concern you, unless the book itself interests you.

2. …I read history, or essays, when I finish a day?s work and feel relaxed, but not in

the mood to exert too much mental effort…

I. 1. read with unresisting acceptance because we know we have to, eagerness

2. at a suitable time in the future

3. for a long time have generally been accepted as the most important books

4. full of mistakes, famous and respected

5. ease the painful feeling, kill the pain

6. forced to

7. warms me up and gets me ready for a whole day?s work

8. ready for, a toilsome/difficult nature

9. I have not treated the book in a way that is fair

10. tend to, it might have been equally good if I had never read it


1. resignation

2. supremacy

3. unanimously

4. eminence

5. applicable

6. miscellany

7. chronology 8. attentively

9. inclination 10. strenuously


1. do justice

2. resigned from

3. robbed…of

4. dip into

5. apply to

6. inclined to

7. classed as 8. apt to

9. set…off10. extracted from

11. stalled off 12. with…equanimity


1. a moment which causes great excitement

2. There was so little wind

3. asked them to leave

4. visit a doctor

5. is likely to

6. pleasure and interest

7. made the alarm bells ring

8. I more disagree than agree

9. I?ve read only a few pages of the book, not from cover to cover

10. fairness has been achieved


1. enlarge

2. advantage

3. soul

4. moves

5. life

6. learn

7. wrongs 8. bring

9. through 10. frees

11. common 12. happened

13. belongs 14. regretted

15. closed 16. information

17. live 18. furnishes

19. sense 20 place

1. She accepted the money with alacrity.

2. He is still enjoying the savor of victory.

3. She has been eminent in philosophy for many years.

4. The increase in inflation is due to higher prices for food and miscellaneous

household items.

5. Despite his promotion to general manager, his desire for power was not assuaged.

6. It?s just another poem on the pain of unrequited love.

7. The novel is not entirely written in a chronological order.

8. His doctor advised his not to take any strenuous exercise.

9. She did not begin to regain her equanimity till three years after the tragedy.

10. there is still time if you feel inclined to have a cup off cooffee.




T. F. F. F. T

IV. 1. …but it is necessary to write a letter to a friend, and, the moment he begins to do it, affectionate thoughts immediately flood into his head and are expressed in well-chosen words…

2. How beautiful are the walking steps and shapes of the two friends who are gifted

and devoted, when they approach the one who is waiting for them in excitement.

3. …as many noble thoughts come true one after another, we shall gradually create a

new world.

I. 1. provide him with

2. highly praised, everyone in the family has a mixed feeling of excitement and


3. beautified/endowed (him with these qualities)

4. than we usually do

5. changed into a completely different form

6. come true one after another, a traditional world


1. indulgent

2. exhilaration

3. benevolent

4. complacency

5. meditation

6. palpitations

7. commendation

8. partiality

9. vulgarity

10. pilgrimage


1. encounter with

2. trooped after

3. invested with

4. abide by

5. stands for

6. getting up

7. in succession

8. bat hes …in

9. Furnished with

10. by and by


1. a wide and happy smile

2. too much

3. an apartment with furniture in it

4. unwanted government involvement in

5. it deserves praise

6. my life got its meaning and importance only from my job

7. a wrong belief

8. to support

9. as winter draws nearer

10. become aware of


1. about

2. find

3. take

4. which

5. thinking

6. center

7. bored 8. different 9. good

10. well 11. want

12. everything 13. possibly

14. make 15. personality

16. detail 17. what

18. information 19. flavors

1. I rejoiced to see that she had made such a quick recovery.

2. They spent much of the time reminiscing about the war, as old soldiers are wont to


3. The awkward boy I knew has metamorphosed into a tall, confident man.

4. They story invests these old ruins with mystery.

5. She chided him for his bad manners.

6. Reports that children had been hurt have been not been substantiated.

7. There?s no room for complacency if we want to stay in this competition.

8. Most of the w orks produced in his later years are the composer?s meditations on the

essence of life.

9. the rich father indulged his daughter with too much pocket money.

10. He has a partiality for expensive suits.

Mr. L had been a member of the literary circles for years without attracting any public attention. He felt rather deserted, and so he managed, through various personal connections, to invite Mr. J., a famous literary critic, to an elaborate dinner besides presenting him with expensive gifts. Mr. J. was quite moved by Mr. L?s hospitality and promised right away, “It?s not fair that you have been so ignored!

I must write an article for a key newspaper to recommend your works. The

merits of your works are…”

Mr. L hastily cut in, shaking his head and waving his h ands, “No! No! I only beg you to write a very severe criticism against me. From my years of experience, I have come to the conclusion that all articles you criticize will become popular not only in our country but also around the world. Meanwhile, you gain greater fame and interests through your criticism. This is indeed …extremes meet and will only end up with mutual help and benefit!?”

综合英语教程第一册Unit1 课件

上课 时间 上课节次课型Required Course 课题Unit 1 My first Job 教学目的1. Functions: greetings &farewells 2. Grammatical points: this/that be + n. or adj. 3. Vocabulary: run, offer, except for, figure, promote, you’d better, how about, as far as … is concerned, take a day off, bring in, beam 教学 方法 Classroom Instruction讲授、问答、讨论、模仿、练习、任务型教学活动 重点难点1. Practice different ways of greeting and introducing /identifying people 2. Learn to understand and talk about value system in western culture, such as team spirit and royalty, through reading, discussion and task-based activities. 时间分配教学内容 板书或课件版面 设计 2 periods Part I Listening and Speaking Activities Step 1 warming-up exercises 1.Duty report Ask the student talk about his or her feelings towards college life. Step2 lead-in 1.bring a few pictures of my family to the class for teaching introduction. 2.explain my family name, given name and what you prefer to be called by my students. https://www.360docs.net/doc/e215301173.html,ing pictures to teach “this is /that is” 4.ask students to play “a passing ball game” to practise these two sentences pattern. Step 3 Listening activity 1.practise the classroom English. 2.Have the students listen to the conversation twice. Work individually to answer the questions. 3.check the answers for the class. Step 4 Speaking activity Conversation 1 1.explain that friendly greetings can be followed by an offer of help: Hi, may I help you? 2.explain that possible responses may be: No. Thank you. I have been helped. I’m being helped. 3.explain the language in conversation one by using Useful Structures and Expressions. https://www.360docs.net/doc/e215301173.html,anize reading aloud practice and correct pronunciation problems. 5.have students make a new conversation by using the substitutes word. 6.have some students present the conversation(s) they have made up. Conversation 2 1.explain the language in Conversation 2 2.have the students read aloud, check their pronunciation. 3.encourage the students to make a new conversation by using the substitutes. Notes Family name: the name shared by the members of a family Given name: the name given to a child by the child’s parents The train will be arriving at Shanghai: will +be +v-ing, the future continuous tense for a scheduled event which is coming soon It’s been nice talking to you: in American English, people also use It’s been nice to talk to you. Have a happy landing: a farewell used only to people who are going to make a plane trip 、 管 路 敷 设 技 术 通 过 管 线 敷 设 技 术 不 仅 可 以 解 决 吊 顶 层 配 置 不 规 范 高 中 资 料 试 卷 问 题 , 而 且 可 保 障 各 类 管 路 习 题 到 位 。 在 管 路 敷 设 过 程 中 , 要 加 强 看 护 关 于 管 路 高 中 资 料 试 卷 连 接 管 口 处 理 高 中 资 料 试 卷 弯 扁 度 固 定 盒 位 置 保 护 层 防 腐 跨 接 地 线 弯 曲 半 径 标 高 等 , 要 求 技 术 交 底 。 管 线 敷 设 技 术 中 包 含 线 槽 、 管 架 等 多 项 方 式 , 为 解 决 高 中 语 文 电 气 课 件 中 管 壁 薄 、 接 口 不 严 等 问 题 , 合 理 利 用 管 线 敷 设 技 术 。 线 缆 敷 设 原 则 : 在 分 线 盒 处 , 当 不 同 电 压 回 路 交 叉 时 , 应 采 用 金 属 隔 板 进 行 隔 开 处 理 ; 同 一 线 槽 内 , 强 电 回 路 须 同 时 切 断 习 题 电 源 , 线 缆 敷 设 完 毕 , 要 进 行 检 查 和 检 测 处 理 。 、 电 气 课 件 中 调 试 对 全 部 高 中 资 料 试 卷 电 气 设 备 , 在 安 装 过 程 中 以 及 安 装 结 束 后 进 行 高 中 资 料 试 卷 调 整 试 验 ; 通 电 检 查 所 有 设 备 高 中 资 料 试 卷 相 互 作 用 与 相 互 关 系 , 根 据 生 产 工 艺 高 中 资 料 试 卷 要 求 , 对 电 气 设 备 进 行 空 载 与 带 负 荷 下 高 中 资 料 试 卷 调 控 试 验 ; 对 设 备 进 行 调 整 使 其 在 正 常 工 况 下 与 过 度 工 作 下 都 可 以 正 常 工 作 ; 对 于 继 电 保 护 进 行 整 核 对 定 值 , 审 核 与 校 对 图 纸 , 编 写 复 杂 设 备 与 装 置 高 中 资 料 试 卷 调 试 方 案 , 编 写 重 要 设 备 高 中 资 料 试 卷 试 验 方 案 以 及 系 统 启 动 方 案 ; 对 整 套 启 动 过 程 中 高 中 资 料 试 卷 电 气 设 备 进 行 调 试 工 作 并 且 进 行 过 关 运 行 高 中 资 料 试 卷 技 术 指 导 。 对 于 调 试 过 程 中 高 中 资 料 试 卷 技 术 问 题 , 作 为 调 试 人 员 , 需 要 在 事 前 掌 握 图 纸 资 料 、 设 备 制 造 厂 家 出 具 高 中 资 料 试 卷 试 验 报 告 与 相 关 技 术 资 料 , 并 且 了 解 现 场 设 备 高 中 资 料 试 卷 布 置 情 况 与 有 关 高 中 资 料 试 卷 电 气 系 统 接 线 等 情 况 , 然 后 根 据 规 范 与 规 程 规 定 , 制 定 设 备 调 试 高 中 资 料 试 卷 方 案 。 、 电 气 设 备 调 试 高 中 资 料 试 卷 技 术 电 力 保 护 装 置 调 试 技 术 , 电 力 保 护 高 中 资 料 试 卷 配 置 技 术 是 指 机 组 在 进 行 继 电 保 护 高 中 资 料 试 卷 总 体 配 置 时 , 需 要 在 最 大 限 度 内 来 确 保 机 组 高 中 资 料 试 卷 安 全 , 并 且 尽 可 能 地 缩 小 故 障 高 中 资 料 试 卷 破 坏 范 围 , 或 者 对 某 些 异 常 高 中 资 料 试 卷 工 况 进 行 自 动 处 理 , 尤 其 要 避 免 错 误 高 中 资 料 试 卷 保 护 装 置 动 作 , 并 且 拒 绝 动 作 , 来 避 免 不 必 要 高 中 资 料 试 卷 突 然 停 机 。 因 此 , 电 力 高 中 资 料 试 卷 保 护 装 置 调 试 技 术 , 要 求 电 力 保 护 装 置 做 到 准 确 灵 活 。 对 于 差 动 保 护 装 置 高 中 资 料 试 卷 调 试 技 术 是 指 发 电 机 一 变 压 器 组 在 发 生 内 部 故 障 时 , 需 要 进 行 外 部 电 源 高 中 资 料 试 卷 切 除 从 而 采 用 高 中 资 料 试 卷 主 要 保 护 装 置 。


Book1 课后习题 Unit1 Never Say Goodbye I. Explain the italicized part in each sentence in your own words. 1. When I was ten I was suddenly confronted with the anguish of moving from the only home. 2. … they all have one thing in common: sadness. 3. … in that place in your heart where summer is an always time. 4. Don’t ever give in to the sadness and the loneliness of that word. 5. Take that special hello and lock it away within you. II. Fill in each blank with one of the two words from each pair in their appropriate forms and note the difference of meaning between them. 1. SHUDDER SHAKE a. Seeing the referee drawing out the yellow card, the coach began ————————— his fist in rage. b. She ————————— at the touch of his leathery hand. c. The tree branches were ———————— in that sudden gust of win d. d. He ———————— breathlessly in the doorway until his pursuers had raced past. 2. ANSWER REPLY a. He had hoped that divorce would be the —————— to all his problems. b. We are still waiting for him to ——————— to our requests for further assistance. c. In ——————— to his suggestions, they have decided to consult him for more details. d. He ———————— his critics by claiming that he was responding to the new needs of globalization. 3. COMMON GENERAL a. The ———————— impression we got was that they were not interested in the new project. b. It was claimed in the newly published report that higher education, in ———————— , is financially in trouble. c. It may be said that good health is a ———————— condition, and that occasional sickness is —————— . d. AIDS is becoming the most ———————— cause of death among drug addicts. 4. SMALL TINY a. A ———————— house would do perfectly for the two of them. b. “Get back on board!” I shouted as his ———————— figure struggled up the river bank. c. Displayed at the exhibition were some ———————— toy soldiers that were beautifully carve d. d. The visitor was a ———————— man who would give every appearance of self-importanc e. III. Choose a word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences. 1. She suffered great mental ——————— after her husband died, and as a result she became mad. A. anger B. discomfort C. Unhappiness D. anguish 2. She offered me some food that had a ———————— taste. A. special B. peculiar C. particular D. Concrete 3. Building the proposed underground railway may ———————— much more than the government could pay. A. spend B. cost C. take D. Waste 4. Realizing the immense international pressure, the President ———————— stepped down. A. conspicuously B. gracefully C. lonely D. truly 5. The audience whistled and shouted, waiting for her to sing one ———————— song. A. last B. final C. ending D. concluding 6. During the war, all the women were left unloved, exhausted, impoverished and ——————— .


期末考试试题及答案2008年1月 ⅠVocabulary and Structure (20%) 1. Have they achieved the American dream _ are they on _____ street? A good B easy C rich D simple 2.The room is in a terrible mess; it ___ cleaned. A would have been B mustn?t have been C shouldn?t have been D can?t have been 3. _____, the chances of winning the lottery are very small. A On purpose B In turn C In reality D With pleasure 4. Charlie ___ his trip to London because he couldn?t get a passport in time. A have canceled B has to cancel C must cancel D had to cancel 5. We were ____ for half an hour in the traffic and so we arrived late. A kept off B broken down C put back D held up 6. She _____ waited until they had finished , and then she began to speak calmly but firmly. A peculiarly B pathetically C perfectly D patiently 7.It is better to _____ schoolchildren by feeding them good food. A notice B neglect C witness D nourish 8. ___ the traffic jam, I wouldn?t have been late for the dinner party. A Were it not for B But C Only if D If not 9. the first place ____ in the factory was the tool room. A where we visited B we visited in C we visited D which we visited 10. ____, I will learn it well. A No matter how English is difficult B However English is difficult C However difficult English is D No matter how difficult is English ⅡCloze (20%) When a German couple noticed a man?s head and shoulder sticking out of a glacier in the Austrian Alps recently, they made history. The frozen corpse was about five feet 11 and scientists who helicoptered to the site determined that it was 4,000 years old – the first 12 body ever found from the Bronze Age. Mummified by the wind and snow, he came 13 with sikn, bones, internal organs, and fingernails. He was 14 in leather shoes and finely stitched leather suit, insulted with hay. An array of weapons and equipment was found alongside him_ 15 a leather quiver with fourteen arrows, a stone necklace, a fire flint, a knife, and an ax with a crude bronze head. “The find is of 16 scientific meaning,”said Lonrad Spindler, professor of early and Primeval History at the University of Innsbruck, who is investigating the 17 . Skeletal remains of buried corpses have been excavated before in Bronze Age graves. But “the iceman,”as Austrian newspapers dubbed him, was going about the normal course of life when he died 18 the ages of 20 and 40, which means he should yield a reassure-trove of information about conditions 4,000 years ago. Scientists plans to 19 the contents of his stomach and intestine for clues to the Bronze Age diet, illnesses, and parasites. They also hoped to 20 the glacier site further for companions. 11. A tall B height C long D length 12. A steady B great C alive D intact


综合教程部分 第一单元 : 卷A 全新版第二版综合 B3U1-A Part I Listening Comprehension ( 14 minutes ) Section A 1. A) T B) F Script: Mr. Doherty always dreams of writing about life on the farm so he moved to a farm with his family. 正确答案:B 2. A) T B) F Script: Living on the farm gives them more opportunities to enjoy outdoor activities a nd get close to nature. 正确答案:A 3. A) T B) F Script: Mrs. Doherty has to give up writing to maintain the farm because her husband is too busy writing to make more money. 正确答案:B 4. A) T B) F Script: The first winter on the farm was miserable because it was cold and boring. 正确答案:B 5. A) T B) F Script: Mr. Doherty decided to give up his fulltime job and depend totally on freelanc e the second year on the farm because he had to spend more time on the farm. 正确答案:A 6. A) T B) F


The Final Examination Paper for the Comprehensive English Course for English Majors Grade 2008 ( 2009.1) (英语专业2008级综合英语第一学期期末试题) Part I. Dictation (15分) Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning? For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase. The last reading will be read at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. Part II. Cloze (20分) Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Mark the best choice for each blank on your answer sheet. In Japan, most people still feel that a woman’s place is in the home; and mo st women willingly accept their___1____role as a house wife, leaving the business of making a living ____2____their husbands. For those who do want a ____3___of their own, opportunities are limited, and working women usually have to___4___for lower wages, fewer promotions(提升), less responsible____5.____. In America, on the other hand, most women, ___6___wives and mothers, work most of their lives. But____7___, few have had real careers. As in Japan most fields are ___8____by men and opportunities foe women have been ____9___, salaries low, chances for advancement ____10. American women work mainly because they___11____; in these days of inflation(经济萧条)and luxury living, ___12___income per family is simply not enough to ____13__. So American women actually have two jobs: one is nine-to-five position outside the home, and ____14___is round-the-clock in-the-home job____15__wife, housemaid, cook and nurse. One of the main goals of the modern women’s liberation movement, which started ____16__, was to eliminate sex discrimination in the work force, and to ___17___careers for women that were previously ___18___for men. And though there is a long way to____19____, a lot of progress has been___20____. 1. A. conservative B. usual C. traditional D. unhappy 2. A. for B. on C. up to D. away with 3. A. job B. career C. work D. post 4. A. settle B. make C. search D. give 5. A. titles B. status C. assignments D. positions 6. A concerning B. including C. containing D. involving 7. A at present B. until recently C. lastly D. not until recently 8. A. owned B. kept C. led D. dominated 9. A. restricted B. bounded C. stopped D. prevented 10. A. small B. inadequate C. rare D. hard 11. A. should B. like C. ought D. have to 12. A. one B single C. only D. the only 13. A. live B. live on C. support D. stay 14. A another B. one C. other D. the other 15. A. such B. like C. as D. acting 16. A. in the early 1960s B. in early the 1960s C. early in the 1960 D. in the early 1960 17. A. lead to B. open up C cause D. set 18. A. preserved B. observed C. concerned D. reserved 19. A. go B. travel C. trip D. pull 20. A. made B. taken C. covered D. completed Part III. Vocabulary (20分) There are twenty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answers on your answer sheet. 21. He was put into prison, but he never_____, and continued his fight. A. gave up B. gave in C. stopped D. retreated 22. The late arrivals for the musical were ______to their seats. A. hurried B. rushed C. hastened D. quickened 23. The poverty-________economies of Asian countries received the biggest loan from the World Bank last year. A. striking B. struck C. stricken D. severe 24. The government finally apologized for feeding the public with _______facts. A. artificial B. man-made C. fake D. false 25. The company said that the _________for the next year was encouraging although marketing was still a weak area for them. A. future B. view C. condition D. outlook 26. Of the seven songs broadcast on TV , only two of them were _______. A. live B. alive C. living D. lively 27. He was working on a children ’s book___________ “Limerick ”. A. entitled B. headed C. labeled D. tagged 28. He used to give me much _________advice and encouragement. A. sound B. deep C. exact D. thorough 院系 班级 姓名 学号


新编大学英语综合教程1答案 : 篇一:新编大学英语综合教程一课后翻译 Unit 1 1.3000多辆汽车因刹车问题昨日被召回(because of ;recall) 1. More than 3000 cars were recalled yesterday because of a brake problem. 2. 他尽管病得很重,但还是来参加会议了。(despite) 2. He came to the meeting despite his serious illness. 3. 要确保同样得错误今后不再发生了。(see it that) 3. See to it that the same mistake won t happen again. 4. 现在他们之间的了解多了一些,他们相处得就好些了。(now that) 4. Now that they ve got to know more about each other,they get along better. 5. 此时我发现自己被五六个男孩子围住了。(find oneself) 5. Then Ifound myself surrounded by five or six boys. 6. 在这幸福的时刻,我向你致以最美好的祝愿。(on occasion) 6. I send you my best wishes on this happy occasion. Unit 2 1 昨天我去牙科医生那儿将我的一颗蛀牙拔掉了。(pull out) 1 I went to the dentist yesterday to have a bad/decayed tooth pulled out.


《大学英语(I )》试卷 本卷共12页 第1页 《大学英语(I )》试卷 本卷共12页 第2页 试卷题型类似,各大学通用,主要熟悉熟悉题型。 祝大家门门九十分! 《大学英语(I )》考试试卷(时间120分钟) Directions: In this section you will hear 10 statements. Each statement will be read only once. Then there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four suggested choices marked A, B, C, D, and decide which is closest in meaning to the sentence you have just heard. Then mark the corresponding letter in the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1. A. He wants to play tennis. B. He likes to play tennis, but he does not want to play now. C. He does not like to play tennis. D. He always likes to play tennis. 2. A. He arrived at 4:20. B. It was 3:25 when we met. C. I met him at 3:45. D. We met at 4:05. 3. A. I would repeat the same mistakes. B. It ’s a mistake to want to be younger. C. I make mistakes because I am young. D. I would do things differently if I were young again. 4. A. He never walks to the library at night. B. There is only one librarian here at night. C. The library is the only place to study at. D. He never works in the library in the daytime. 5. A. The children went home before finishing their game. B. One child left earlier than the others. C. Two children went home before the third stopped playing. D. Two children stopped playing before the third one left. 6. A. While dinner was cooking, we went to the store. B. We cooked dinner, visited the store and slept. C. After shopping, we had dinner and slept. D. We ate and then were too tired to shop. 7. A. The bridge was too narrow. B. The engineer thought the bridge too wide. C. At the engineer ’s insistence, they leveled the bridge. D. All agreed that the bridge was too high. 8. A. It was not late when we called you. B. It was late, so we didn ’t call you. C. It was late, but we called you. D. It was not late, but we didn ’t call you. 9. A. This country is rich in oil resources. B. This country does not produce oil. C. This country produces a lot of oil. D. This country does produce oil, but not much. 10. A. Let ’s start to work. B. Let ’s stop working. C. Let ’s stop working and have some drink. D. We ’ll not stop working. Section B Directions: In this section you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said, The conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C), D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter in the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 11. A. By plane. B. By bus. C. By car. D. By train. 12. A. She doesn ’t know his music. B. She likes Bach better than Beethoven. C. She doesn ’t like him. D. She likes him better than Bach. 13. A. Why should he? 学院: 年级/班级: 姓名: 学号: 装 订 线 内 不 要 答 题 Part I Listening Comprehension (20%)
